All Research Sponsored By:ExaGrid Systems, Inc.

Achieving Cost Savings in Backup with Deduplication
This document discusses that dollars and time currently consumed by existing tape libraries can be far better utilized by moving to disk back-up with deduplication.
Heil Trailer Moves Backups to ExaGrid to Gain Faster Backups and Restores
Heil Trailer Moves Backups to ExaGrid to Gain Faster Backups and Restores.
7-Eleven Stores Ring up Better Backups with ExaGrid
7-Eleven Stores began looking for a disk-based backup system in an effort to streamline its nightly data protection procedures and to increase the amount of data the company could back up each night.
ExaGrid: A Scalable Approach to Disk-based Backup
Looking for a new disk-based backup solution? Download this Taneja Group white paper to learn some key criteria to consider when evaluating disk-based data protection vendors and how one company matches up against these criteria.
ExaGrid: Simply State-of-the-Art D2D
Disk-based backup took the market by storm several years ago with a compelling proposition: replace tape with high-speed disk to speed up and simplify backup.