All Research Sponsored By:Symantec Corporation
Data Management Guidelines: Four Records Retention Issues To Address
This e-guide details data management guidelines to help you determine what you should keep when implementing a records retention policy. Learn about four issues that can occur if you retain too much unnecessary data, including access trouble, cost influx, and more.
Symantec Data Loss Prevention for Mobile
This webcast introduces the highest-rated DLP solution with industry-leading detection technology.
A Manifesto for Cyber Resilience
In this white paper, find out what it takes to become cyber resilient in this age of escalating threats.
What's New in Symantec Data Loss Prevention
This data sheet gives you access to over 9 reasons why you should upgrade your software that focuses on data loss prevention.
Enterprise Vault Archiving Overview
This video highlights an approach that is trusted by over 19,000 organizations worldwide to provide optimal data storage and archiving by delivering defensible deletion, faster eDiscovery times and more.
Big Data Begins with Better Backup
This video gives insight into one vendor that specializes in maintaining existing infrastructures while complimenting it with Hadoop. This allows customers to bring in new technology without having to worry about lapses in data protection.
Manage Unstructured Data with Symantec Data Insight
In this short video, learn how you can improve data governance, visibility into data usage and access permissions, and the ability to identify identity owners – not to mention reduce storage costs.
Symantec Data Insight 4.0
In this white paper, learn about Symantec Data Insight, a company that helps organizations improve unstructured data governance to reduce costs and risk through actionable intelligence into data ownership, usage, and access controls.
Manage Unstructured Data Growth with Symantec Data Insight
Today, organizations struggle with establishing what data exists, who owns the data, and how the data is being used. In this white paper, learn about how Symantec and NetApp joined forces to help organizations improve data governance.
Better Backup for Big Data
This white paper explains the challenges of modern data backup in the age of Big Data and proposes a new solution that delivers comprehensive database support, protection for data warehouse appliances, Hadoop and Big Data analytics capabilities and more.
Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 Trialware
Access this trial software by Symantec and discover the benefits of effective endpoint security.
Retail Data Breaches Expose Security Vulnerabilities – What Can We Learn?
Tune in to this informative webcast to learn about how to protect your database from breaches and other security vulnerabilities.
Webcast: Symantec Internet Security Threat Report 2014
Download and tune in to this exclusive webcast to get the Internet Security Threat Report for 2014. Get the intel you need to strengthen and defend your systems against breaches, malware, and targeted attack campaigns.
Internet Security Threat Report - 2014
This in-depth guide explores today's widespread threat landscape and 7 areas that deserve special attention in the coming year.
Molina Healthcare Minimizes Risk and Achieves Compliance with Symantec Solutions
View this webcast to learn which cost-effective solution Molina Healthcare chose to help them maintain continuous compliance with a variety of regulations.
Focused IT Compliance at Barnabas Health
In this webcast, Barnabas Health leaders share their experience with an always-on compliance management solution that simplified administrative, policy, and risk management.
Providence Health & Services is Reacting to Threats Five Times Faster
This case study features Providence Health & Services experience with a managed security services provider that offered reliable and efficient security management.
Simplify implementation of the HITRUST Common Security Framework
Click through to explore the Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST) common security framework (CSF) which harmoniously combines compliance management controls for simplified, cost-effective HCO audit preparation.
Industry Perspectives: The Impact of HIPAA and HITECH
This white paper features a set of solutions that address not only compliance concerns, but the overarching risk potential in today's healthcare environments.
Breach Prevention Industry Best Practices & Standards Data Sheet: Industry Perspectives – Healthcare
This informative paper examines how you can build a formidable breach prevention strategy designed specifically for healthcare.
SSD Architecture: Three Deployment Options
This e-guide reveals 3 main ways to deploy SSDs and the pros and cons of each method.
Running VDI, Virtual Machines on SSD: Matching Form Factor to Application
This e-guide features an interview with George Crump, lead analyst and founder of Storage Switzerland, an analyst firm that focuses on storage, virtualization and cloud technology, which offers up tips and advice on running virtual desktops and virtual machines on solid-state storage.
Dynamic Storage Tiering Options
This expert e-guide explains the various dynamic storage tiering product categories and which would be most beneficial for your environment.
Webcast: Imagine a Data Center without SANs: Optimize Cost and Performance for your Data Center with Solid-State Storage
In this webinar, discover how you can take advantage of new business value as data centers evolve and modernize with revolutionary solid-state storage technologies.
Running Highly Available, High Performance Databases in a SAN-Free Environment
This white paper highlights an in-server solid-state solution that will provide you with 4 times the performance of traditional SAN at an 80% cost reduction.