Data Storage Research
Deduplication: Effectively Reducing the Cost of Backup and Storage
Sponsored by: AppAssure Software, Inc.Organizations have to backup and store data. Compliance requirements demand that data be stored for periods of time. Reducing the cost of backup and storage starts with reducing the amount of data that is backed up and stored. Learn how deduplication, along with server-based backup processes can reduce your storage management costs.
Presentation Transcript: Presentation Transcript: EMC Corporation and the Benefits of Network Attached Storage for Small Businesses
Sponsored by: EMC CorporationThe presentation transcript from EMC Corporation features Ashish Nadkarni, Principal Consultant with GlassHouse Technologies, discussing the benefits of Network Attached Storage for Small Businesses.
Optimizing Performance and Maximizing Investments in Tape Storage Systems
Sponsored by: Fujifilm USAFujifilm Tape Environment Analysis is the first vendor-agnostic, platform-neutral, comprehensive assessment for tape storage systems. It provides an assessment of the backup environment culminating in a report that includes recommendations to maximize existing resources, avoid unnecessary expenditures and ensure compliance requirements are met.
Enterprise Backup and Recovery Considerations: How to Maintain Your Restore-Readiness
Sponsored by: Sirius Computer SolutionsIT systems are vulnerable to a variety of disruptions. This paper will focus on common processes and procedures that should be part of any effective enterprise backup/restore system.
A Technical Review of Caching Technologies
Sponsored by: BlueCoatThe goal of this white paper is to discuss the role of caching, describe in detail how object caching and byte caching works, and show how these caching technologies work together to deliver true performance differentiation.
Top Five Strategies for Getting an Email Archiving Project off the Ground
Sponsored by: Symantec CorporationProactive archiving reduces business risks, lower costs and increases efficiency. This quide has five strategies recommended by Symantec for building the case for an archive and rationalizing your requirements of an email archiving system.
ESG Brief: FalconStor VTL Hyper-Accelerates Backup
Sponsored by: FalconStor SoftwareEven with the addition of a virtual tape library (VTL) solution to the backup environment, performance bottlenecks caused by inefficiencies on the host side of the backup process remain a challenge. This can now be addressed with an add-on to FalconStor VTL that accelerates backups four to eight-fold and reduces impact on production servers.
Proven strategies for archiving complex relational data
Sponsored by: IBMThis white paper explains how the IBM Optim Data Growth Solution provides proven technology and comprehensive capabilities that make archiving complex relational data both practical and desirable.
Continuous Data Protection
Sponsored by: FalconStor SoftwareIf your company seeks to eliminate or drastically reduce backup windows to create faster point-in-time recoveries for more mission-critical apps, CDP software is a viable alternative to traditional backup software. Take a few minutes to read this presentation transcript to learn more about the technology.
Prototyping Data Warehouses Using Visual Analytics: Presentation Transcript
Sponsored by: Tableau SoftwareRead this presentation transcript of the “Prototyping Data Warehouses using Visual Analytics” webinar that includes a case study demonstrating how the City of Charlotte is administering Tableau Server to reduce IT intervention, reduce costs and increase collaboration between business units.
e-Guide: Windows Server Disaster Recovery - Planning for the Worst
Sponsored by: AppAssure Software, Inc.The impact of natural, random and man-made disasters on Windows Server applications, especially email, and their subsequent disruption can cripple an organization. This white paper offers advice for protecting your existing Windows Server infrastructure from disruptive application outages.
Reversing the Requirement for Storage Growth -- IBM Consolidates and Simplifies Tier-2 Storage
Sponsored by: IBMWith the acquisition of Diligent Corporation, IBM has put itself in the rather unique position as the only vendor that can offer to the enterprise a complete backup/recovery solution with servers, disk, tape, software, and data deduplication technology, all rolled into one.
Guidelines for the Evaluation of Enterprise De-Duplication Solutions: How to Navigate the Pitfalls and Hyperbole
Sponsored by: IBMThis document is not intended to judge what is good or bad, right or wrong. The primary focus is educational, providing a background on the principles of de-duplication and recommendations to consider in planning an evaluation of de-duplication solutions.
Riverbed Steelhead Product Family Data Sheet
Sponsored by: Riverbed Technology, Inc.What's the Riverbed difference? Speed. Scalability. And simplicity. Discover it for yourself and get the facts about the entire family of Steelhead solutions from Riverbed. Companies of all sizes depend on the Riverbed Steelhead product family to accelerate the performance of applications over the WAN.
Why Use Cisco Network Storage Systems for Your Business
Sponsored by: Cisco Systems, Inc.This white paper highlights two new additions to the Cisco Small Business Network Storage System (NSS) line of products. The Cisco NSS2000 Series is a 2-bay network attached storage (NAS) system, and the Cisco NSS3000 Series is a 4-bay system.
Iron Mountain Digital Virtual File Store Service: Trusted, Secure, Cost-Effective Cloud-Based Storage
Sponsored by: Iron MountainTo help companies reduce the costs of storing and managing inactive data, Iron Mountain has created an enterprise-class cloud-based storage archive service, the Virtual File Store (VFS). The VFS service is part of Iron Mountain's Storage-as-a-Service portfolio, which includes email management/archiving, eDiscovery, and data backup/recovery.
The EVA takes on NetApp and EMC
Sponsored by: Hewlett Packard EnterpriseIn their second comparative challenge, The HP StorageWorks EVA asked three teams of high school students who had never configured a storage array to run timed tests on EVA, NetApp and EMC to see which one is easiest to use. EVA was the clear winner
HP StorageWorks tape and disk-to-disk data protection
Sponsored by: Hewlett Packard Company and IntelHP protects the integrity of your data and helps you regain access to it. We have a range of change-ready, cost-effective, and trusted solutions that provide the appropriate level of protection based on your specific business requirements.
Maximizing the Power of Your Desktop Database: Top business advantages of moving your data online
Sponsored by: Intuit QuickBaseMany organizations that rely on desktop solutions to house data are frustrated with their lack of flexibility and scalability. This paper shows how online databases are an alternative to desktop products, combining speed and ease of use with the collaborative functions required to power organizations' unique business processes and performance.
Proven strategies for archiving complex relational data
Sponsored by: IBMMaintaining only current active data in production environments improves service levels, increases availability and improves disaster recovery initiatives. Read this paper to learn how archiving allows organizations to reclaim valuable capacity, reduce risk and lower costs.
Enabling Enterprise Tape Library Support for Microsoft DPM 2007 Using FalconStor VTL
Sponsored by: FalconStor SoftwareMicrosoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 is designed to provide continuous data protection for Windows-based servers, with additional features for business-specific Microsoft workloads such as SQL Server and SharePoint.
Best Practices for Mobile Development
Sponsored by: BlackBerryIn this webcast, author Mike Kirkup tells about mobile development with their features and limitations and describes Smartphones which store data in the memory.
Squeezing More Value out of Data Warehouses through the Power of Database Compression
Sponsored by: Vertica SystemsData compression features in data warehouse databases are the current trend, and this paper explains the benefits of compression in data warehousing and differentiates compression approaches taken by different databases.
The Growing Importance of E-Discovery on Your Business
Sponsored by: Google AppsThe goal of this white paper is to focus on the key issues involved in developing an e-discovery capability and to help organizations plan to become better prepared for the rigors of the e-discovery process.
Design Reuse: The Key to Building Better Products Faster
Sponsored by: PTC Small/Med Product DevelopmentLearn how design reuse can save up to 75% of modeling time, improve product quality and time-to-market and reduce the risk of fundamental errors in this feature article.