Applications Management Software Research
Application Delivery Network Buyers' Guide
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comThe more systems become remote, the less secure they are. On face value a huge cliché – or truism - but sadly actually true. And sadly, for those running networks, something that is going to be truer – or more clichéd – as remote working continues to proliferate in the new normal of the hybrid mode of working.
Sharpen your DevOps edge
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this e-guide, find out why the DevOps culture is taking root across the region, the common pain points of organisations as they embrace a DevOps mindset and what it takes to be successful in the DevOps journey.
Infrastructure optimisation for business application management
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this e-guide, we take a look at some of the latest trends in server hardware design and specifications to help IT buyers make an informed choice about the best infrastructure to run their portfolios of business applications on.
Essential Guide: Application Performance Management
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comThis guide to managing application performance covers transaction speeds, networking, workflow and tools for performance detection and diagnosis.
Application Delivery Network Buyer's Guide
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comThe more systems become remote, the less secure they are. On face value a huge cliché – or truism - but sadly actually true. And sadly, for those running networks, something that is going to be truer – or more clichéd – as remote working continues to proliferate in the new normal of the hybrid mode of working.
How Storage Is Catching Up with the DevOps Revolution
Sponsored by: Pure StorageIn this essential guide, discover why DevOps requirements are shifting how enterprises consume and deploy storage resources to a more-cloud focused approach. Download now to gain guidance on storage technologies most appropriate for Agile development, including VM-aware secondary storage, hyper-convergence, and more.
How To Choose Wisely From A Multitude Of IoT Platforms
Sponsored by: PTCWhile all IoT platforms share a common goal, not all deliver the same performance. This expert e-guide can help you make sense of the pool of vendors, and lead you towards making the right choice for your IoT apps. Inside, learn how to tell the difference between platforms, and discover a 3-point plan to building a long-term IoT strategy.
Stay on Course for Cloud: Building a Foundational Application Migration Plan
Sponsored by: UXC Oxygen and Amazon Web ServicesWhen creating an app migration plan, there are 5 primary methods from which you should choose. Read on to discover them, and learn how to assess your workload requirements and run a pilot test to make an informed decision about which apps to first migrate, such as those that are standalone.
Framing Your Enterprise IoT Approach for a More Connected Future
Sponsored by: Xively by LogMeInIn this expert e-guide, we discuss how you can prepare for whatever comes next in IoT. You'll learn which challenges should take top priority when it comes to integrating IoT, like information architecture, Agile development, and more. Plus, you'll get advice on what to consider before and after picking an IoT platform.
Target DevOps Bottlenecks with Connected Lifecycle Data
Sponsored by: TasktopMany businesses are looking to implement a successful DevOps strategy. This webcast identifies and explores the bottlenecks in the product lifecycle that can impact your transformation. Find out how to understand and connect the value chain, identify high value business metrics, implement high level reporting, and more.
Beyond the Scrum Team: Delivering "Done" at Scale
Sponsored by: TasktopWatch this webcast to find out how you can derive more value from your scrum teams. Find out how to identify, anticipate, and mitigate the challenges to scaling agile development. Plus, learn how to incorporate scrum into the full product lifecycle, from development to operations and insight.
How to Get Everyone On-Board with a Cloud Migration Project
Sponsored by: New RelicIn this expert guide, discover 5 cloud benefits that may prove cloud migration naysayers wrong. Some of these benefits include: scalability and agility, visibility and governance, cost, and more.
Overcome Common AWS Migration Challenges
Sponsored by: New RelicThis exclusive guide outlines best practices to help you do just that, and offers key tips for planning out your transition so that you can eliminate potential risks and AWS migration obstacles.
Desktop Virtualization Aids Graphic-Heavy Apps and BYOD
Sponsored by: NVIDIA VMwareThis e-guide illustrates how virtual desktops can aid graphics-heavy apps, and will help you discover how GPU virtualization can aid app performance, and ease BYOD management. Access this guide to get an exclusive look at Nvidia vGPU support and its accommodation of VDI graphics demands.
Cloud Deployment Elucidates Pros and Cons for Legacy Applications
Sponsored by: Oracle CorporationThere are many common mistakes organizations make when deploying applications in the cloud—and each differs in severity. Read on to discover several commonplace mistakes made in cloud application deployment, as well as determine the pros and cons of legacy applications that the cloud elucidates.
Universal Data Transformation: The End of Information Siloes
Sponsored by: IBMThis featured article dives into the world of transaction-oriented universal data transformation and validation. Read on to find out what one system can do to tear down the walls of isolated business applications, and what benefits companies are experiencing with fluid data paths.
Case Management and Smart Process Applications
Sponsored by: K2This report looks at the applicability of smart process applications, the drivers for improved case management, and the feature sets required of a modern case management system.
A look at the new VMware Horizon 6
Sponsored by: VMwareThis data sheet takes a look at the VMware Horizon 6 and offers an overview of the all-new features. Learn how the Horizon 6 helps IT control, manage, and protect all of the Windows resources end users want, at the speed they expect, with the efficiency business demands.
VMware Buys CloudVolumes. Here's Our Full Analysis.
Sponsored by: VMware, Inc.This e-guide explores the reasons behind VMware adding CloudVolume and what the impact of the acquisition will have on the company. Learn about what CloudVolume's software company specializes in and how this acquisition will contribute to VMware and their overall general layering space.
What's Next for Mobile Application Development
Sponsored by: IBMThis expert e-guide offers best practices for building cost-effective mobile applications.
How Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) Can Unleash Apps for the New Style of IT
Sponsored by: Hewlett-Packard EnterpriseMobile Backend as a Service is a set of cloud-based, server-side mobile services for multiple platforms that can be used as a back end for your mobile apps. Find out how it can benefit you.
HP Mobile Applications Services: Mobility is the New Interaction Model
Sponsored by: Hewlett-Packard EnterpriseThis white paper introduces one respected company's mobile applications service, which enables enterprises needing to create new systems of engagement on mobile technology to deliver secure, high-quality mobile apps.
Cloud Testing: 3 Essential Facts to Simplify Performance Testing Part 3
Sponsored by: Hewlett Packard EnterpriseThis cloud testing webinar addresses 3 essential facts to simplify app performance testing with an on-demand solution. Discover a SaaS platform that allows you to initiate load externally, as well as internally, to help you validate app performance against your business requirements.
The good, the bad, and the ugly of cloud applications
Sponsored by: Oracle CorporationThis comprehensive research study explores the good, the bad, and the ugly of cloud applications, and describes how midsize organizations are using the cloud.
Redbook: Introduction to Messaging and WebSphere MQ (Act)
Sponsored by: IBMMessaging is an effective way to connect different applications and systems. This comprehensive resource offers a primer on messaging and describes how WebSphere MQ – a market-leading messaging integration middleware product – can be used to fuel messaging success.