All Research Sponsored By:Microsoft
Developing an Integrated Customer and Employee Experience
Employees often use software that's much older and hard to use than the applications that customers use. Increasingly that gap detracts from both experiences. Learn how to fix it with our new guide to integrating both types of applications. Get it free in exchange for taking our brief survey on your employee experience platfrom purchase plans.
How to Choose an HR Software System in 2022: A Complete Guide
Evaluating HR software can be complex. Our new, free 40-page guide to choosing HR software is a great place to start. It's yours now in exchange for taking our short survey on your employee experience purchase plans.
Architecture de solution : SAP sur Azure
Accédez à cette architecture de solution SAP sur Azure et découvrez un système SAP distribué sur 3 niveaux qui s'exécute sur SQL Server au coeur de la plateforme en Cloud Microsoft Azure. Poursuivez la lecture pour en savoir plus.
Utilisation d'Azure pour l'hébergement et l'exécution de scénarios de charge de travail SAP
Découvrez comment SAP sur Azure va vous permettre d'exécuter en toute sécurité des scénarios et workloads SAP stratégiques sur une plateforme évolutive et conforme qui a été éprouvée en entreprise.
Événements Azure près de chez vous
Check out this page to see what Azure events are happening in your area.
Lösungsarchitektur: SAP in Azure
Mit dieser Lösungsarchitektur von SAP on Azure erhalten Sie ein verteiltes 3-schichtiges SAP-System, das auf einem SQL-Server auf der Microsoft Azure-Cloudplattform betrieben wird. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr zu erfahren.
Verwenden von Azure zum Hosten und Ausführen von SAP-Workloadszenarien
Mit dieser Lösungsarchitektur von SAP on Azure erhalten Sie ein verteiltes 3-schichtiges SAP-System, das auf einem SQL-Server auf der Microsoft Azure-Cloudplattform betrieben wird. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr zu erfahren.
Azure-Veranstaltungen in Ihrer Nähe
Check out this page to see what Azure events are happening in your area.
Check out this page to see what Azure events are happening in your area.
Hello Azure: マイクロソフトはどのように SAP をAzure上に移行したか。
マイクロソフトは895 億ドル規模のグローバルビジネスを支えるため、会計、人事、グローバルトレード、サプライチェーン、その他の様々な領域で SAP を使用し、SAPアプリケーションに大規模な投資をしています。
SAP HANA on Azure (ラージ インスタンス) のアーキテクチャ
HANA を含む SAP HANA on Azure (ラージ インスタンス) を実行するためのインフラストラクチャの構成方法を示しています。
HANA on Azure への移行
SAP HANA DBMS 上の S/4HANA は、SAP Business Suite 7 の多くの機能を強化し、ビジネス プロセスに大きな付加価値を与えるものになっています。
ミッション クリティカルな SAP ワークロードとシナリオを、拡張性が高くSAP に準拠した実証済みプラットフォームで確実に実行できます。
Optimizing SAP for Azure
Read this paper to learn how you can scale your organization's systems up and down for current and short-term needs by moving SAP systems to Microsoft Azure while lowering costs.
Strategies for Migrating SAP Systems to Microsoft Azure
Access this paper to learn how, with the right approach, you can migrate mission-critical SAP systems to Azure for maximum cost savings, and gain agility and uptime.
Building an Agile and Trusted SAP Environment on Microsoft Azure
Microsoft cut costs and gained scalability by migrating their SAP environment to Azure. Read on to learn how Integrating SAP on Azure presents opportunities for digital transformation.
Hello Azure: Unpacking How Microsoft Moved Its SAP Workload to the Cloud
Microsoft just finished moving its entire SAP landscape to Microsoft Azure. Read this post to learn how they achieved this and the benefits they experienced by switching to Microsoft Azure.
Using Azure for Hosting and Running SAP Workload Scenarios
Read on to learn how SAP on Azure will allow you to reliably run your mission critical SAP workloads and scenarios on a scalable, compliant, and enterprise-proven platform.
SAP HANA on Azure Setup: Prepare your Large Instances for Hana Installations
Read this white paper to view the step-by-step process with included screenshots that will allow you to deploy SAP HANA on Azure large instances.
ASICS EMEA Hits the Ground Running with Cloud-Based Mobility Solution
Watch this video to learn how everyone at ASICS is in better shape to help the company attain its goal to become the number one brand for the sports enthusiast by using the Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) solution.
Mosaic Uses SAP on Azure to Help the World Grow the Food it Needs
Watch this video to learn how The Mosaic Company turned to Microsoft Azure to get the most out of its SAP system and to Capgemini as its systems integrator.
Azure Events Happening Near You
Check out this page to see what Azure events are happening in your area.
Your guide to mobile device management
The EMM market is growing at a rapid pace. To stay on top of your mobile strategy, organizations should be aware of a number of trends. In this e-guide compare mobile device management products, trends, and more to implement the most effective mobile strategy for your organization.
Enterprise Mobility Management: Top considerations and challenges
Download this expert e-guide to take a look at the top 5 considerations for implementing an EMM strategy, and learn how to overcome challenges such as managing too many devices, BYOD, and lack of policies.
Crafting the most effective mobile strategy
In this expert e-guide you'll discover how to make the most of mobility in your organization. You'll discover how to assure mobile employee productivity, how mobile cloud computing infrastructures enable modern workers, and 4 ways to break through barriers to business mobility.