Storage Resource Management White Papers
Focus: PCIe SSD, NVMe and flash
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comPCIe SSD cards fit straight into PCIe slots in servers and array hardware and often brings much higher performance than traditional HDD-format flash drives..
Demystifying storage performance metrics
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comWe walk you through the key storage metrics you need to know about, look at how storage array makers present them in their product literature, and how to decode IOPS, latency and read/write performance figures.
Storage trends 2016: Storage priorities, cloud appliances and NAS vs object storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comThis guide offers a collection of our most popular articles on storage-related issues from the first few months of 2016.
Cloud Storage and Backup Market Rundown
Sponsored by: CohesityCheck out this e-guide for a comprehensive overview of some of the storage industries most fundamental topics— like replication vs. backup—to make sure you are taking advantage of everything they have to offer your organization.
Value of Storage Operational Analytics
Sponsored by: TintriIn this eGuide learn how storage resource management (SRM) software can increase data accessibility and support key analytical functions such as capacity planning, vendor support, performance and dashboards. Also, find an exclusive list of data analytic vendors offering SRM software.
Choosing Between Scale-Up and Scale-Out All-Flash Arrays
Sponsored by: CurvatureAs flash becomes more pervasive in the marketplace, enterprises are relying less on caching and tiering and moving towards flash storage products built on two basic architectures: scale-up and scale-out. In this e-guide, explore the differences between the two architectures and determine which configuration best meets your business needs.
CW Europe – Forecast: Cloudy with Dry Spells
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn Europe cloud is restricted and hybrid setups make use of local compute and storage.
Fusion ioControl Hybrid Storage with XenDesktop
Sponsored by: Citrix and Fusion-iOThis whitepaper details the considerations that must be taken before selecting storage for VDI and explains how you can address those considerations with “hybrid” storage.
IT Consolidation with VMware and Dell Equallogic ISCSI SANS
Sponsored by: DellEMC and Intel®Read this paper to learn how Dell EqualLogic™ PS Series iSCSI SANs can help to reduce the cost and complexity of IT Consolidation and uniquely integrate with VMware® Infrastructure to enable the fully virtualized IT environment.
Evolving SRM to Meet Enterprise IT’s Long-term Challenges
Sponsored by: IBMThis white paper details how a comprehensive storage management strategy can help you keep up with your constantly evolving data center.
Sayers Delivers 100% Uptime, Saves $500,000 on Cloud Infrastructure built on NetApp Clustered Data ONTAP
Sponsored by: NetAppThis informative paper explores how one company easily and affordably implemented a data storage operating system that provides nondisruptive operations, proven efficiency, seamless scalability and much more. Read on to learn more.
VMware vSphere Replication 5.5 Overview
Sponsored by: Dell and VMwareThis resource helps users understand what VMware vSphere Replication is, explain some of the benefits of its features, and provide an overview of how it works to protect virtual machines against failure.
Storage Resource Management and SAN Management Software
Sponsored by: IBMThis resource provides you with a detailed analysis of SRM and SAN tools enabling ease-of-use to manage shared storage environments. These fully featured, integrated and user-friendly tools are offered as solutions ranging from the holistic to the specialist, delivering a broad range of maturity levels and requirements.
Is your storage "junk drawer" making DR inefficient?
Sponsored by: DellEMC and Intel®In this presentation transcript, Jon Toigo points out the drawbacks to a "back up everything approach" and explains how better storage resource management can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of DR plans.
Buyer’s Guide: Scale-Out Storage Systems
Sponsored by: TechTarget StorageScale-out NAS was developed to solve the problem of NAS sprawl. If managing your traditional NAS is becoming too burdensome and expensive, check out this expert resource.
SSD: Features, Functions and FAQ
Sponsored by: TechTarget StorageThis expert E-Guide explores key considerations for integrating solid state storage into a server, and answers frequently asked questions about solid state. Read now to learn more.
Storage Resource Management Software: Recent Trends and Business Benefits
Sponsored by: APTAREThis expert E-Guide from highlights the latest SRM advances and gives examples of where and when you'd utilize them. Read on for the scoop on agentless SRMs, find pro tips for integrating SRM with your virtual environment, and find a 3-question SRM Q&A with a Gartner research director for storage technologies and strategies.
Manage Hitachi Unified Storage Systems in IT Environments
Sponsored by: Hitachi VantaraAccess this white paper to learn how your business can simplify operations with a comprehensive set of storage management tools. Learn how this solution suite leverages IT investments, reduces operational costs and increases storage asset utilization and efficiency.
Washington State University Case Study: Overcoming VDI Storage Performance Challenges
Sponsored by: TintriLearn how Washington State University deployed storage for hundreds of virtual desktops on VMware View using a single Tintri VMstore.
Just How Many Bucks is Storage Truly Consuming?
Sponsored by: DellEMC and Intel®Check out this E-Guide to learn how to determine the real cost of your storage and other factors to consider into this cost – including disaster recovery and data protection. Read on to learn more.
Understanding Windows Azure Storage Billing – Bandwidth, Transactions, and Capacity
Sponsored by: MicrosoftView the helpful blog post to learn how to build the most cost-effective applications using Windows Azure Storage (WAS) by understanding how bandwidth, transactions, and capacity are billed.
Windows Azure Storage Abstractions and their Scalability Targets
Sponsored by: MicrosoftView this post to learn about the four types of data abstractions that Windows Azure Storage (WAS) offers for applications developers: blobs, tables, queues, and drives. Then learn about how they are partitioned, the URIs for each, and their scalability targets.
Presentation Transcript: A First Look at Storage in Windows Server 8
Sponsored by: Dell EMC and MicrosoftIn this presentation transcript, storage expert Brien Posey explores some of the storage features and changes in Windows Server 8. Read now to learn more.
Storage Europe: March 2012
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comCheck out this special European edition of Storage magazine for expert analyses and forecasts about where storage is heading and how you can get ahead of the curve.
6 Storage Efficiency Technologies: What They Do and How You Save
Sponsored by: IBMThis E-Guide can help you achieve your efficiency goals by outlining different storage tools to use, how they work and how you can save by using them. Also discover the pros and cons of storage management tools today.