All Research Sponsored By:Talend
Stampede to Cloud Presents Data Integration Problems
In this expert e-guide, explore the biggest hurdles that business encounter when migrating to the cloud, and uncover valuable tips to help you alleviate these challenges.
The Next Wave of Data Management : Is Big Data The New Normal?
The following white paper reviews the business drivers that are impacting the new wave of data management, highlights the new tools companies have for consideration in their next generation data architecture, and finally outlines a total data management blueprint for consideration in your big data strategy.
Buffalo Studios Maximizes Data Value to Build Competitive Edge in Social Gaming
Find out how one organization maximizes big data value to build a competitive advantage within their industry.
Almerys Uses Talend Data Services to Offer Better Quality of Service to its Customers
Find out how an integrated infrastructure platform increased performance and productivity for Almerys.
Orange Madagascar Improves Customer Knowledge with Talend
Find out how an enterprise data integration system helped a mobile and internet operator company streamline its data integration processing and analyze its big data.
How Big is Big Data Adoption?
Uncover all the results from a big data survey, and learn more about big data integration, implementation challenges and technologies.
Unified Integration Survey: What is the IT industry's current attitude towards integration?
This whitepaper examines the results of a survey conducted to determine IT’s current attitude towards integration and how their organization has approached this issue.
4 ways to use Hadoop for data warehouse optimization
This white paper describes how Hadoop can be used in data warehouse environments to reduce storage and processing costs and to improve the performance of reporting and analysis.
E-Guide Trends around Big Data in Today’s Market
In this E-Guide, readers will learn key trends around today's Big Data market and how users can take these trends back to their businesses.
Big Data and its Impact on Data Warehousing
Read this expert e-book by BI visionary Wayne Eckerson and gain insight into the growing adoption rates of big data technology and learn why companies are finally recognizing its many benefits. Eckerson offers a comparison of open-source options and analytical platforms, and also dives into an analysis on the varying types of processing systems.
Data Integration Platforms - Talend
In this white paper, Philip Howard reviews the current market for data integration platforms, paying particular attention to open source offerings from Talend.
Best Practices for Getting Started with Cloud Data Services and Application Integration
Various types of application integration have grown up over the years, leading to something of an oxymoron: islands of integration. Read this expert E-guide to uncover how cloud data services can help your organization by providing self-service integrated information from siloed systems.
Expand your SOA initiatives: Orchestrate new applications with Master Data Management
Read this E-guide and discover SOA management best practices and considerations for any MDM strategy. Find out how organizations can leverage open source middleware to integrate on-premise data and applications with cloud-based deployments.
SOA Architecture & Infrastructure: Working with basic building blocks of SOA infrastructure
This E-book reveals how building a SOA infrastructure for the cloud requires a truly service-oriented approach and a thorough understanding of the value of services
Talend Open Source ESB Download
Download Talend ESB here and find out first-hand what ESB can do for your business.
Top Data Integration Trends and Best Practices
Data integration software is now much more than just ETL tools - it encompasses a wide range of platforms and technologies supporting real-time integration as well as traditional batch-oriented approaches. In this e-book, learn about the trends and emerging best practices that are shaping the data integration process at leading-edge organizations.
Tactical Data Quality: How to improve data quality with a tight budget
In this e-book, you'll learn how to manage data quality efforts during an economic downturn and find out what trends are emerging in the data quality market. You’ll also learn about common mistakes, the financial costs of poor data quality and how data quality tools and strategies can improve data quality.
Legally Avoid the Data Tax
Fiscally conservative IT organizations should try to minimize their expenses and leverage their IT budgets. Understanding the data tax and where potential savings reside is a good place to start. This white paper explains how this data tax is being levied and provides valuable advice from our data tax advisors on how to legally circumvent this tax.
E-Book: New trends and best practices for data governance success
This eBook examines data governance trends and methodologies for managing governance programs. It covers issues such as new ways of organizing data governance teams and emerging best practices to help organizations succeed with enterprise data governance initiatives. It also provides expert advice on how to design and implement governance programs.
Master Reference Data: Extract Value from your Most Common Data
Reference data is the lifeblood of an organization but inconsistencies can lead to inefficient processes and inaccurate analytics. Master reference data makes operational data more accurate, simplifies synchronization and migration projects and improves MDM effectiveness. Learn some key considerations for creating a reference data master.
Open Source Data Integration: Learn to Address Limitations and Reduce Costs
With pressure on IT budgets, interest in open source data integration technology is growing yet implementations of open source data integration tools are rare compared with commercial deployments. Read this e-guide and learn to address such limitations and make open source data integration an attractive, lower-cost option for your organization.
Open Source Master Data Management - The Time is Right
Proper master data management (MDM) is very valuable when available to enterprise business processes and analytics. However, master data projects are often challenging, architecturally complex, time intensive and expensive. This paper explains why the time is right for open source MDM, and predicts the effects of open source on the MDM marketplace.
Integrating Data in the Information System, an Open Source Approach
This White Paper describes a number of real-life applications and databases interoperability scenarios and explains how an Open Source approach helps in solving interoperability challenges. Read this paper to learn more about successfully connecting new technology deployments with existing infrastructure.
Bloor Research - Data Discovery Spotlight
In this Spotlight Report, Research Director Philip Howard explains why data discovery is of fundamental importance to data integration, data quality, and many other projects ranging from business intelligence through master data management to data governance and data archival. Read on to learn more about the importance of data discovery.
Practical Open Source Data Integration Case Studies & Implementation Examples Volume 2
This document presents a few selected case studies, illustrating real-life implementations of open source data integration and its associated benefits.