All Research Sponsored By:Qualys
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
Cloud-native application protection platforms (CNAPPs) can help consolidate security solutions, but also introduce new challenges. Learn how to maximize the benefits and manage the tradeoffs in this infographic.
Discovering Vulnerable Web Applications
This paper describes how large enterprises can effectively discover, catalog and scan web applications to control vulnerabilities as part of their organization's overall vulnerability management program.
The Big Shift to Cloud-based Security
Access this white paper to learn how small and medium-sized organizations can manage their IT risks and maintain regulatory compliance with minimal staff and budget, using cloud-based security.
Case Study: WebEx - Securing Web Collaboration
Read this case study to learn about the vulnerability and compliance risk management program WebEx has implemented to ensure security and confidentiality among their customers.
7 Essential Steps of Network Security
This paper details the essential aspects of putting into place a measurable and sustainable 7 step vulnerability management program, and demonstrates how QualysGuard automates everything you need along the way.