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Fraud Protection Research

  • Business email compromise prevention tips

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    It's easy to see why Business Email Compromise attacks work. Preventing them, however, is not so simple -- especially when attackers rely on cognitive biases. Distinguishing between genuine and fraudulent email communications is challenging enough -- and it's also only part of reducing BEC risk. Here are 8 BEC prevention tips for security leaders.

  • Infographic: Business email compromise red flags

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks typically target individuals with access to financial records and other sensitive information. However, BEC prevention involves making everyone more aware of email security risks and social engineering red flags. Here are 7 things to look out for when identifying a BEC attack.

  • AI in Fraud Management: Uses cases, benefits and challenges

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    AI is involved in many cybersecurity processes. Now, AI has its sights set on improving the fraud detection and management landscape. In this e-guide, learn about the use cases, as well as the benefits and challenges organisations should keep in mind when implementing AI into their fraud detection and management processes.

  • 7 top predictive analytics use cases

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Across industries, companies are using predictive analytics to forecast future trends and actions. Learn about the most popular use cases for predictive analytics.

  • 8 big data use cases for businesses and industry examples

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    For businesses, the ability to deal with big data is important: it can bring companies significant business value, from enabling cost optimization and improved efficiency to providing better customer insight. In this article, we'll explore 8 use cases that show big data's profound impact on businesses across different industry sectors.

  • 10 common uses for machine learning applications in business

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Machine learning (ML) enables businesses to perform tasks on a scale previously thought impossible. As a result, many organizations are finding ways to harness ML to not just drive efficiencies but to fuel new business opportunities. Here are 10 applications of ML that are being used to solve problems & deliver tangible business benefits:

  • How do cybercriminals steal credit card information?

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Cybercriminals have several methods at their disposal to hack and exploit credit card information. Learn about these, how to prevent them and what to do when hacked.

  • 9 Common Cryptocurrency Scams in 2023

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Even though cryptocurrency is a newer trend, thieves are using old methods to steal. Here are some of the common cryptocurrency scams to watch out for.

  • Traditional Threat Management vs. AI-Driven Threat Intelligence

    Sponsored by: Bottomline Technologies, Inc.

    As traditional antivirus programs and intrusion detection systems become ineffective against ransomware and advanced persistent threats, it’s become imperative for organizations to take proactive approaches – such as AI-driven threat intelligence. Take the survey to access Traditional Threat Management vs. AI-Driven Threat Intelligence.

  • Ultimate Guide to Incident Response and Management

    Sponsored by: Bottomline Technologies, Inc.

    Incident response (IR) planning should be your top priority to minimize any security vulnerabilities that will allow hackers to invade your network. Take the survey to access the Ultimate Guide to Incident Response and Management.

  • Fraud management: A perennial business issue

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide we will explore the current cyber fraud landscape and look at some organisations in the region that are using technology to overcome the challenges posed by fraudsters.

  • Top 10 enterprise IT in the Benelux region stories of 2019

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The Netherlands is usually seen as a forward-thinking nation when it comes to developing and adopting the latest IT, but it seems its government is not doing particularly well in this respect. Here are Computer Weekly's top enterprise IT in the Benelux region stories of 2019.

  • A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to blockchain technology

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Blockchain technology is increasingly showing its value to business. In this 15-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at the challenges the technology still needs to overcome, how it's shaping the use of data and what it can do for information security professionals.

  • Network Security: Spotlight on Australia/New Zealand

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide learn more about how security leaders are turning to AI to take out the bad guys, how blockchain can help secure an IoT network, and whether network security strategies are keeping up with emerging cyber threats.

  • Computer Weekly – 30 August 2016: Get protected

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    It is not uncommon for computer systems to be compromised by a company's own employees. In this week's issue we look at the Sage data breach, which highlights the risk every organisation faces from its staff. Staff are often motivated by revenge, but sometimes internal logins can be compromised, enabling hackers to circumvent firewalls.

  • Fraud management: A perennial business issue

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide we will explore the current cyber fraud landscape and look at some organisations in the region that are using technology to overcome the challenges posed by fraudsters.

  • A Computer Weekly buyer’s guide to blockchain technology

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Blockchain technology is increasingly showing its value to business. In this 15-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at the challenges the technology still needs to overcome, how it's shaping the use of data and what it can do for information security professionals.

  • Boost Compliance in Accounting with AI

    Sponsored by: ServiceNow

    View this e-guide to learn how accounting and finance teams can improve productivity, maintain compliance, and boost fraud protection through the incorporation of AI-based systems.

  • Cyberthreats and Risks in the Payment Card Industry

    Sponsored by: Jumio

    Find out how you can prevent and protect your enterprise against fraudsters in the payment card industry.

  • SWIFT Banking System Boosts Security Following Cyberattacks

    Sponsored by: BAE Systems Applied Intelligence

    Following a number of attacks on the SWIFT banking system that led to the theft of millions of dollars, SWIFT promised new rules to improve security for bank transfers. In this e-guide, we examine these targeted malware attacks and explore SWIFT's response to them. Find out if their 5-part strategic program was enough to bolster security.

  • Who's in Your Wallet? Stemming Credit Card Fraud

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Security

    Access this technical guide and learn about the standards the payment card industry uses to mitigate the problem including the costs of such standards to your business. Find out the latest info on credit card fraud, industry guidance and how to optimize your system for legitimate customers.

  • Beyond Passwords: Protect the mobile enterprise with smarter security solutions

    Sponsored by: IBM

    Find out how flexible authentication schemes, context-based access and behavioral analysis can help ensure that only authorized mobile users can access your valuable resources—on-site, in the cloud and beyond.

  • IDC 2014 WW MarketScape Report for Federated Identity Management and SSO

    Sponsored by: IBM

    Find out how vendors fared in IDC's assessment of IAM offerings for federated identity management and single sign-on.

  • A "How-To" Guide on Using Cloud Services for Security-Rich Data Backup

    Sponsored by: IBM

    Find out how cloud services for security-rich data backup can help your organization avoid the risks involved with data growth.

  • Evaluating the True Impact of Fraud on Financial Institution

    Sponsored by: IBM

    This guide makes an effective business case for fraud-prevention technology and evaluates the true impact of fraud on various financial institutions.

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