Database Software Research
Comcast Revolutionizes Network Performance Data Analysis
Sponsored by: Vertica SystemsAfter briefly considering and rejecting an open-source tool, Harvell and his team selected Vertica Analytic Database 2.0, as it is a high-speed, relational SQL database management system.
IBM Optim Data Privacy Solution for SAP
Sponsored by: IBMThe IBM® Optim™ Data Privacy Solution for SAP® offers comprehensive, proven capabilities for de-identifying test data, making the data appropriate for testing.
Gaining the Performance Edge Using a Column-Oriented Database Management System
Sponsored by: Sybase, an SAP companyAs organizations continue to employ larger data warehouses, the need for performance will continue to outpace the capabilities of traditional relational databases. This paper explores the data explosion and why column-oriented database systems are able to provide the boost needed to gain the performance edge.
Proven strategies for archiving complex relational data
Sponsored by: IBMThis white paper explains how the IBM Optim Data Growth Solution provides proven technology and comprehensive capabilities that make archiving complex relational data both practical and desirable.
Virtual Data Center E-Zine - Volume 9
Sponsored by: Virtual Data Center E-Zine - Volume 9In this month's issue of Virtual Data Center, learn how to reduce the number of physical servers even more by focusing on the process of virtual machine placement on host servers.
Leveraging Information for Innovation and Competitive Advantage
Sponsored by: IBMThis paper by Hurwitz & Associates provides an overview of what is required to create an environment that leverages information dynamically in your enterprise.
Oracle Database 11g: Real Application Testing & Manageability Overview
Sponsored by: Oracle CorporationRead this white paper to learn how the new Real Application Testing capabilities in the Oracle Database 11g allows database administrators to adapt to changes easily, lower their testing costs and reduce hardware and software investments.
Security Threat Report: July 2008
Sponsored by: SophosThis report gives a comprehensive insight into the events and trends that emerged during the first half of 2008, and helps businesses to stay ahead of today's increasingly covert threats.
The Roadmap to Virtual Infrastructure: Practical Implementation Strategies
Sponsored by: IBMThis VMware® white paper, especially useful for senior IT managers, describes best practices for implementing virtualization technology and provides strategies for convincing decision makers and others to support server virtualization.
Optimizing Customer Retention Programs
Sponsored by: Portrait SoftwareRead this case study and find out about how Uplift Modeling can help your marketing programs and increase campaign ROI.