Tunneling White Papers
Types of DNS Attacks Reveal DNS Defense Tactics
Sponsored by: TechTarget SecurityThis E-Guide from SearchSecurity.com details different types of common domain name system (DNS) attacks, the unusual behaviors they invoke, and which defense tactics work best in the given scenario. View now to learn more!
How to Gain Visibility and Control of Encrypted SSL Web Sessions
Sponsored by: BlueCoatBlue Coat's SSL proxy functionality enables organizations to extend the power of the intelligent and secure proxy appliances to all SSL traffic. Read about how a proxy gives visibility and control of SSL communications.
Open, Manage, and Accelerate SSL Encrypted Applications
Sponsored by: BlueCoatEnterprise users and their data have never been further apart. Business pressures that keep employees out of headquarters and close to customers and partners have met head-on with other drivers that are bringing far flung servers back to the datacenter.