Domain Name Systems Research
Using digital twins to cut costs and improve safety at Shell
Sponsored by: TechTarget ComputerWeekly.comIn this week's Computer Weekly, we look at Shell's digital twin strategy, which combines AI, internet of things and big data to improve safety and cut costs. Our latest buyer's guide examines the best practices and technologies in business process automation. And we find out why securing DNS is critical to fighting cyber crime. Read the issue now.
Understanding Web Application Security Challenges
Sponsored by: IBMThis paper explains what you can do to help protect your organization, and it discusses an approach for improving your organization's Web application security.
Removing Internet Anonymity Barriers with IP Intelligence
Sponsored by: Digital ElementNetAcuity IP Intelligence technology provides an excellent way to non-invasively gather new intelligence about the online universe, and Digital Element delivers the de facto standard in IP Intelligence.
Managing DNS Services for Greater Network Security and Availability
Sponsored by: Neustar®Learn how to manage your DNS services for greater network security and availability.