All Research Sponsored By:PistolStar, Inc.

Using Microsoft Active Directory in the Domino World
Active Directory for Windows-based Lotus shops has left administrators with yet another account to manage. Learn about the password management challenges AD brings and the benefits of enabling users to use AD as a central authentication point.
The Realities of Single Sign-On
Single Sign-On has emerged as a significant technology that resolves a major issue for organizations with multiple platforms, servers and applications requiring unique usernames and passwords for access.
The Role of Password Management in Achieving Compliance
This paper will look at the dramatic impact password management solutions have had on organizations.
The Evolution of Password Authentication and Management: A Simple Solution
This paper delves into the world of password authentication and management, as passwords serve a very significant purpose, they have not been without their own set of issues and obstacles for organizations.
Leverage Active Directory with Kerberos to Eliminate HTTP Password
This paper will discuss the workings and benefits of Kerberos, focusing on its single sign-on capabilities, its multipronged security, and its ease of use.
Eliminating Notes ID File Password Management: A Ground-breaking Alternative
Read this white paper to learn how to eliminate the hassles of Lotus Notes ID file password management by enabling access via Notes by authenticating it against LDAP.