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BI Software Research

  • 7 Features ECM Systems Need for a Modern User Experience

    Sponsored by: Microsoft

    In this e-guide, expert consultant Reda Chouffani explores how to adapt ECM to handle increasing volumes of content and coordinate with cloud-based systems. Discover 7 key capabilities of modern ECM systems like robust mobility, seamless integration with LOB systems, analytics, and 4 more.

  • Testimonial: Publishing Company Goes Digital, Leverages Analytics

    Sponsored by: IBM

    This brief video discusses how John Wiley & Sons handled the transition from traditional publishing to the digital frontier, and how they stayed on top of their data analytics from day one. Watch now to see their business hurdles, and how they overcame them.

  • Business Intelligence: Making the Most of Your Dashboard Investments

    Sponsored by: IBM

    The following white paper explores how with the effective use of dashboards, you can vastly improve the quality and effectiveness of the insights you gain from your BI and analytics systems. Learn what leading organizations are doing, which technology recommendations you should consider, and more.

  • Tax Revenue Management and Economic Vitality

    Sponsored by: IBM

    This whitepaper offers essential advice for governments looking to maximize their resources while increasing their capabilities. Read on to see how analytics could be the answer, offering deeper value from your tax revenue streams.

  • Big Data Poses Weighty Challenges for Data Integration Best Practices

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Data Management

    Organizations that deploy big data platforms are finding that they also need an upgraded data integration framework to meet rising demands. In this expert handbook, uncover advice on how to navigate the demands of big data architectures, high volume data warehousing, and data lakes by updating your data integration strategy.

  • From Hours to Seconds: QuestPoint Accelerates Time to Business Intelligence with ioMemory

    Sponsored by: Dell, Inc. and Fusion-io

    This case study highlights how a global marketing and intelligence agency moved mission-critical OLTP and OLAP databases off the SAN and onto an innovative system in the database servers. This eliminated I/O delays in the transactional databases and accelerated reporting times in its data warehouse.

  • Checklist For Achieving BI Agility: How To Create An Agile BI Environment

    Sponsored by: MicroStrategy

    The following white paper explores the importance of having an agile business intelligence solution for survival in today's market. Learn how to facilitate a more agile BI environment and gain access to the Agile BI checklist—a helpful tool to use on the road to BI success.

  • Simple is STILL Better: Embrace Speed & Simplicity for a Competitive Edge

    Sponsored by: IBM

    Access this whitepaper for an in-depth look into best practices for handling customer data to pull valuable insights for your business. Topics include: Achieving simplicity and performance, analyzing data at speed, and more.

  • High Performance Analytics Benchmark Results

    Sponsored by: MicroStrategy

    The following white paper explores the current market need for higher performance analytics and introduces an all-inclusive analytics solution that can handle complex environments, big data growth, and scalability. Read on to learn how you can gain better actionable insights, save capital, and more.

  • Business Intelligence: TDWI - Forward-Looking Business Intelligence

    Sponsored by: IBM

    The following white paper explores how businesses that are embracing forward thinking can do so by adopting a predictive analytics solution. Uncover the top 4 reasons why predictive analytics lead to greater business value, improved efficiencies, and more.

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