All Research Sponsored By:Advent Global Solutions Inc.
One Stop Data: Gaining Access to Enterprise, Customer, Business Intelligence
This expert e-guide discusses next-generation BI software, in particular customer relationship management (CRM) analytics and how these factors complement the SMB market.
Data Security and Governance best practices for 2012
This extensive e-guide focuses on how to remain up to speed with data security and governance programs for your growing enterprise.
IBM InfoSphere Optim Data Growth Solution for Application Retirement
This white paper discuses the benefits of consolidating data and retiring (or decommissioning) redundant or older systems to improve overall operational management costs.
Creating an effective enterprise information management program
Read this tip guide complied by our editorial team to learn about how to effectively use enterprise information management programs.
Experts reveal the top 5 data integration best practices
In this E-Guide readers will learn expert tips to ensure integration success.
Duke Energy emerges from 'dark period' with PeopleSoft 8.9 upgrade
While maintenance is tedious, forgoing maintenance usually causes much more tedious and compliance related issues. Duke Energy learned this the hard way. Read this tip guide to learn how this Charlotte, N.C. - based electric and retail gas utility company, effectively managed their software upgrade in the perils of compliance risks.
The basics of batch in Oracle environments
There are many different ways to manage batch jobs in Oracle depending on the technology. This tip guide from our editoiral team will teach readers the best practices for approaching batch-job processing.