All Research Sponsored By:IQMS
E-Book: Lean manufacturing and ERP: How to leverage ERP to get lean
A manufacturing firm adopting the principles of lean manufacturing can effectively leverage the company's ERP system during its transition to lean. This E-Book explains what part of the plant you should start with; the importance of simplifying the ERP system; how to balance the ERP system with lean principles; and what pitfalls to avoid.
eBook: Manufacturing ERP software selection demystified: How to evaluate ERP platforms
There are many choices and considerations in the manufacturing ERP software market - and navigating the many options to find the right choice for your organization can seem like an overwhelming task. In this E-Book, read how turned to the experts at Panorama Consulting Group find the right one.
How Successful Manufacturing ERP Selections Are Made: The Top Things to Look for, Look at, and Look beyond When Evaluating an ERP Purchase
This paper examines the major considerations manufacturers looking to add, upgrade of replace Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software should be aware of. By being cognizant of these aspects you'll ensure that you'll be able to select a solution that best fits your needs, both now and in the future.