All Research Sponsored By:TechTarget Virtual Desktop
When On-premises VDI Deployments Trump Cloud Applications
Access this expert handbook to review the dangers and cautions associated with cloud-based VDI management, as well as why IT admins should not count on-prem VDI out just yet.
What's new with desktop virtualization management?
Security and user experience are among the top desktop virtualization management areas IT should focus on. Monitoring tools can help with both.
An in-depth look at converged and hyper-converged technology for VDI
With converged or hyper-converged infrastructure VDI, organizations can bring simplicity to their deployments at an increasingly more affordable rate. But how do you decide between converged or hyper-converged infrastructure? Download this e-handbook to weigh the two systems and decide which is best for your organization.
Pick from three top virtual application delivery options
As IT tries to pick an app virtualization delivery approach, it's really a three-way choice between VDI vs. DaaS vs. RDSH.
Software-Centric Storage Selections for VDI
This exclusive handbook is your guide to new storage options for VDI. You'll explore why storage-only storage is poised to change the market, choosing between hardware vs. software storage optimization, VDI storage optimization's secret sauce is software, and more.
Using Converged and Hyper-Converged Infrastructure to Support VDI
Learn why hyper-converged infrastructure is a good fit for VDI deployments and find out which of the top vendors in the market might be right for you.
VDI Hums on Finely Tuned Hyper-Converged Infrastructure
Learn about why hyper-converged infrastructure is a good fit for virtual desktop infrastructure deployments and find out which of the top vendors in the market is right for you.
Where Workspaces Work
Virtual workspace management tools aggregate the many resources employees access and IT administrators manage, but such products aren't right for every business.
Addressing DaaS Security and Compliance
Potential DaaS customers with security and compliance requirements don't have to swear off the cloud. DaaS providers sometimes meet these needs better than on-prem infrastructure.
Who Needs Windows Desktops? It's All About the Apps
As the desktop we once knew becomes less important, how can you deliver the apps users need? This e-book explores how IT admins can turn to different app delivery options — they can virtualize or stream just the Windows apps workers actually use to only the people who need them.
GPUs Bring Lightning-Fast Apps to Virtual Desktops
VDI users need applications to work well, but graphics-heavy apps lag without enough resources to support them. GPU cards and vGPUs can help deliver the performance users need.
With DaaS SLAs, the House Always Wins
Learn about how DaaS providers build service-level agreements. The agreements don't usually favor the customer, and IT shops aren't as protected against downtime as they might think.
How to Untangle Windows' DaaS Licensing Knots
In this e-book, learn how Windows licensing works for desktops and servers, how it complicates DaaS and how to overcome these challenges.
How to Untangle Windows' DaaS Licensing Knots
In this e-book, learn how Windows licensing works for desktops and servers, how it complicates DaaS and how to overcome these challenges.
VDI Plants the Seeds for Desktops in the Cloud
Cloud-based desktops may not replace virtual desktop infrastructure, and both desktop delivery methods offer enterprises value. DaaS and VDI are similar but suit different uses.
How Does DaaS Differ from VDI?
In this vendor-neutral e-book, our very own virtualization experts explore the similarities and differences of VDI and DaaS, examine when to use one over the other, and provide a look into the latest virtual trends.
Virtual Desktops Can Add Resilience to Disaster Recovery
Disaster recovery can benefit from virtual desktop infrastructure. First, admins must decide how to approach VDI, keep their DR plans up to date and trust their DaaS providers.
204 Questions to Answer Before Migrating to Daas
In the final chapter of Brian Madden's e-book, 204 Questions to Answer Before Migrating to DaaS, learn these crucial questions to address prior to the move to DaaS. Ensure your migration strategy is fool-proof with questions to ask both yourself and your potential DaaS providers.
Desktops as a Service: Everything You Need to Know About DaaS & Hosted VDI Chapter 15: How to Pick a DaaS Solution
In this chapter of Brian Madden's e-book, How to Pick a DaaS Solution, examine the some of the DaaS platforms available today. Compare popular platforms and the various benefits and draw backs of each as well as other DaaS solution considerations such as platform lock-in and understanding DaaS Service-Level Agreements.
Everything You Need to Know About the Future of Windows and DaaS
We're surrounded by the drumbeat of "Windows is dying." But is that even true? And if so, does that mean any investment in DaaS could be a waste of time, money and effort? Or does it mean that you should actually accelerate your migration to DaaS?
Everything You Need to Know About Migrating to DaaS
This chapter of Brian Madden's e-book, Migrating to DaaS, details all the steps you must take to ensure a successful DaaS migration process. Learn about assessing your current environment, picking your users, migrating applications as well as a pre-DaaS migration checklist.
Desktops as a Service: Everything You Need to Know About DaaS & Hosted VDI Chapter 10: How to Pick a Windows Platform
When adopting Desktops as a Service (DaaS), IT pros must consider whether the DaaS desktops are going to run on a desktop platform (Windows 7, Windows 8) or a server platform (Windows Server 2008 R2, Server 2012).This chapter, from Brian Madden's expert DaaS E-Book, explores how to pick a Windows platform for DaaS environments.
Everything You Need to Know About the Costs Involved in DaaS
This e-book chapter, from Desktop Virtualization expert Brian Madden, explores the true cost of using Desktops as a Service, and compares the cost models of DaaS to traditional desktop PC's and on-premise VDI.
Use Cases for DaaS: Everything You Need to Know
Inside this cherry-picked chapter pulled directly from the best-selling book "Desktops as a Service: Everything You Need to Know About DaaS & Hosted VDI," you can explore multiple DaaS use cases, from temporary and remote workers to disaster recovery.
Desktops as a Service: Everything You Need to Know About DaaS & Hosted VDI Chapter 2: The Promise and Reality of VDI
This chapter, The Promise and Reality of VDI, from Brian Madden's expert DaaS e-book, takes a look at the technology behind VDI, where VDI works and where it doesn't, and how to be successful with it.