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Computer Weekly 50th anniversary special

It’s been 50 years since Computer Weekly's launch on 22 September 1966. To mark this achievement, we have compiled a special edition of the magazine to reflect on how much the British technology industry has contributed over that time – and, of course, to celebrate our role in keeping IT professionals in touch with those developments – week-in, week-out, for half a century. Download this 100-page anniversary special now.

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  • IT leadership best practices for CIOs, CTOs and CDOs in Benelux

    In this e-guide, read about the challenges faced by CIOs in the Benelux region and how they can address them.  For example after 17 years Dutch university TU Delft realized its learning management system, was no longer up to scratch it decided in the light of trends such as digital examination. Read about the project to replace one of its core legacy systems here.

    We also feature Belgium-based cancer research organisation OncoDNA and how it has deployed a flash-plus-tape linear tape file system (LTFS) archive to save money on hardware costs and power usage.

    Also in this e-guide find out why enterprises shouldn’t write off DevOps as a software development approach that only works for startups, read why many CIOs are looking for “portfolio” roles rather than securing another corporate CIO appointment.

  • IT leadership best practices for CIOs, CTOs and CDOs in the Middle East

    In this e-guide, read about the challenges faced by CIOs in the Middle East region and how they can address them.

    Read why blockchain is gathering pace in the Middle East, with the United Arab Emirates leading the way and find out how SAP is giving young people and entrepreneurs in the Middle East with the IT skills required to support the regions digital transformation. SAPs strategy follows news of a five-year $200m investment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

    Also in this e-guide find out why enterprises shouldn’t write off DevOps as a software development approach that only works for startups, read why many CIOs are looking for “portfolio” roles rather than securing another corporate CIO appointment.

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  • First edition of Computer Weekly 1966

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  • CW@50 - What was making the news in May

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  • Infographic: 10 Culture hacks for CIOs driving organisational change

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  • CW Middle East Jan to Mar 2018

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  • UK IT Priorities 2016

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  • Europe IT Priorities 2016

    Every year, Computer Weekly and TechTarget conduct a global survey of our readers to understand their technology spending priorities for the coming 12 months. Our research offers a unique insight into the purchasing decisions of IT decision-makers worldwide.


  • Middle East IT Priorities 2016

    Computer Weekly's annual global survey of readers has once again revealed what CIOs around the world, including an increasing number of Middle East based IT leaders, are planning over the next 12 months.


  • How TDCX is building a people-centric business

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  • Computer Weekly: The Most Influential People in UK IT

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