All Research Sponsored By:Kognitio
Kognitio Analytical Platform: Technical Profile Overview
This resource provides a technical overview of an in-memory analytical platform designed pull large amounts of data from existing storage systems in order to answer complex analytical questions.
Bringing Hadoop into the Mainstream
Read this white paper to discover how an in-memory analytical platform can complement Hadoop, making up for inherent shortfalls from latency and disk access. Receive an introduction to one such solution, designed to tightly integrate with Hadoop and interoperate with all layers of data persistence in an 'Information Anywhere' approach.
Kognitio Cloud
With the exponential growth of data in day-to-day business operations, business users need unlimited access to information. View this white paper to learn more about how you can deliver analytics on rich data volumes and gain insight that can benefit your business.
Data Warehousing as a Service
This concise case study outlines how they chose to leverage a Data warehousing as a Service (DaaS), allowing their pricing analysts to have access to a live analytical database, reports, and a team of experienced consultants who understand their business requirements.
Big Data Analytics
Big data analytics can help you understand the current state of your business, track customer behavior, and take advantage of new opportunities. This comprehensive TDWI best practices report gives you in-depth insights into all the important aspects of big data analytics, so that you have a solid foundation for implementing an analytics plan.
California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) Uses Kognitio WX2 for CAMERA Project
In this case study Calit2 and Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis (CAMERA) develop a cost-effective, high-performance environment where researchers have unlimited access to the existing genomics data.