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eBook: Untangling the Differences Between High Availability and Disaster Recovery - Chapter 2: Disaster Recovery is Not High Availability
The first chapter clarified that disaster recovery is not the same as high availability. It isnow time to consider disaster recovery in its own right and discover what is meant by thatterm. In order to cover the topic properly, let’s consider what is meant by disaster.
High Availability Solutions in Exchange Server 2007 That Eliminate the Need for Disaster Recovery
In this transcript featuring Exchange expert Peter Bruzzese, learn how to utilize tools for high availability (HA) that can eliminate the need for disaster recovery in Exchange Server 2007 environments. Find out how to ensure optimal uptime, availability and recovery in your Exchange environment.
Presentation Transcript: Windows Server Provisioning for High Availability
Businesses rely heavily on their servers, so if they fail productivity is lost. This expert webcast explores the dangers of unplanned server downtime. Discover some of the most important planning, configurations and management issues for server high availability.
Protecting Virtual Machines: The "Best of VMworld" Approach
Protecting virtual machines in this environment is essential but protecting virtual environments from unplanned downtime is a different matter. This white paper explores a completely new approach to availability for virtual machines. Download now.