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Content Management Services Research

  • Regain control: Advancing Information Management By Going Back to the Basics

    Sponsored by: Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

    This resource describes a back-to-basics approach to enterprise content management (ECM) that gives you the power to organize and properly manage the growing information volumes in your enterprise.

  • Website Performance for the Speed of Your Business

    Sponsored by: Limelight Networks, Inc.

    Access this guide today to learn why high website performance is a business differentiator, and discover the role that content delivery networks (CDNs) play in improving user experiences.

  • Intelligent IT Operations: Making IT smarter with advanced event correlation and management

    Sponsored by: Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

    It's an old story for IT: Do more with less and faster. Businesses focus investments on business innovation, new markets, mergers, and acquisitions while IT budgets barely creep up. View this resource to learn how your team can consolidate IT systems with virtualization.

  • 8 Steps to a Better Social Media Strategy

    Sponsored by: Oracle Corporation

    The following white paper discusses how to successfully create and implement a strategy to manage your social media mix and at the same time, create a fluid online communication outlet.

  • Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Content Management

    Sponsored by: OpenText

    Enterprise Content Management (ECM) delivers solid business benefits to IT leaders as the market shows continued growth. The 23 vendors in this document are addressing increased demands for better mobile and cloud capabilities, as well as more rigorous expectations for vertically specific needs.

  • Information Governance Success Factors in Action

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Content Management

    Consult this expert resource to learn more about information governance. It explains why it's a key component of effective content and data management. It outlines how to make the business case for an information governance initiative.

  • Full Sail University Success Story: Building a Better Educational Website

    Sponsored by: Crafter Software_Rivet Logic

    Find out how Full Sail experienced a jump in site visitors, page views and time on site. The new online presence has helped Full Sail instill the message that if offers both online and on-campus degree programs.

  • Key Aspects of a Web Content Management Strategy

    Sponsored by: Ektron

    In this e-guide, discover expert tips for a strong WCM system strategy. Read on to learn about solutions that can help an organization tailor its homepage appearance every time a new visitor arrives, distinctly message repeat visitors, track how and why customers are navigating compared to prospects, shorten Web forms and more.

  • Webcast: BDIG Overview

    Sponsored by: IBM

    Subscribe today for exclusive access to the latest video content, articles, updates, and white papers from your industry experts and have the opportunity to speak with an IBM representative. Welcome to the community.

  • Strategies for Web Experience Management

    Sponsored by: OpenText

    In this E-Guide, learn more around mobile Web content management and web experience management.

  • Webcast: 5 Game Changing Use Cases for Big Data

    Sponsored by: IBM

    This webcast counts down five essential use cases for big data that can help your organization gain a competitive advantage and fuel success. Tune in today to learn more.

  • Webcast: Drive Business Innovation: Finding Treasure in the Data Attic

    Sponsored by: IBM

    This valuable webcast explains how you can go from a data strategy focused on data collection to one that drives business innovation by transforming the ways that you think about and apply data governance and architecture.

  • SharePoint Upgrade Best Practices

    Sponsored by: Dell, Inc. and Intel®

    In this E-guide, learn best practices for a SharePoint upgrade.

  • Hasbro toys with global enterprise digital asset management system

    Sponsored by: OpenText

    Find out how Hasbro moved from a simple toy manufacturer to a "branded play company," by implementing enterprise content management. It helped ensure television ads, packaging and videos were the same internationally. Learn other benefits from ECM by reading this resource now.

  • WCM Playbook: Becoming a Web Content Management Pro

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Content Management

    In this handbook, our experts offer advice to help you get a handle on managing, and maximizing, some of the key elements of the web content management process. Don't miss out on important insights.

  • Developing a Road Map to an Exceptional Web Experience

    Sponsored by: IBM

    When it comes to web experiences, customers have high expectations. Consult this resource to learn how you can provide innovative, high-value user experience solutions to satisfy your customers. It explains how to deliver resources that draw from user experience and knowledge.

  • Jive Social Business Blueprint

    Sponsored by: Jive Software

    Imagine a new approach to business, where employees engage about what matters most to them about the organization. By using social technologies, one company was able to improve their business management and the relationships between employees. Consult this resource to find out how you can implement social business.

  • Key Steps to Improving Enterprise Records Management

    Sponsored by: Iron Mountain

    Businesses are always looking for ways to improve. However, the challenges involved in applying consistent policies and executing centralized management oversight for all records are making it difficult for many enterprises to achieve the desired results. View this resource to uncover some of the biggest challenges.

  • Deepening Collaboration through More Effective Document and Content Management

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Content Management

    Consult this expert e-guide to find out the secret to successful collaboration. It discusses the benefits of encouraging teamwork between different departments, while providing the tools and training employees need to establish great collaboration in an enterprise.

  • Rethinking WCM to Engage and Retain Customers

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Software Quality

    View this white paper to learn more about how businesses are altering their web content management (WCM) strategy. Companies are working to manage the customer experience with a more interactive approach. The connection between WCM and customer experience management (CEM) makes it easy for customers to find what they need.

  • Developing a Solid Web Content Management Strategy

    Sponsored by: Limelight Networks, Inc.

    In this expert e-guide, find five must-see steps that will help your organization enable Web content management (WCM) success. Also inside, uncover top tips for planning an intelligent WCM strategy.

  • Optimizing Microsoft® SharePoint with Dell

    Sponsored by: Dell EMC and Microsoft

    The workplace is quickly becoming a highly mobilized environment where employees can work remotely. As executives work from home or during travel, important company data is housed in remote buildings far from the protection of the office walls. View this resource to learn more about protecting your business with governance and compliance.

  • Best practices, success stories for digital asset management

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Content Management

    View this resource to learn more about how you can effectively manage the growing amounts of digital and rich media content. It offers key advice on how you can improve your approach to digital asset management and strengthen content controls.

  • Developing a SharePoint Collaboration Strategy That Gets Results

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Content Management

    Consult this expert e-guide to determine whether it's time to upgrade to a newer version of SharePoint now that SharePoint 2013 is available. Creating an adaptable strategy is imperative for supporting business goals and enhancing innovation and collaboration. Find out how you can prepare your users for the changes by reading this resource now.

  • Presentation Transcript: Key questions to ask when moving content management tasks to the cloud

    Sponsored by: Limelight Networks, Inc.

    In [this presentation transcript], learn why security is challenging in the cloud and how businesses can manage access. Also, learn why business leaders should think about control and ownership of content management when migrating to avoid future pitfalls.

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