J2EE White Papers
SOA Security: Oracle Web Services Manager
Sponsored by: Oracle CorporationCompanies worldwide are actively implementing service-oriented architectures (SOA), both in intranet and extranet environments. While SOA offers many advantages over current alternatives, deploying networks of web services still presents key challenges...this paper showcases how Oracle's Web Services Manager (WSM) addresses these challenges.
MapXTreme Java Edition Data Sheet
Sponsored by: Pitney Bowes Business InsightMapXtreme Java is a 100% Java mapping engine designed to enable the use of location intelligence on the desktop, over the internet or through your organization intranet or extranet.
Robust Infrastructure for SOA: A Technical Introduction to WebSphere Application Server V6.1
Sponsored by: IBM Software GroupIBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 6.1 is the foundation of the IBM WebSphere software platform and is the key building block for a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
Incorporating IBM Speech Solutions into a Service Oriented Architecture
Sponsored by: IBM Software GroupThis white paper explains the benefits of On Demand Business, standards-based development and SOA as a part of product offerings and how SOA has shifted from concept to a viable approach to managing disparate IT resources.