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CAN SPAM Act of 2003 Research

  • CW500: Key trends for IT leaders in 2017 – technology trends

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    A look forward to the 12 months ahead for IT leaders and the key trends of the coming year - this presentation came from Spencer Izard, chief analyst in the enterprise advisory team at Ovum, discussing the major technology trends for this year.

  • Notes and summaries of Facebook discovered documents (with multiple colour highlights) - undated

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    This undated document summarises the information contained in some of the exhibits produced by Godkin's 16 May declaration. The author is unknown.

  • Declaration by David Godkin with 218 exhibits – 17 May 2018

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    A declaration by David Godkin, counsel for app developer Six4Three, producing 218 exhibits. The exhibits cover a wide range of material relating to Facebook, including news cuttings, press releases and blog posts. The exhibits present a timeline of what was publicly known and when.

  • Computer Weekly – 9 January 2018: Countdown to GDPR

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this week's Computer Weekly, with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming in to force this year, we look at the challenges for businesses to comply by the 25 May deadline. We examine the future for HPE as CEO Meg Whitman steps down. And we find out how hyper-converged systems affect your backup strategy. Read the issue now.

  • Networking Compliance

    Sponsored by: DellEMC and Intel®

    This paper presents a broad overview of the major types of compliance required today. In addition, it considers an approach to compliance based on the network as a whole, rather than on specific devices or areas.

  • ACOs: Treat Patients More Effectively with Health Analytics

    Sponsored by: IBM

    This e-guide from highlights the importance of data analytics in the success of today's ACOs. Read now to learn the difference between collaborative and captive ACOs and discover how predictive analytics can provide the information necessary to dramatically improve patient care.

  • Building a Robust Business Case for High Quality Master Data

    Sponsored by: Melissa

    This white paper explains the key elements for building a proper, quantified business case. It presents the measures that are favored by corporate finance departments, and helps develop a strong business case for data quality and MDM projects. A number of real-life examples with quantifiable benefits are also included.

  • The Business Case for Information Management

    Sponsored by: Oracle Corporation

    In this analysis, Frank Buytendijk examines what information management means, and describes a complete spectrum of business cases, ranging from tactical cost reduction to transformational impact on the organization’s business model.

  • IT Priorities 2021 - European Budgets Infographic

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    After surveying near 500 European IT sector professionals, the jury is out on what companies across the continent will be spending on in 2021. We dive into what spend will be easier to justify, if budgets for IT companies are on the rise or fall and what the 2021 project rankings are for most in the new year.

  • The Massachusetts Data Protection Law

    Sponsored by: TechTarget Security

    Massachusetts businesses facing down MA 201 CMR 17.00 can meet the challenge with preparation and execution. Read this e-book to learn more about important topics such as identity theft, data breach prevention, mandatory encryption, and getting ahead of the game where Massachusetts data protection law is concerned.

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