Network Storage Research
CW APAC, February 2020: Expert Advice: Container Storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this handbook, focused on storage in the Asia-Pacific region, Computer Weekly looks at how container applications can make companies more agile, the cost benefits of data storage and the most common data storage myths that need to be debunked.
MicroScope – October 2023: Automating repetition in storage and backup management
Sponsored by: MicroScopeIn this issue, we explore how the growing hype of generative artificial intelligence is set to make change in the storage and backup management world, as well as the concerns and limits of the technology. Also, read about the importance of getting MSSPs and suppliers on the same page, and how SSC is moving to meet customer needs.
Computer Weekly – 14 May 2019: The startups transforming data analytics
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this week's Computer Weekly, we travel to Silicon Valley to meet the emerging tech startups hoping to take data analytics to a new level. The NHS desperately needs to recruit IT professionals – we look at the job opportunities. And we examine the best ways to keep cloud costs under control. Read the issue now.
Computer Weekly – 12 February 2019: The Met Office storms ahead on data analytics
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this week's Computer Weekly, find out how the Met Office takes 2TB of weather data every hour and turns it into useful business insight. We examine whether Amazon's presence in the retail market is putting off other retailers from using its public cloud services. And we look at the new 802.11ax wireless networking standard. Read the issue now.
MicroScope July 2019: The effects of Brexit on business
Sponsored by: MicroScopeBrexit is still to be delivered, but the channel has to carry on as if it's business as usual
Hybrid IT: ASEAN firms shift to agile infrastructure
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this e-guide, read about hybrid IT's growing mindshare in ASEAN, Red Hat's hybrid cloud container push and what you need to consider when buying hyper-converged infrastructure systems.
AWS vs Azure vs Google: 5 key benefits each for cloud file storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this e-guide: The big three offer cloud file storage that can ease hybrid cloud operations, with consistency between cloud and on-premise as well as greater enterprise application compatibility.
A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to flash storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comCompanies have come to count on the high performance of their flash storage services. In this 12-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at the cost of a variety of options, what the big three cloud providers have to offer and how the issue of reliability is being addressed.
NVMe promises blisteringly fast flash performance
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this guide we look at the architectural issues blocking agreement on NVMe, the fundamentals that underlie NVMe and its blistering performance, the key NVMe product deployments available, and ask what will become of the storage features associated with the storage controller.
Top Five Ways to Improve E-Discovery with Archiving
Sponsored by: Symantec CorporationOrganizations are increasingly being ordered to produce email messages and other files relevant to electronic discovery - and the penalties for noncompliance with a court's discovery order can be severe. Thus it is vital that every organization manage its electronic data for fast, easy, accurate retrieval when required.