Server Virtualization Research
HP white paper: Complete Data Protection for VMware Virtual Environments
Sponsored by: Hewlett Packard EnterpriseThis paper examines the issues of backup and recovery in VMware virtual server environments, and outlines the key features of HP Data Protector.
Auto-Snapshot Manager/Vmware Edition Automated, Integrated, and Scalable Protection of Virtual Machines
Sponsored by: DellEMC and Intel®This paper will discuss High performance, space-efficient hypervisor-aware SAN-based snapshot and replication support, backup and recovery, IT infrastructure, as well as virtual security.
E-Guide: Which Virtualization Management Tool Is Right For Your Organization?
Sponsored by: Dell and VMwareIn this informative Pocket Guide, brought to you by, Dell and VMware, learn more about the virtual management tools on the market and their functionality. Discover which product capabilities organizations should consider when evaluating virtual infrastructure management technologies.
E-Guide: Planning and Deploying Server Virtualization
Sponsored by: Dell and VMwareIn this Pocket Guide, brought to you by, Dell and VMware, discover the central tasks in the assessment and planning stages of a virtualization project.
Red Hat and Intel: Moving Intelligence Forward
Sponsored by: Red Hat and JBossPut state-of-the-art intelligence to work on the challenges of tomorrow by running Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the latest Intel® Xeon® processors. Red Hat's open source, commercial-strength innovation delivers optimized results for performance, energy efficiency, and advanced virtualization on Intel platforms, all at an affordable price.
11 Questions Every CIO Should Ask Their IT Manager
Sponsored by: Red Hat and JBossWhat is your IT really costing you? Could you be doing more with the technology you have? Could you reduce costs and provide better service to your organization? Read Red Hat's suggestions on "11 Questions Every CIO Should Ask Their IT Manager", and how Red Hat open source solutions can help.
Open Source in the Next Computing Wave
Sponsored by: Red Hat and JBossThe current economic climate is forcing more systematic thinking about costs in general, including those associated with overall complexity and the security and resiliency of large distributed infrastructures. These trends intersect in powerful ways; a new wave of computing is gathering momentum as a result. And open source is playing a major role.
Introduction to Virtualization E-Book, Chapter 2: Optimizing Server Virtualization
Sponsored by: Dell EMC and MicrosoftServer sprawl and underutilization problems plague many data centers, with applications being assigned to a server that rarely uses any more than 5% to 10% of its computing capacity. This e-book explains optimizing server virtualization and server management and can help optimize a virtual server deployment.
The Top Five Virtualization Mistakes
Sponsored by: Vyatta Inc.This paper describes five mistakes common to many implementations of enterprise virtualization. Most of these mistakes relate to virtualization and networking infrastructure. Ideally, after reading this paper, you'll be sensitized to these issues so that you can plan for them and make your virtualization projects more successful.
New Enterprise Desktop E-Zine Vol. 1: Defining Application Virtualization
Sponsored by: Dell, Inc. and Intel®In this premiere issue of New Enterprise Desktop, you'll learn the ins and outs of application virtualization and how to apply it in the enterprise, as well as finding out how to categorize user groups and match them with the best desktop virtualization solution.
Presentation Transcript: Options for Boosting Web hosting Efficiency and Optimization
Sponsored by: Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Intel CorporationIn this transcript, part II of "Benefits of Boosting Web Hosting", industry veteran Greg Schulz takes a closer look at the options and benefits of boosting web hosting efficiency.
Presentation Transcript - Sun Solutions for Boosting Web hosting Efficiency and Optimization
Sponsored by: Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Intel CorporationRead this transcript featuring industry veteran Greg Schulz for part III of "Business Benefits of Boosting Web hosting" to gain more insight into the benefits and options of boosting web hosting.
E-book: Choosing Your Server-- What Every IT Manager Must Know About Selecting, Installing and Implementing the Proper Server Architecture
Sponsored by: Dell, Inc. and Intel®This eBook provides comprehensive information about servers and server implementation to help IT managers choose the best option for their storage needs.
Windows Servers and Storage: Planning Your Server Room
Sponsored by: Dell, Inc. and Intel®This eBook will walk you through some of the key steps to setting up a dedicated server room. Whether your server project is large or small, having a dedicated server room will allow you to store backup disks, blades, equipment, and also allow you to have an onsite console for administrators.
Introduction to Virtualization E-book, Chapter 1: Virtualization Concepts in Disaster Recovery
Sponsored by: Hewlett Packard Company and IntelVirtualization is changing the disaster recovery landscape. This E-Book is a beginners' guide to virtualization with chapters on disaster recovery (DR), test and development, server consolidation, high availability, storage, security and key technologies including VMware ESX,Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix XenServer.
Introduction to Virtualization E-Book, Chapter 2: Optimizing Server Virtualization
Sponsored by: Hewlett Packard Company and IntelServer sprawl and underutilization problems plague many data centers, with applications being assigned to a server that rarely uses any more than 5% to 10% of its computing capacity. This e-book explains optimizing server virtualization and server management and can help optimize a virtual server deployment.
Advancing Integration of Microsoft Hyper-V and Dell EqualLogic Virtualized SANs
Sponsored by: Dell EMC and MicrosoftThis paper will discuss the importance of an enterprise-class storage infrastructure as you migrate to a virtualized data center. Dell™ EqualLogic™ PS Series Internet SCSI (iSCSI) storage area network (SAN) arrays enable advanced integration with the robust server virtualization.
Presentation Transcript: Virtual Infrastructure Optimization: What You can't See Can Hurt You
Sponsored by: Virtual InstrumentsThe presentation transcript will introduce new research on the topic of virtual Infrastructure optimization (VIO). VIO is a new storage solution that is designed to significantly improve the performance of virtualized applications and to help optimize the utilization of both storage and server resources.
Presentation Transcript: Leveraging Virtualization to Constrain Costs
Sponsored by: 3PARDownload this presentation transcript to learn how virtualization has been a major key to the success of everyone's favorite discount travel site as has continued to grow its competitive edge in the face of lean economic times.
Virtual Data Center E-Zine - Volume 11
Sponsored by: Virtual Data Center E-Zine - Volume 11Data center managers face increasing challenges as virtual machines spread across the enterprise. Automation, monitoring and management tools can offer some much needed relief in the battle to keep control in a virtualized environment. In this month's issue of Virtual Data Center, learn how to choose the right virtual tools for the job.
Ten Ways SMBs Can Get More from Their IT Budgets
Sponsored by: Dell and VMwareVirtualization technology presents a number of opportunities for driving capital and operational efficiency for SMBs. Read this brief paper to learn ten cost-saving strategies.
VMware and Dell Solutions for Small to Medium Business: Ensuring Rapid, Reliable and Affordable Disaster Recovery
Sponsored by: Dell and VMwareAffordable high availability and disaster recovery solutions are critical to the survival of all SMBs in the event of a disaster. Building on years of helping SMBs protect their information, VMware and Dell provide cost-effective and robust data protection, disaster recovery, and high availability solutions.
Presentation Transcript: Changing the Economics of Storage Infrastructure with Virtualization
Sponsored by: LSI and presented by HPIn these hard economic times, so much information is already out there about how to bring down the costs of storage infrastructures, but none of them describe how the design of a flexible and agile (adaptive) infrastructure actually facilitates these potential savings.
Refreshing IT Infrastructure with the Xeon Processor 5500 Series
Sponsored by: Intel CorporationIn this Videocast, learn what key points an organization looks at when thinking about a technology refresh. Gain insight into the value proposition of refreshing IT infrastructure with the Xeon Processor 5500 series and how it is essential for meeting performance, reliability and flexibility requirements.
SAN and Server Virtualization Podcast Transcript
Sponsored by: NexsanThis podcast transcript examines the pros and cons traditional Fibre Channel SAN and a slightly newer iSCSI SAN.