BI Software IT Downloads
Yellowfin Business Intelligence 4.0
Sponsored by: YellowfinYellowfin lowers the complexity of your reporting environment. Yellowfin has been specifically designed to enable end users to easily create and access reports via a browser.
Microsoft Dynamics GP Trial
Sponsored by: MicrosoftDownload this complimentary trial and see how it delivers business intelligence capabilities through a broad range of flexible, customizable analytics, reporting and budgeting tools to meet your company's needs.
Actuate Rich Information Applications Platform Tour
Sponsored by: ActuateDiscover how Actuate enables organizations to make interactions and service a better, more convenient experience for their customers.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Trial
Sponsored by: MicrosoftLearn how to automate and streamline financial, customer relationship and supply chain processes with Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Docmosis V2.0
Sponsored by: DocmosisGenerating reports from Java applications has traditionally been a difficult task with heavy coding effort in development and maintenance. Even where graphical tools are provided, users must learn how to use a new and sometimes cumbersome tool.