All Research Sponsored By:IFS

How to Assure ERP Success: Taking Ownership
CarSound CFO Steve Ragow encourages you to take ownership of and master your ERP system to assure your success.
Four Common ERP Implementation Mistakes
Here are four common mistakes an implementation leader and team can make, and suggestions on how to avoid them.
Leverage ERP for Sales & Operations Planning
Read this white paper to learn how to use your ERP to facilitate Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP), which helps manufacturers rapidly adjust to changes in the market.
Realize the Benefits of Design, Operate, Maintain Today
Industrial facility designers and those who operate and maintain those facilities need to work together closely to improve plant efficiency and business profitability over time.
Enable Project-Centric Manufacturing with Business Software
Project-centric manufacturing business models that involve outsourcing and short product lifecycles expose manufacturers to a number of risks they were not vulnerable to previously.
IFS Enterprise Asset Management - EAM/CMMS
IFS Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) is an information management system that connects all departments and disciplines within a company, making them an integrated unit.
Usability as an ERP Selection Criteria
ERP software is often criticized for being complex and difficult to use. Read this paper to learn how to evaluate ERP software for usability.
Is Your Enterprise Application on the Road to Nowhere?
After recent software product consolidation, how can you tell which products have a future and which will be phased out or orphaned?