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Security Best Practices Research

  • Application security: More important than ever

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide we look at why application security is more important than ever due to traditional software and cloud-based, web and mobile applications playing an increasingly important role in business.

  • IT Priorities 2018 - What's happening in security?

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this video, Computer Weekly's editor-in-chief, Bryan Glick, discusses what's happening in security according to our 2018 IT Priorities survey taken by over 250 IT decision makers and managers.

  • Data protection: A business imperative

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide: While many organisations are focusing on the huge fines for non-compliance and the significant financial and reputational costs of data breaches, it is the fact that good data protection and privacy practices builds consumer trust and enables the innovative use of data that should be driving organisations to act.

  • Demystifying the myths of public cloud computing

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this article in our Royal Holloway security series, Chris Hodson asks whether public cloud is less secure than private datacentres, and assesses service models, deployment, threats and good practice.

  • Cloud migration: Choosing the right strategy and tools

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide, learn how to sell the value of cloud to the C-suite, roll DevOps tools into your migration plan, and avoid access control mistakes that could lead to data breaches that have hit the headlines of late.

  • The next wave of IoT in Asia: What to expect in 2018

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide, read about the APAC businesses that have successfully implemented IoT initiatives and are already reaping the benefits, such as achieving increased ROI and reducing operational disruptions.

  • CW Benelux February 2018

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this issue, read about how and why one public sector IT professional in the Netherlands, Victor Gevers, took a whole year out to hack ethically and, in the process, unearthed about 1,000 vulnerabilities.

  • Cloud: A security risk and opportunity

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    With businesses around the world adopting cloud-based services at an ever-increasing pace, security is now more important than ever. We look at why European cloud adopters are dissatisfied with their cloud providers' security and how providers are focusing on security in the design phase of products and introducing new security mechanisms.

  • Web security: Important but often overlooked

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    In this e-guide we take a look at the different approaches you can take in order to bolster your web security. We find out how to identify and address overlooked web security vulnerabilities, how security controls affect web security assessment results and why web opportunities must be met with appropriate security controls.

  • Security Analytics:A popular addition to cyber defence arsenals

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    This e-guide focuses on how businesses are turning to emerging technologies to improve their capability to detect and respond to previously-unknow cyber-attacks, and security analytics is among the most popular choices.

  • Safety Meshing: Hybrid trust models in social networks for end-to-end encryption

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    This article in our Royal Holloway Information Security Thesis series looks at an alternative approach to end-to-end encryption.

  • Insuring the uninsurable: Is cyber insurance worth its salt?

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    This article in our Royal Holloway Information Security Thesis series discusses the risks and benefits of cyber insurance and outlines steps businesses can take to make better informed risk mitigation decisions.

  • CW Nordics August 2017

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    The Nordic region, known for its startup companies, is a good platform for fintech companies to set up as consumers are conducive to digital banking services. In this issue, discover how major companies in the financial industry are partnering with startups and launching fintech initiatives and much more.

  • SME security - a business imperative

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    A growing number of enterprise-level organisations are assessing cyber security during supplier contract negotiations, which means cyber security is not only important to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to keep their own data safe, but is also increasingly a requirement for winning new business.

  • Focus: Cyber security in the Nordics

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    With the digitisation of life and work comes the 24-hour threat of cyber attacks. The Nordic region's pioneering spirit in the digital arena could easily turn heads, some of which may have malicious intent.

  • Cyber Security Trends 2017 ASEAN

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    For a few years now, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have called for closer collaboration among countries in the region on cyber security, given the transactional nature of cyber threats. Read more about these issues and how threat intelligence can help detect clandestine cyber activity before they turn into full-blown attacks.

  • Focus: Infosec17

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Security technologist Bruce Schneier's insights and warnings around the regulation of IoT security and forensic cyber psychologist Mary Aiken's comments around the tensions between encryption and state security were the top highlights of the keynote presentations at Infosecurity Europe 2017 in London.

  • Active defence through deceptive IPS

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    This article in our Royal Holloway security series explains how intrusion prevention systems (IPS) can be used with a 'honeynet' to gather intelligence on cyber attacks

  • Unified Communication: “It should work as easily as a telephone call!”

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    This article in our Royal Holloway Information Security series explains the security implications of unified communication.

  • The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 and Internet Connections Records

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    This article in our Royal Holloway Information Security series examines the implication of the state's collection of Internet Connection Records under the Investigatory Powers Act 2016.

  • Cyber security in the Middle East

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    As organisations increase their reliance on IT through rapid digital transformations, the threat of cyber attack grows. It is not just western countries such as the US and the UK that are being targeted by hackers, as the rapidly developed and wealthy nations of the Middle East become targets of both politically and financially driven attacks.

  • Focus ASEAN: Security & Digital Transformation

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    With cyber threats and attacks making headlines almost every day, governments and enterprises in Southeast Asia are placing greater emphasis on shoring up their cyber defenses, more so as they transform their economies digitally.

  • Cyber risks in maritime container terminals: Analysis of threats and simulation of impacts

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    This article in our Royal Holloway Security series explains why container terminals are vulnerable to cyber attacks, and recommends a technique for identifying and prioritising those vulnerabilities.

  • Hacking the Human Operating System

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    Cyber attackers often bypass the consciousness of their targets and attempt to manipulate victims through subconscious influences. This report from Intel Security offers advice on how to mitigate these risks.

  • Focus: Securing the cloud

    Sponsored by: TechTarget

    While cloud services' benefits of quick deployment and flexible scalability at a lower cost have driven enterprise adoption, security concerns continue to be a key factor in determining the extent and style of cloud adoption.

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