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Data Governance Research

  • A Computer Weekly buyer’s guide to data quality

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The value of data depends on its quality. In this 14-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at how the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the challenges of inaccurate datasets, the new analytics techniques improving data quality and Informa's use of Collibra software

  • Data is pure gold in the right hands

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Applying technology like machine learning to transaction data could significantly increase the proportion of money laundering activity that is detected. It is projects like this that are driving demand for data science skills. In this e-guide, read about the power of data against money laundering, and how to get the skills to turn data into gold.

  • A Computer Weekly buyer’s guide to compliance, risk and governance

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Managing data compliance and security has emerged as an integral business consideration. In this 15-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at the rise of integrated risk management, security risks in the age of digitisation and how to manage an integrated approach

  • State of GDPR in mainland Europe

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The General Data Protection Regulation has been in place for over 18 months now, but its implementation is only really just becoming clearer as regulators begin to fine organisations that fail to meet the rules. That is because different countries are implementing it differently. This e-guide gives a snapshot of the current state of GDPR in Europe.

  • Data Backup: From Planning to Providers

    Sponsored by: Cohesity

    Check out this e-guide to discover how to establish a strong data backup plan, learn why cloud backup is the modern-day standard and compare approaches, and find out how cloud backup can help secure remote workers during the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Navigating Ransomware Recovery

    Sponsored by: Cisco Umbrella

    The decisions and road to recovery will involve several stakeholders and real costs. So, when organizations must make the tough decision of whether to pay a ransom, rebuild the system, or file a report, there are many factors to consider. Use this e-guide to help you plan and map out steps to avoid rushing into bad choices that can’t be reversed.

  • A Computer Weekly buyer’s guide to data protection

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Data protection is now an unavoidable consideration in business, and the costs of not getting it right are higher than ever. In this 14-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at the larger fines coming out of the EU's GDPR, the importance of focusing on business value and the advantages of building compliance into your company's culture.

  • How to unlock the true value of data

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    With a robust data architecture in place, a firm's data science team can turn raw data into business insight. We take a quick look at how this can be done.

  • Navigating VMware and Cloud Backups

    Sponsored by: Clumio

    VMware VM backups and cloud backups can improve workload protection by securing data but navigating the tools themselves can be intimidating. Dive into this e-guide to learn 6 VMware VM backup best practices and 3 cloud backup security guidelines to help you navigate this tricky landscape.

  • Data governance more important now than ever

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    As organisations generate and store ever-increasing volumes of data, governance of that data has never been more important. In this e-guide, we discuss why good data governance is good business, why it's essential to data security and examine the state of GDPR after its first year being in effect.

  • No-deal Brexit: Ideal or Ordeal?

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide, we bring together the latest advice for businesses on what leaving the EU without a deal would mean for your data protection strategy.

  • Evolving Roles in Data Management

    Sponsored by:

    Data management is a staple of successful businesses in the digital era, and as we rely on data more and more, the growing variety of roles within data management need to be better defined and clarified. Keep reading to learn who is doing what with data, and why.

  • The Importance of Data Governance, and Where Your Data Goes Afterwards

    Sponsored by: Cloudera Intel

    With data commonly flowing in such high volumes, intelligently controlling this data becomes critical for organizations intending to produce insights that drive real growth. Read this e-guide to learn why data governance is so important for big data analytics, and how to decide what to do with your data after its been properly governed.

  • Building a Business Glossary—and Why You Should

    Sponsored by: Intozetta Ltd

    Read this e-guide to learn how to create a commonly understood collection of data definitions within your organization that will keep your analytics optimized and in sync for improved long-term profitability.

  • The Growing Importance of Data Governance Strategy

    Sponsored by: Intozetta Ltd

    You aren't uncovering the full potential of your data unless you're tracking and utilizing its metadata—meaning that master data management (MDM) should not be ignored. Read this expert e-guide to learn more about MDM and the dawn of data governance—and why modern organizations need a strong data governance strategy.

  • GDPR: 10 essential facts you need to know

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide, we give you the top 10 key facts you need to know about the General Data Protection Regulation according to privacy lawyer and KuppingerCole analyst, Karsten Kinast. Taken from the European Identity & Cloud Conference in 2016.

  • Making Data Governance Work in the Real World

    Sponsored by: Data443

    In this expert e-guide, senior executive editor Craig Stedman reports on how data management teams increasingly are approaching governance in subtle ways to avoid being seen by business users as the data police.

  • Why You Shouldn't Wait to Build a Data Governance Model

    Sponsored by: Erwin

    As your company amasses data from multiple sources, you can potentially lose control over data quality and accuracy. In this expert e-guide, learn why it's time to halt the data free-for-all and apply data governance to keep your organization on track.

  • Data Governance Plays a Major Part in Big Data Success

    Sponsored by: IBM

    Big data holds the potential to provide insights for business growth – but only if data governance is part of the plan. Learn why data governance plays a major part in big data success. Plus, data management expert Anna Marie Smith, EWSolutions, explains when to implement a data governance plan, and challenges to look out for along the way.

  • What Happens to You When Cloud Providers Expand

    Sponsored by: Nokia

    What will happen to your workload when your cloud provider opens a new data center that is geographically closer to you? Is a service-level agreement actually important? Access this e-guide to peek into the future of your cloud investments, learn about the visibility and performance question, and more.

  • Architecting For The Digital Edge: 4 Steps to Building Your Digital Platform

    Sponsored by: Equinix

    The digital economy is forcing us to undergo digital transformation, as traditional business practices are no longer sustainable. Access this playbook to learn how to remove traditional architectural constraints, optimize connectivity, and put IT back in control of your digital strategy.

  • Good Data Governance Programs: Why the Urgency?

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Data Management

    Companies aren't gaining enough value from big data. That's why there's a greater need to establish data handling policies and procedures that only good data governance programs can provide. Explore good use vs. abuse of customer data (Wells Fargo, Target, and Bank of America), 4 data governance concerns and best practices, and much more.

  • What the new EU data protection rules mean for IT marketers

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The new EU data protection laws are top of the agenda for IT buyers this year – find out what opportunities this presents for IT marketers.

  • GDPR Developments Will Dominate Storage and Compliance in 2017

    Sponsored by: Arrow + NetApp

    In this expert guide, Storage Editor Antony Adshead and CEO of Vigitrust, Mathieu Gorge, discuss 2017's developments in the GDPR, as it pertains to regulatory compliance, and data backup. Read on to discover backup challenges associated with e-discovery, the evolution of data retention regulations, and more.

  • Identifying the IT Operations Analytics Product Your Enterprise Needs

    Sponsored by: Splunk

    IT operations analytics (ITOA) helps prevent your network from encountering problems. ITOA takes data from different sources and provides the insights you are looking for. Read this e-guide to learn how an ITOA works and how to find the right ITOA tool for your organization.

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