All Research Sponsored By:IBM
The New Language of Business: SOA and Web 2.0. Download a complimentary chapter
Sandy Carter, Vice President of SOA and WebSphere Strategy, IBM Corporation, takes readers through a specific roadmap on how, where, when, and why to embrace a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) strategy in her new book.
Exploring IBM SOA Technology & Practice: How to Plan, Build, and Manage a Service Oriented Architecture in the Real World
This eBook is intended for readers who are already familiar with service oriented architecture (SOA) and who want to learn about IBM's advice on how to be successful with SOA. It is intended for IT and business professionals involved with adopting ...
IBM PowerExecutive
View this video for a brief presentation on taking charge of power consumption and management in your data center.
Five Steps to a Green Data Center
View this webcast to learn more about the environmental and financial benefits of a green data center.
IBM Information Lifecycle Management in Regulated Industries
Attend this Webcast, and listen as IDC's Research Director, Laura DuBois, discusses the issues around identifying and classifying information.