All Research Sponsored By:Compuware
Key Application Performance Concepts
Today, application performance management (APM) is more important than ever before. But with so many enterprise applications to manage, APM can easily seem overwhelming. Fortunately, this helpful resource discusses fundamental elements of APM, and offers detailed explanations of important performance concepts.
Graduate from Load Testing to Performance Engineering
In this white paper, explore the role of load testing in the past and the current state of load test practices. Also, discover how a new technology brings full automation to load testing, and can help you fill the gaps in current test automation procedures.
The Changing Landscape of Application Performance Testing
View this webcast, hosted by industry leaders Diego Lo Giudice, Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester and Stephen Wilson, Product Specialist for Compuware APM, to uncover best practices for application performance testing to meet today's market needs.
Online Retail Banking Success Hinges on Positive User Experiences: How APM Makes the Difference
Access this detailed case study that highlights how an online retail banking service implemented an application performance management (APM) solution that offers rapid issue detection and identification for efficient troubleshooting to reduce any downtime, and keeps customers satisfied.
Compuware Helps Best Buy Optimize Its Internet Channel
Read up on how one company implemented an application performance management (APM) solution to ensure real-time availability and responsiveness for increased customer satisfaction.
Top 5 Reasons You Need Application Performance Diagnostics in Your Test Environment
Access now for the 5 major reasons test and QA need application performance diagnostics in order to keep up with the demand for quicker software delivery.