All Research Sponsored By:Exterro
E-Discovery Cross-Border Data Compliance
This white paper highlights two popular cross-border cases and recent developments in global data privacy laws, while also addressing common questions that legal teams are presented when faced with cross-border e-discovery issues and best practices for improving e-discovery and regulatory cross-border privacy processes.
Understanding E-Discovery Software Requirements
This IT buyer's guide dives into eDiscovery software requirements by highlighting the capabilities commonly needed by IT teams and how a web-based legal process management software suite meets these requirements.
Eliminating E-Discovery Over-Collection
This informative white paper describes the role of proportionality in today's collection practices, as well as the 5 best practices for defensibly reducing electronically stored information (ESI) collections.
Decoding Predictive Technologies in E-Discovery
This informative guide addresses common questions legal teams have about predictive technologies, and showcases how real-world users are taking advantage of these new capabilities.