All Research Sponsored By:Avaya Inc.

Unified Communication for Dummies
Find here the real-world examples of how unified communications is being used now to solve critical business challenges and the tips you can use to meet your business needs in the modern, mobile work environment.
Avaya Unified Communications Can Reduce Cell Phone Expenses
By converging real-time, near-real-time, and non-real-time business communication applications, Avaya Intelligent Communications can dramatically reduce cell phone expenses, taking Unified Communications to the next level.
How Should an Enterprise Move towards Unified Communications?
Avaya moves customers toward Unified Communications to support complex and flexible work environments. The consultative process begins with a business assessment to understand the communication patterns, and to see where business processes slow down.
Beyond VoIP: Enterprise Perspectives on Migrating to Multi-modal Communications and Wireless Mobility
As per this report the industry providers are already delivering the new piece parts for such convergence, although new standards are still evolving to enable maximum interoperability across converged telecommunication infrastructures.
Three Best Practices for Today's Profitable Contact Centers: Three Best Practices for Contributing to the Bottom Line
This white paper provides the three best practices for today's profitable contact centers.
Securing Business Communications Applications in Converged Networks - Best Practices
Converged networks require converged security that expands traditional data security practices to protect the privacy of all network information, including IP telephony traffic.
Preparing the Enterprise for a Pandemic
This article suggests that enterprises need to look externally as much as internally to understand the impact a pandemic might have, and to prepare an appropriate response.
Implementing a Telecommuting Program
This paper discusses several issues related to implementing a telecommuting home worker program for contact center agents. Certainly, the particular requirements of each company will dictate the extent to which these and other concepts are implemented.
Best Practices for Home Agents
Employing home agents allows you to expand and improve your call center team. And they can be a form of insurance to keep your business running if disaster strikes. This white paper contains best practices for developing a Home Agents program.
Contact Center Costs: The Case for Telecommuting Agents
This white paper addresses high labor costs that are inevitable with contact centers and how a telecommuting or home agent program can greatly reduce your labor cost while increasing productivity of your contact center.
Quantifying the Value of Remote Maintenance
A common misconception about maintenance service is that problems need to be fixed after they occur. While this approach may be true for traditional hardware maintenance, a rapidly evolving concept has taken the industry by storm: preventive maintenance.