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Compliance (Finance) White Papers

  • State of GDPR in mainland Europe

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The General Data Protection Regulation has been in place for over 18 months now, but its implementation is only really just becoming clearer as regulators begin to fine organisations that fail to meet the rules. That is because different countries are implementing it differently. This e-guide gives a snapshot of the current state of GDPR in Europe.

  • Financial markets regulatory outlook 2017

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Financial services companies will face new challenges from innovative financial technology (fintech) companies, regulatory technology (regtech) will push down compliance costs, and there will be a greater emphasis on planning for cyber breaches in 2017, Deloitte predicts in this report.

  • State of GDPR in mainland Europe

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The General Data Protection Regulation has been in place for over 18 months now, but its implementation is only really just becoming clearer as regulators begin to fine organisations that fail to meet the rules. That is because different countries are implementing it differently. This e-guide gives a snapshot of the current state of GDPR in Europe.

  • Boost Compliance in Accounting with AI

    Sponsored by: ServiceNow

    View this e-guide to learn how accounting and finance teams can improve productivity, maintain compliance, and boost fraud protection through the incorporation of AI-based systems.

  • SIEM Analyst Research Bundle

    Sponsored by: AT&T Cybersecurity

    No matter the company size, a properly executed SIEM strategy is difficult to achieve as resources become constrained. Explore this white paper to uncover the key factors leading to a successful SIEM purchase and deployment for your organization.

  • PCI Compliance with Unified Security Management

    Sponsored by: AT&T Cybersecurity

    Because organizations are often racing to get ready for their next fast-approaching PCI audit, IT security teams struggle to meet requirements defined by PCI. Read this white paper to gain insight into PCI compliance and how your company can ensure readiness for PCI DSS 3.2.

  • 5 Steps to Implement & Maintain PCI DSS Compliance

    Sponsored by: AT&T Cybersecurity

    Achieving and maintaining Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance can be difficult. Explore this white paper to uncover 5 steps to take to make the compliance process easy and secure.

  • The Perfect Rx for HIPAA Compliance

    Sponsored by: AT&T Cybersecurity

    Complying with HIPAA's Security Rule and demonstrating that security controls are in place and working is no easy task. Explore this white paper to gain a deeper understanding of how to comply with HIPAA and ensure your healthcare organization is secure.

  • The Current State of Blockchain Compliance

    Sponsored by: BAE Systems Applied Intelligence

    In this expert e-guide, we examine blockchains and how they're affecting digital enterprise assets and cybersecurity. Discover how these distributed ledgers relate to Bitcoin and data security. Plus, learn how blockchain innovation and apps like smart contracts are affecting compliance.

  • Innovation and Compliance Balancea Big Question for Blockchain GRC

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Security

    The growing popularity of blockchain technology is raising big regulatory compliance questions both for corporations and the consumers they serve. In this handbook, learn about calls to regulate blockchain, and why some are concerned these rules could hinder the technology's innovative traits that benefit industries far beyond the financial field.

  • Third-Party Risk Management: Evaluating and Contracting with Vendors

    Sponsored by: BitSight

    This expert e-guide describes how to use standardized documentation for third-party risk assessment in order to minimize risk before deciding on a vendor. Access this resource now for advice on the security-related clauses that financial institutions need to include in their vendor contracts in order to comply with regulatory requirements.

  • Cybersecurity and Privacy Compliance: The Delicate Balance

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Security

    For companies to be successful in the digital age, GRC resources must walk the fine line between adequate cybersecurity and privacy protection for both employees and customers. In this handbook, learn the latest data governance strategies to help organizations strike this balance necessary to protect both corporate and personal information.

  • The Data Governance Keys to Successful GRC Automation

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Security

    Automated compliance processes can cut costs and create smoother compliance workflows, but they can be challenging to integrate with a company's governance strategies. In this SearchCompliance handbook, learn strategies to deploy automated GRC processes that support existing data governance objectives.

  • The Adobe EchoSign advantage for financial services

    Sponsored by: Adobe EchoSign

    E-signatures offer financial institutions sustainable competitive advantages while meeting high industry standards. Access this white paper to learn more.

  • Structured Data Archiving and Application Retirement Magic Quadrant

    Sponsored by: Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

    Structured data archiving tools address overall storage optimization and more. Learn more about vendors in this area in this Gartner Magic Quadrant.

  • CFO Insights on Success: How Automation Can Help

    Sponsored by: Concur Technologies

    The following white paper to explore the current challenges and bottlenecks that face CIOs and FDs at the financial year-end. Learn the importance of automation technology and how it can drastically improve visibility, reporting, and ultimately, a simpler year-end.

  • Workflow, governance and reporting – Solvency II

    Sponsored by: IBM

    The following white paper provides readers with industry-leading insights into the key challenges and issues arising when managing all 3 pillars of Solvency II. Learn how to manage workflow around internal models, which process surround reporting and the integration with risk modeling, and more.

  • Improved Scalability and Availability are the Keys to Better Storage Management

    Sponsored by: EMC & Arrow

    This white paper highlights the benefits of scale-out NAS solution from EMC that can keep up with exponential data growth, increased regulations and compliance mandates. This solution provides the flexibility and availability that traditional storage approaches can't provide.

  • Eagle Bank Keeps Deposits and Customer Data Safe

    Sponsored by: Imprivata

    This case study highlights one bank's successful enforcement of a strong password policy by implementing a single sign-on (SSO) solution. Read on to learn how you can maintain GLBA compliance, and reduce IT's access management.

  • Stock Yards Bank and Trust Makes Employees Productive and Keeps Data Secure

    Sponsored by: Imprivata

    This case study features one large, trusted U.S. bank's experience with a simplified authentication solution that enabled increased productivity, compliance, and security levels.

  • 5 Ways Hosting Providers Prepare Clients for PCI 3.0

    Sponsored by: INetU Inc.

    This guide provides tips on how hosting providers can help clients comply with PCI 3.0. Read on to learn how you can find the right hosting provider for the needs of your organization.

  • Expenses, VAT and HMRC Compliance in a Nutshell

    Sponsored by: Concur Technologies

    75% of senior finance leaders say they wish they knew more about employee expenses and VAT reclaim. If you're a member of that overwhelming population, then this e-book is for you. Download now to get a crash course on the often-misunderstood concepts of VAT, compliance, HMRC policies, and expenses.

  • 2013 Data Governance Survey Results

    Sponsored by: Rand Secure Data

    Check out this informative paper to explore the concept of data governance and why so many of today's organizations lack adequate solutions to this increasingly-difficult challenge. Find out key steps to improve your company's data governance and discover one solution that could perfect your strategy. Read on to learn more.

  • Guide to OCC updates to governance ruling

    Sponsored by: Iron Mountain

    Consult the following white paper to learn about the new OCC update to governance ruling. Uncover a solid footing on how to assess each vendor, calculate the risk management life cycle, and how you can successfully plan ahead for these changes.

  • An Expert Guide to the PCI DSS 3.0

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Security

    This expert handbook gives you the information that you require right now to understand the updated requirements for the PCI DSS 3.0, which went into effect in early 2014.

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