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Configuration management vs. Asset management

Configuration management and asset management move in the same orbit–the management of an organization's systems and services–but they have different purposes and goals.

Use this exclusive E-Guide to review and compare Configuration and Asset Management.

Download the guide here to learn about the key differences, configuration items, and control configurations of both processes.

These are also closely related to: "Rational Build Forge Demo Series"

  • Software bill of materials (SBOMs) — a critical component of software supply chain security

    Many software providers build their applications by relying on open-source and commercial software components. In November 2022, open-source toolkit developers announced two high-severity vulnerabilities that affect all versions of OpenSSL 3.0.0 up to 3.0.6. Vulnerabilities like this will continue to occur.

    So how should organizations prepare? One of the most effective tools for finding and addressing such vulnerabilities, and keeping software secure, is the software bill of materials (SBOM).

  • Leveraging Agile in 2024 as a medium- or large-sized business

    Small, nimble organizations continue to report that Agile is a powerful productivity and organizational framework showing obvious benefits, including increased collaboration, improved software quality, and better alignment with the business.

    Medium-sized and larger companies, however, are less satisfied with what Agile can do for them, see substantive barriers to organization-wide adoption, and are far more likely to embrace a custom software development strategy that incorporates a number of different frameworks.

    Explore research on the State of Agile in 2023 to better understand how to leverage and empower Agile to overcome these barriers and meet key business goals.

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  • Computer Weekly – 22 August 2023: Can low code/no code ease developer skills shortages?

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  • Computer Weekly – 28 November 2023: Datacentres or green belt? Why the UK has to choose

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  • 5 steps for a smooth ECM implementation

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  • Computer Weekly – 9 June 2020: How retailers are staying connected during their coronavirus shutdown

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we look at how the hard-hit retail sector has turned to technology to stay connected during the coronavirus lockdown. Our latest buyer's guide examines best practice in data quality. And we look at how remote working affects software development teams.
