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Security Management White Papers

  • 5 Cybersecurity Hygiene Best Practices

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Cybersecurity hygiene is a critical component of any infosec program. Just as washing your hands and brushing your teeth are important to personal hygiene, password updates and software patches are important to cybersecurity hygiene -- and critical to preventing data loss, breaches and identity theft.

  • How Can Healthcare Protect Against Zero-Day Attacks and What Does It Mean?

    Sponsored by: XtelligentMedia Healthcare

    Zero-day attacks pose significant dangers to the healthcare sector, but defenders can mitigate risk by patching early and often.

  • CISO Success Stories: How security leaders are tackling evolving cyber threats

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The cyber threat landscape facing chief information security officers (CISOs) has morphed into a rapidly evolving beast, fuelled by the breakneck pace of digital transformation. In this e-guide, delve into the unique pressures faced by CISOs in technology and other industries, and how they are rising to the challenge.

  • MicroScope – June 2023: Take a balanced approach to security

    Sponsored by: MicroScope

    In this issue, read about how to help customers manage their security portfolios in a world of increasingly complex systems, discover how insights are providing more opportunities for partners, and learn whether being an MSP is enjoyable or not

  • MicroScope – March 2023: Steering the storage market

    Sponsored by: MicroScope

    In this issue, read all about how the storage world is continuing to evolve as it looks to the cloud, security and ESG compliance requirements. Also discover six steps to making your business more sustainable and read about how IBM's channel boss is set to make a difference.

  • Multifactor authentication: What are the pros and cons?

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    One of the biggest shortcomings of traditional user ID and password logins is that passwords can be easily compromised, potentially costing organizations millions of dollars. In this infographic we outline the key pros and cons of adopting multifactor authentication to protect users' identities and secure your systems.

  • MicroScope – February 2023: Opportunities in security

    Sponsored by: MicroScope

    In this month's issue, we explore the possibilities for the channel to make its mark with security services, and take a closer look at whether the ChatGPT revolution brings more benefits or negatives with it

  • Computer Weekly – 13 September 2022: Source responsibly: Tech sector efforts to root out forced labour are failing

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we analyse the technology industry's failure to extirpate forced labour and slavery from its supply chains. We find out how cyber security firm Okta is rebuilding customer trust after a major security incident. And we discover how Caterpillar is modernising its data management. Read the issue now.

  • 10 types of security incidents and how to handle them

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Cyberattacks are more varied than ever. Learn the key symptoms that signal a problem and how to respond to keep systems and data safe.

  • A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to cyber insurance

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this 14-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at how the market is evolving, why the devil is in the detail when it comes to assessing what's missing from policies and what steps companies need to take when investing in an insurance package.

  • The Evolving CIO role: from IT Operator to Business Strategist

    Sponsored by: BMC

    Since its beginnings nearly 40 years ago, the job of an organization's top IT executive has involved the cost-effective and strategic management of IT systems. But today's CIOs must also understand how IT drives business transformation.

  • Computer Weekly – 14 June 2022: Managing Apple Macs in the enterprise

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this week's Computer Weekly, with more people working remotely, the use of Apple Macs in the enterprise is growing – we look at how to manage them securely. Our latest buyer's guide examines security in the supply chain. And 10 years on from the London Olympics, we find out how data innovation is revitalising its legacy. Read the issue now.

  • MicroScope – May 2022: Charging at SME security challenges

    Sponsored by: MicroScope

    With cyber threats growing, SMEs have to improve their security position, and the channel is best placed to support that aim. Read all about improving security, how sustainability is more important than ever in channel conversations, and the impact of hybrid working

  • CW Brasil - Março 2022: Tolerância zero para conformidade de segurança corporativa

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Como o modelo de confiança zero ajuda a reduzir as lacunas de segurança e cumprir os requisitos de governança nas empresas?

  • Trust no one: Why zero trust security is taking the world by storm

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    As zero-trust strategies continue to grow, we take a look into the history and evolution of the zero-trust approach, the main challenges involving zero-trust implementation in 2022, and what APAC firms can do to stay ahead of cyber threats.

  • Infographic: 5 essential open source cybersecurity tools for 2022

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    There are countless open source cybersecurity tools available in the market and some of them have become essential for finding vulnerabilities in 2022. In this infographic, we highlight five tools that have proven to be highly efficient and reliable and can be combined with other tools to help build up your defences.

  • Infographic: SIEM vs. SOAR vs. XDR

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    IT security teams face an ongoing challenge: how best to collect data and turn it into intelligence to stop cyber threats. To help out, vendors have released generations of products that aggregate and analyse security events. In this infographic, learn the differences between SIEM, SOAR and XDR, and how these tools can help improve cyber security.

  • MicroScope – February 2022: Spotting the hidden security dangers

    Sponsored by: MicroScope

    In this security-focused issue, we take a closer look at the threats and security trends experts expect to increase and pop up over the course of 2022. Also read how proposed government regulations could spell eye-watering fines for MSPs, and how being green could be more difficult than anticipate

  • Top 10 cyber security stories of 2021

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Cyber security was once again top of the agenda for IT leaders in 2021, with a barrage of news and analysis making it hard to separate the wheat from the chaff and the genuine insight from the self-promotional nonsense. However, there were some stand-out cyber security stories in the past 12 months that were indubitably worthy of attention.

  • CW APAC: CIO trends

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this handbook, focused on CIO trends in the Asia-Pacific region, Computer Weekly looks at the top IT predictions for the year ahead

  • Security Think Tank Christmas Special - The most important lessons of 2021

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this special edition of Computer Weekly Security Think Tank, we asked our panel of cyber security experts to share their thoughts on the most impactful cyber lessons they've learned during 2021. Download this E-Guide and find out more about their valuable inputs and guidance.

  • Infographic: 5 cybersecurity predictions for 2022

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Cybercrime showed no sign of slowing down in 2021 and enterprises continue to fall victim to cyberattacks, with gangs targeting larger organizations with increasingly large demands. In good news, we can always take stock of the recent past and know what to prepare for. In this infographic, we point out five forecasts for cybersecurity in 2022.

  • MicroScope – November 2023: Team up for peak success

    Sponsored by: MicroScope

    In this issue, we explore the need to handle pitches and collaboration carefully to create more opportunities as an increasing amount of IT spending goes via partners. Also discover Canalys' predictions for the use of generative AI, and just what exactly it means when we talk 'cyber security'

  • A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to secure coding

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Security has become a key consideration in coding. In this 15-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at how organisations can protect their software supply chains, what to do in the case of a code error and why securing application development is so vital.

  • MITRE ATT&CK: Climb to the top

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The purpose of this article is to explain what the MITRE ATT&CK framework is and how it has become the de-facto industry standard for describing cyber adversarial behaviour. It will illustrate why it was created, why it can be considered a burgeoning cyber security ontology, and how it ended up being the one of the most widespread frameworks.

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