All Research Sponsored By:Sybase, an SAP company
Taking a Strategic Approach to Enterprise Mobility
This webcast discusses everything you need to know about adopting a Mobile Enterprise Application Platform, such as the true value of adopting a Mobile Enterprise Application Platform, the trends you need to be tracking, and how to take a strategic approach to deployment.
Sybase IQ 15: Making the Economical Choice
Bill Jacobs, Director of Technical Marketing, Sybase IQ, discusses the elements and attributes of Sybase IQ that make it a very economical choice for your business intelligence, analytics, and data warehousing activity. The features in the latest release are highlighted, along with the base characteristics of Sybase IQ.
Sybase IQ 15: Addressing the Need for Speed
Bill Jacobs, Director of Technical Marketing, Sybase IQ, discusses the speed and performance capabilities of Sybase IQ 15. These enhancements are designed to help make IQ 15 remain the smartest choice for analytic, reporting, business intelligence, data mining, and related applications.
Sybase IQ 15: More Flexibility to Adapt and Grow
Please join Bill Jacobs, Director of Technical Marketing, Sybase IQ, in this webcast about the first of seven topic areas – as he discusses the new features added to Sybase IQ 15 that enhance the flexibility of Sybase IQ 15 for analytics, reporting and business intelligence applications.
Sybase IQ 15: Smarter Analytics
Businesses today are facing a very different kind of competition that is rooted in extensive data analysis and demonstrated in decision making that is fast, comprehensive, and based on factual information. In this environment, Sybase IQ shines as a highly optimized analytic server.
Sybase IQ: The Economics of Business Reporting
Reporting is recognized as a way for companies to improve service, ensure quality, control costs, and prevent losses by empowering decision-makers throughout the organization. This paper will explain why reporting is one form of business intelligence that has become business-critical.
Gaining the Performance Edge Using a Column-Oriented Database Management System
This paper explores the data explosion phenomenon and why column-oriented database systems are able to provide the boost that is needed to gain the performance edge. The paper contrasts row-oriented systems with column-oriented systems, and then elaborates on the benefits of the columnar approach.
Gaining the Performance Edge Using a Column-Oriented Database Management System
As organizations continue to employ larger data warehouses, the need for performance will continue to outpace the capabilities of traditional relational databases. This paper explores the data explosion and why column-oriented database systems are able to provide the boost needed to gain the performance edge.
Make the Right Database Investment
This paper compares the TCO of Oracle11g and Sybase ASE 15 databases, and demonstrates Sybase as the clear winner. Read this paper to learn why enterprises choose Sybase ASE on Linux for mission-critical applications that demand lightning-fast performance.
Competitive Analysis of Market Leaders in Data Modeling: PowerDesigner, ERwin and ER/Studio
Read this paper to learn all the factors you need to consider when choosing a data modeling tool. You will learn about the different model types and how each tool measures up to the demanding needs of your company today and in the future. This paper will lay out all the information you need to make a clear decision on data modeling today.
US Food Service - Streamline project includes Afaria
Watch this video to learn how US Food Service, the second largest food service provider, implemented Afaria from Sybase to streamline order entry and information management between their mobile sales force, distribution centers and the corporate office.
Increasing the ROI of Mobility
Read this paper to learn that virtually every organization with a mobile workforce can benefit from Afaria. This powerful and proven technology that is capable of handling large data transfers to and from mobile devices is already delivering notable business benefits to many organizations.
Sybase PowerDesigner 15.0
The industry leading data modeling tool and an enterprise modeling and design solution, PowerDesigner, helps implement effective enterprise architecture and brings powerful models to create and manage your IT infrastructure.
JMS with EAServer in 15 Minutes
The goal of this paper is to get you up and running with JMS and EAServer in approximately 15 minutes.
Testing EJBs with JUnit
This paper will introduce you to JUnit and how it can help make testing easier.