Storage Virtualization White Papers
A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to flash storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comCompanies have come to count on the high performance of their flash storage services. In this 12-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at the cost of a variety of options, what the big three cloud providers have to offer and how the issue of reliability is being addressed.
MicroScope July 2019: The effects of Brexit on business
Sponsored by: MicroScopeBrexit is still to be delivered, but the channel has to carry on as if it's business as usual
A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to optimising storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comThe implementation of effective storage optimisation has becomean important factor in business. In this 12-page buyer's guide,Computer Weekly looks at cost implications, the hyper-convergedinfrastructure minefield and the alternatives to shared storage
Infographic: 2019 Europe IT Priorities - Network and Mobility
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this infographic, we take a look at the top network initiatives of 2019, what types of mobility projects are being invested in and which IT sectors are seeing the biggest budget increases. Survey results taken from the 2019 IT Priorities survey carried out by, and
Infographic: 2019 Europe IT Priorities, Storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this infographic, we take a look at what the most popular primary and secondary storage initiatives are in 2019 as well as how much storage will be maintained on-premise across Europe. Survey results taken from the 2019 IT Priorities survey carried out by, and
Essential Guide to LUN configuration and virtualisation
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this guide you will find all you need to know about LUNs, LUN configuration and management, including their use in virtualised environments.
Essential Guide to LTFS tape NAS
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comLinear Tape File System (LTFS) offers the chance to build nearline storage with the cost profile of tape and the access times of NAS. This guide walks you through LTFS and tape NAS.
NAS meets cloud and unstructured data challenges
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comNAS file access storage has progressed to meet the challenges of the cloud era. This e-guide provides key insights into NAS as we know it in the era of cloud and big, unstructured data sets.
Containers and storage 101: The fundamentals of container storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this e-guide we look at the basics of Docker storage and backup, key containers capabilities in storage vendors' offers and how containers can be incorporated into the private cloud environment.
Storage for containers and virtual environments
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this e-guide we give you a complete run-through of the main choices in data storage for containers, look at the essentials of virtual servers storage, plus all you need to know about storage performance in virtual server and desktop environments.
Rethinking storage for the big data age
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this e-guide, read about how Australian organisations are coping with the storage challenges of big data, why flash storage is still too expensive for some companies and how NetApp is evolving to keep up with changes in the industry.
IT Definitions: Storage Special
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this e-guide, we have put together a list of key definitions in storage and data protection to help you make sense of the fast-evolving storage technology landscape. From software-defined storage to non-volatile memory express (NVMe), we hope this extensive list of definitions will help you succeed in an increasingly data-driven world.
IT Project: Hyper-converged infrastructure
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comThe term hyper-convergence means different things to different people. But at its core, hyper-convergence brings together servers and storage network resources that are managed as a single unit using software. In this e-guide, learn more about the benefits of hyper-convergence and how you can derive the greatest value from your investment.
CW Europe: December 2016 - February 2017
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comSecurity continues to be a huge pan-European challenge for governments and businesses harnessing the latest technologies. In this quarter's CW Europe, we feature two articles focusing on security in Europe and what authorities and IT firms are doing to reduce risks.
Computer Weekly – 8 November 2016: The march of the robot workers
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this week's Computer Weekly, we look at how artificial intelligence is being used to automate existing jobs, such as IT administrators and customer service agents. Capital One's European CIO talks about how to create an agile business. And we offer tips on how to deal with an Oracle software audit. Read the issue now.
Storage trends 2016: Storage priorities, cloud appliances and NAS vs object storage
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comThis guide offers a collection of our most popular articles on storage-related issues from the first few months of 2016.
Does a proprietary solution automatically mean vendor lock-in?
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comThe dread of any IT manager is in making a significant purchase of hardware or software to then find that they are 'locked in' to one supplier. But analyst Clive Longbottom asks, is this still the case?
IT Consolidation with VMware and Dell Equallogic ISCSI SANS
Sponsored by: DellEMC and Intel®Read this paper to learn how Dell EqualLogic™ PS Series iSCSI SANs can help to reduce the cost and complexity of IT Consolidation and uniquely integrate with VMware® Infrastructure to enable the fully virtualized IT environment.
Introduction to Virtualization E-book, Chapter 5: Storage in the Virtualized World
Sponsored by: Sun Microsystems, Inc.In Chapter 5 of this E-book, you'll learn how storage virtualization can improve utilization rates, keep resource costs low and boost network performance for real-world and future applications.
Presentation Transcript: Presentation Transcript: EMC Corporation and the Benefits of Network Attached Storage for Small Businesses
Sponsored by: EMC CorporationThe presentation transcript from EMC Corporation features Ashish Nadkarni, Principal Consultant with GlassHouse Technologies, discussing the benefits of Network Attached Storage for Small Businesses.
Cloud backup tutorial: How to leverage cloud backup services
Sponsored by: Iron MountainIn this tutorial on cloud backup, you will learn the pros and cons cloud backup, how cloud storage is changing data protection and disaster recovery and the differences in the cost of cloud backup vs. traditional backup.
Dell NX4: Achieving Storage Efficiency with Data Deduplication
Sponsored by: DellEMC and Intel®This paper illustrates the concepts of Celerra Data Deduplication. It also shows how a user can use and manage deduplication on the Dell NX4 network-attached storage (NAS) system.
Key management strategies for your virtualized environment: Increasing your return on investment (ROI) on virtualization
Sponsored by: Hewlett Packard EnterpriseVirtualization helps reduce IT costs and increases business agility. Because of this, virtualization technologies are particularly suited to these economic times. This white paper explores the evolution of virtualization, and then gives practical advice on how virtualization can benefit your organization.
Virtual Data Center Ezine
Sponsored by: Hewlett Packard EnterpriseThis e-zine contains useful articles and expert advice for organizations navigating the stormy seas of virtual data centers.
Presentation Transcript: Midmarket Virtualization Case Studies
Sponsored by: Dell CompellentThis presentation transcript features Andrew Baker, Vice President of IT operations at ARGI and Steven Sommer, Principal and Founder of SLS Consulting who discuss how their respective organizations have cut costs with virtualized datacenters.