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All Research Sponsored By:TechTarget

  • Digital Demand Generation

    In this e-book, “Digital Demand Generation,” part of a new series, Digital Skills Acceleration, we discuss how more intelligent content syndication can drive results in the short term and set you up for long-term success. Check it out now.

  • Could BANT Be Killing Your Business?

    In this white paper, “Could BANT Be Killing Your Business?” you’ll explore the limitations of BANT (budget, authority, need, timing) and how to overcome challenges to better qualify leads and maximize productivity. Check it out now.

  • Digital Skills Acceleration: Brand Advertising

    Google’s decision to eliminate third-party cookies sent a shockwave through the advertising industry. The changes will prevent organizations from leveraging third-party data to run targeted campaigns and as a result more marketers will turn to brand advertising to reach prospects. Open this e-book to learn more.

  • Understanding Intent Data

    Intent data can help you prioritize accounts by capturing prospect activities and gauging the level of purchase interest. In this e-book, “Understanding Intent Data,” we detail the basics of intent data and show how to incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

  • Moving Beyond Activity: Helping Sales Focus on Quality Interactions and Yield

    This webinar proves the key to more revenue is not more touches, but improving quality of every touchpoint you do have. See how, with just a 5% improvement with each interaction, you can increase your chances of winning a deal 67%. Watch now to get key insight and guidance.

  • Anatomy of Real Purchase Intent Signals

    Intent data is only as good as its source and the quality of signals that inform it. This infographic shows what attributes make up a strong intent signal, so you can confidently identify real purchase intent. Download your copy to learn more.

  • Accelerating Strategic Account Revenue Using Intent Data

    Is your intent data being leveraged by sales teams to uncover new opportunities in their named target accounts? With the right data sources and support, strategic sellers can more productively cover their assignments and deliver more revenue growth. Download this eBook to learn how.

  • Market Insights Webinar: B2B Tech Buyer Content Preferences and Behavior in 2021

    Join VP of Market Insights Jon Brown as he dives deep into TechTarget’s 2021 North American Media Consumption research to deliver essential insight for refining content and engagement strategies for maximum impact. Get the buyer intelligence you need to make more shortlists and accelerate key deals in your market.

  • Closing the Loop on ABM Revenue in 2021

    Download “Closing the Loop on ABM Revenue in 2021” today to see how you can apply ABM principles and maturing capabilities in new ways to maximize value delivery and revenue across more accounts.

  • Making Sense of B2B Purchase Intent Data and Putting It to Use

    Simply adopting a CRM system doesn’t guarantee better customer relationships. The data you put into the system matters. In this e-book, Patricia Anton, founder of Anton Consulting, Inc. discusses how you can bring together data, human processes and technology to create a competitive advantage.

  • Cloud Security 101: Best Practices & Self-Assessment

    This e-guide walks you through security best practices in the age of cloud. Also inside, put your security knowledge to the test with two cloud security quizzes from our experts.

  • Making Sense of Zero-Trust Security

    As security professionals continue searching for methods of keeping out intruders, they make clear their thoughts about zero trust and how its philosophy can keep users safer. As it stands, 40% of professionals support zero trust for their organizations – do you? Take our survey to let us know, and receive a FREE zero-trust guide as a bonus.

  • Accelerating Strategic Account Revenue with Intent Data

    This OnDemand webinar, features Nancy Nardin, Leading Sales Technology Expert and John Steinert, CMO TechTarget. Watch as they discuss how forward-thinking sales teams use high-quality intent data to deliver significant revenue growth in key accounts. Tune in to learn more.

  • Content Strategy and Operations: Planning Assumptions 2021

    To be effective in 2021 and prepare for the future, Forrester says that B2B marketing organizations must increase the efficiency and adaptability of their content engines. Explore the four planning assumptions that B2B marketing organizations should integrate into their content strategy in this research brief.

  • SiriusDecisions Research Brief: The Buyer Signals Framework

    In this Forrester brief, learn about the SiriusDecisions B2B Buyer Signals Framework and how it helps organizations identify the required signals and signal sensors for executing successful marketing programs and tactics.

  • Getting the most from your collaboration tools

    To help you get a fresh start in 2021, the experts at SearchContentManagement have put together a new guide that offers tips on Getting the most from your collaboration tools, and preventing common problems like findability and content sprawl. Grab your copy today after a brief survey.

  • The Quest for Stronger Engagement

    This OnDemand webinar features special guest Samantha Stone and John Steinert as they review how 2020 unmasked fundamental weaknesses in personalization strategies, where salespeople continue to struggle in the digital channels we’re still all limited to and what key next steps you can focus on to drive greater engagement impact for your company.

  • Intent Data: Unlocking Revenue Growth

    Download this TechTargt eBook to see how you can leverage intent data to achieve sales and marketing objectives in every stage of the sales funnel, and support a revenue-rich ABM strategy.

  • Focusing on the 3 Ps for ABM Revenue at Scale

    In this e-book, “Focusing on the 3 Ps for ABM Revenue at Scale,” we discuss how you can implement ABM 2.0 to better inform your marketing efforts and meet your sales team’s needs.

  • Evolving Persona Thinking to Win More Business

    In this e-book, “Evolving Persona Thinking to Win More Business,” we discuss how to use prospect-level intent data to engage buying groups in target accounts so you can identify and capture real demand, real opportunities, and real buyers by eliminating gaps in your tactical execution.

  • Driving Short-Term Quota Attainment by Aligning Marketing to Sales

    Watch this interactive webinar featuring Nancy Nardin, Founder of Smart Selling Tools and one of the world’s leading experts on sales technology and process, explores what Sales really needs from Marketing right now and provides clear insight on how teams can align to reach revenue goals in the near term.

  • 3 paths to more productive revenue capture in a changing interaction landscape

    In this white paper, explore how changes in B2B interaction are impacting relationship-creation and how you can use intent data to connect buyers to the solutions they need. Download today to see how you can transition to ABM 2.0 and become a key player in the enablement of both high-velocity and field sales teams.

  • Demand and Account-Based Marketing: Planning Assumptions 2021

    Disruptions to the B2B buying process—as a result of COVID-19—offer a unique opportunity for demand and account-based marketing (ABM) leaders improve their strategies. Learn how to bring this potential to life and drive growth for your organization in this Forrester brief.

  • Expert Webinar: Closing the Loop on ABM Revenue in 2021

    Featuring Forrester Principal Analyst Malachi Threadgill and moderated by John Steinert, CMO TechTarget, this interactive webinar explores how companies can deliver better on increased revenue by overcoming some basic – and yet critical – barriers to addressing actual customer needs. Watch now to learn more.

  • Why More High-Performance Companies Are Depending on Intent Data

    In this webinar, Eric Wittlake, Sr. Marketing Analyst, TOPO, discusses new use cases and applications for intent data that reach beyond just account based strategies and explores how entire go-to-market teams are using it to significantly improve results for each function within the team.

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