All Research Sponsored By:IBM
3 Reasons Why Flash Storage Pumps You Up
Discover the three ways flash storage pumps up your data center.
The Smart Buyer's Guide to Flash
Thinking about a flash storage solution? Find out if flash storage is right for your organization.
Make Your Data More Valuable with Real-Time Analytics
Gain an understanding of real-time analytics and learn how to derive maximum benefit from your most valuable data.
In Place Analytics for VSAM, ADABAS, DB2, IMS and more
Hear about the latest QMF enhancements and experience a demonstration of the self-service Business Analytics feature.
New Technology for Data Driven Analytics Results
Hear how new analytics technology creates opportunity for greater insights, while reducing complexity and cost.
IBM LinuxONE Total Cost of Ownership Calculator
In just a few minutes learn how much you can save with a personalized TCO estimate.
Cloud Service Provider Leads China With E-Ticketing System
Huaxia Express has improved the transportation system in China while decreasing costs and increasing scalability.
National Weather Service Provider Delivers Quality 24x365
Hear how Met Office in the UK leverages a flexible infrastructure to efficiently analyze data in real-time.
Next-Gen Apps on Infrastructure Built for Open Source
Changes in the IT industry are shifting to balance the playing field. Learn the three contributing factors.
10 Reasons LinuxONE is the Best Choice for Linux Workloads
Here's a freebie: Linux applications on x86 servers is 65% more expensive than on LinuxONE servers. Read on for 10 more.
Petrol Dramatically Decreases Analytics Query Times
See how Petrol accelerated analytics queries to achieve personalized suggest-selling, leading to higher retail sales.
Drive Analytics Value Into Business Operations
Learn how to uncover new opportunities to gain value and greater insight from data within your organization.
Think Your Business Can't Afford to Implement Flash Storage?
Flash solutions may come at a premium price, but performance advantages make it a cost effective option. Find out how.
A Complete Paradigm Shift in Enterprise Storage
It's time to get more value from your data storage solution. Answer these questions for a comparative cost of ownership.
IBM Flash Storage Expands with Midrange All-Flash Products
IBM introduces midrange and entry-level all-flash options and adds a migration program directed at EMC-Dell customers.
SSD Reliability, Performance Aid Flash Storage Adoption
Solid-state storage is most often considered to improve performance, but SSD reliability concerns may be unnecessary.
You May Not Know It yet, but You Need All-Flash Storage
Innovations in all-flash array may be a little ahead of market demand, but provide great opportunities for IT leaders.
Avoid Gridlock With a Flexible Infrastructure
Ensure your data center runs smoothly and supports the growth of your business with a software-defined storage solution.
The Critical Role of Storage in Hybrid Cloud Environments
Are you in the 70% of US enterprises currently engaged with hybrid cloud? Discover the new set of storage requirements.
Magic Quadrant for Data Center Backup and Recovery Software
Discover the strengths and cautions for the vendors in the Data Center Backup and Recovery Software Magic Quadrant.
Outthink Four Walls: Spectrum Protect Executive Demo
Experience a demo that includes sample data for two backup servers running in a virtual environment.
Chalk Talk: Strategies for Hybrid Cloud Storage
George Crump and Douglas O'Flaherty talk about why hybrid cloud provides the best cost, flexibility and scalability.
POWER8 Cost Savings Estimator
See how much you can save.
Empower IT as a Source of Innovation and Business Value
Up to 90% of IT budgets are spent on basic maintenance. Fund innovation by reducing database costs. Learn more.
Bring New Apps to Market Faster
Find out how to utilize the innovations of NoSQL to reduce costs and achieve 2.6x better performance.