All Research Sponsored By:AppSense
How to Improve Migrations with User and Desktop Virtualization
Watch this quick video to learn how user and desktop virtualization can not only help make Windows 7 migration simpler, but can make management easier for your IT department while creating a much better user experience.
Top 10 Reasons to Use Virtualization for Migrations
User virtualization can aid your Windows 7 migration. User virtualization will ultimately improve your Windows 7 use, reduce costs and enhance user experience and productivity through a people-centric approach to migration.
Windows and the Always Connected Workstyle
This presentation explains what tools and techniques are available to help keep your IT department up to speed for any modern desktop initiative.
Measuring the Financial Impact of AppSense DesktopNow
In this webcast presentation, experts from Forrester research share their findings on the economic benefit of the AppSense management suite, and why using such a tool to adopt new, virtualization-friendly strategies can truly help your organization cut costs and stay competitive.
Pay millions of dollars or risk getting hacked? It’s not too late to migrate
Read this whitepaper to learn how virtualization solutions can help you do away with the risks on Windows XP and make migration of user settings, data, and more to Windows 7 easy.
AppSense DesktopNow helps Sunrise Health Region cut costs on Windows 7 migration and increases user productivity
Sunrise Health faced intense pressure to address their failing IT environment, and did so by turning to user virtualization. Read on to learn about their experience and discover the tools they used to achieve success.
Nationwide Children's Hospital achieve a smooth migration process with AppSense
In this case-study, find out how Nationwide Children’s Hospital improved desktop manageability and security, increased flexibility for remote workers, and decreased logon times by migrating to virtual desktops.
McHenry County College: AppSense helps McHenry County College scale IT smoothly to meet increased growth
In this solution case-study, you’ll learn more about McHenry County College, an Illinois-based community college that serves a large number of traditional and adult students, and the steps they took after experiencing problems with their Active Directory roaming profile environment following a rapid growth in student enrollment.
Case Study: Fransicican Missionaries of Our Lady Health System
Read this whitepaper to learn how one major healthcare provider that manages roughly 13,000 employees and 8000 contract staff were able to use user virtualization to improve clinical workflow and gain a competitive advantage.
Case Study: Global Law Firm Solves Privilege Management Issues with User Virtualization
In this case-study, you’ll discover how a global, highly regulated law firm was able to eliminate end-user management issues with a people-centric user virtualization solution.
How to Optimize IT Initiatives with User Virtualization
This whitepaper explains how user virtualization works to span both physical and virtual desktops, allowing you to manage all aspects of the user independent of your method of desktop delivery.
What are your options when performing a Windows migration?
This crucial resource takes an in-depth look at the options that you have for planning and deploying a Windows 7 migration, detailing the benefits and drawbacks of each approach so you can create a strategy that will satisfy your specific needs and requirements.
How to Simplify Migrations with Virtualization
This informative white paper takes an in-depth look at user virtualization, which allows for the management of user-specific information independent of the desktop – thus minimizing the complexity of any desktop operating system migration.
Testing your Windows 7 Migration Strategy
Migrating to Windows 7 can be a costly, complex and time consuming project. Learn how virtualization can actually reduce the time and cost of a Windows 7 migration while ensuring maximum user adoption. Inside, take our quick challenge to test your Windows 7 migration plan. Discover the advantages and pitfalls of a user virtualization strategy.
Presentation Transcript: Coping with grassroots IT innovation
Employees today are trying to create their own solutions to practical IT challenges they face on a day-to-day basis, which can present challenges to the IT department. Learn how your organization can harness the key elements of this user-driven IT innovation in a way that complements current infrastructure and practices.
Presentation Transcript: Preparing for the “BYO” world
This webcast entitled "Preparing for the BYO World" highlights the best ways to effectively manage mobile devices. Learn how to handle the added complexity of personally owned devices that are not well addressed by current desktop management tools.
Presentation Transcript: Navigating the smartphone and tablet explosion
This webcast transcript highlights the challenges of navigating the smartphone and tablet explosion. Discover key strategic issues that enterprise IT teams are facing and how to overcome them. Learn how your organization can more easily and securely manage its mobile devices.
Presentation Transcript: Improving the mobile computing experience
This webcast transcript outlines ways to improve the mobile computing experience and to align current IT infrastructure practices with user workflow. Learn how your organization can shift to a people-centric approach to improve flexibility and connectivity.
Thinking strategically about mobility and enterprise data
IT professionals face new governance challenges as a result of the transformation of enterprise computing. The demand for mobile productivity is constantly growing, and IT leaders need to find solutions for mobility without sacrificing efficiency or governance.
AppSense DataNow
Learn how your organization can provide instant access to work documents from mobile devices. This videocast presents a solution that extends your IT infrastructure out into the mobile world in minutes.
AppSense DataNow: Anywhere data access with enterprise-class governance and control
Discover a solution that can be added to your existing IT infrastructure which makes users instantly productive anywhere without compromising IT governance or efficiency. Gain insight into flexible offline data access options and non-disruptive integration.
Buyer's Guide - Where Next for Virtualisation?
As businesses undertake virtualisation of their datacentres to consolidate servers, reducing administrative tasks and costs in the bargain, they may run into many unexpected challenges with networking, storage and server hardware. In this expert buyer's guide, discover how to overcome the trickiest virtualisation challenges.
Accelerate Windows 7 Deployments, Maximise App-V Adoption and De-risk Virtual Desktop Adoption
Access this resource to learn how user virtualisation technology can help your organisation accelerate Windows 7 deployments, maximise application virtualisation adoption, and ensure successful VDI implementations.
User Virtualisation from AppSense could Reduce the Time and Cost of Windows 7 Migration
Access this exclusive video to discover how user virtualisation can reduce the time and cost of a Windows 7 migration.
The Migration Equation: Making Sense of the Move to Windows 7
Although the official deadline to migrate to Windows 7 isn’t for another few years, your transition should already be under way to minimise the potential problems that may occur. In this resource, discover how user virtualisation can be the key to solving the many challenges you may face when transitioning to Windows 7.