BI Software Research
Jargon Buster Guide to Artificial Intelligence
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comWhere once stood Big Data and Data Science, now stands AI and its younger sibling, Machine Learning. AI is red hot. And stuffed with jargon. Whether you are an IT professional looking to see how AI can benefit your organisation, or an entrepreneur looking to launch an AI-fuelled start up, this Jargon Buster will help to throw the trend into relief.
The future of enterprise IT: Social, social, mobile, analytics and cloud
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comCloud and data technologies are allowing organizations to provide service levels not even dreamt of a few years ago. This guide looks at some examples of these technologies transforming organizations in South-East Asia.
AI: Beyond the hype
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comArtificial Intelligence is red hot. But what lies beyond the hype? Once it was big data, then cloud, now it is artificial intelligence, and that sub-set of it which is machine learning, that's generating more heat than light. Is there business value here?
Case Study: Inland Custom Publishing Group
Sponsored by: Pitney Bowes Business InsightWith the help of Pitney Bowes MapInfo's mapping capabilities, Inland Custom Publishing was able to expand their portfolio with a new magazine targeting a local high income audience with local and regional content. Read this case study and learn how the publishers can now provide a balance of stories covering topics like local dining and the arts.
Performance of Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Solutions on Dell™ PowerEdge™ Servers and Dell™ PowerVault™ Storage
Sponsored by: DellEMC and Intel®This performance white paper illustrates the efficiencies of deploying SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing technologies on Dell PowerEdge servers and Dell PowerVault MD1000 storage arrays
Best Practices in Data Management
Sponsored by: SASThe key enterprise risk management (ERM) issue for many financial institutions is to get enriched data in a single place in order to report on it. Learn best practices for data management that are critical for ERM.
Business Intelligence: The Definitive Guide for Midsize Organizations
Sponsored by: SAP America, Inc.Business intelligence (BI) allows organizations to better understand, analyze, and even predict what's occurring in their company.
Managing Application Push in the Blackberry Enterprise Solution
Sponsored by: BlackBerryIn this webcast you will learn that application push is the process of remotely installing software on a BlackBerry smartphone.
Cognos 8 BI
Sponsored by: IBM CognosCognos 8 Business Intelligence delivers the complete range of BI capabilities: reporting, analysis, scorecarding, dashboards, business event management as well as data integration, on a single, proven architecture.
Competitive Analysis of Market Leaders in Data Modeling: PowerDesigner, ERwin and ER/Studio
Sponsored by: Sybase, an SAP companyRead this paper to learn all the factors you need to consider when choosing a data modeling tool. You will learn about the different model types and how each tool measures up to the demanding needs of your company today and in the future. This paper will lay out all the information you need to make a clear decision on data modeling today.