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Improving email and endpoint security while saving time

After a close call with a ransomware attack, A-Core Concrete Specialists’ IT team decided they needed a more prepared and mature endpoint and email security operation.

By partnering with Bitdefender, A-Core were able to combine several of their offerings and create a security operation that produced the following benefits:

  • Successful protection of endpoints from threat intrusions
  • Complete blocking of virus-embedded URLs in phishing emails
  • Reduced time on security administration by 20%
  • And more

Read the case study now to learn more.

These are also closely related to: "Symantec Mail Security for SMTP"

  • How to prevent email security threats before they enter your inbox

    In March, Microsoft disclosed the CVE-2023- 23307 vulnerability, a threat impacting Outlook with a 9.8 CVSS Rating.

    While zero click vulnerabilities like this aren’t common, they are incredibly dangerous, and represent an evolution in email threats.

    Download this white paper to see how Checkpoint’s Harmony Email & Collaboration (HEC) API can prevent malicious emails from reaching the inbox.

  • The state of email security

    Email is notoriously susceptible to attacks, making email security a continuing necessity for organizations.

    In order to make sense of a crowded and complex market, this Omnia Universe report breaks down the most important information about the landscape as a whole, as well as leading vendors.

    Download the report now and use the information to find the provider that’s right for your organization.

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  • Secure your organization from account takeover attacks

    In a single month alone, Checkpoint HEC researchers saw 1,345 unique compromised accounts. In this whitepaper, HEC will discuss how to prevent account takeover from taking control of your business by giving you tips and strategies you can implement to improve security. Read on to learn more.


  • Email security: Never more important

    In this e-guide, we look at why businesses need to address email security with a combination of awareness training and automated tools to reduce the likelihood of infection and speed up the detection of and response to email-borne threats.


  • The myth of email as proof of communication

    Increasingly, there is a need for organisations to be able to prove the content of communications between themselves and other parties. Analyst group Quocirca looks at the options.


  • Webinar: Elections: How Much Does Mail Matter?

    During the 2024 General Election, Marketreach set out to answer a key question: How crucial is direct mail in influencing elections, and how does it compare to other channels? To find out, they launched their largest research programme into election mail ever, gathering insights from over 3,000 people. What they discovered was clear: while many predicted a digital election, it was mail that made the biggest impact - engaging voters and influencing their decisions from start to finish. Join us and Marketreach to explore: The vital role mail played during the election. What mail delivered that other channels couldn’t. How mail complements and strengthens other channels. The unique influence mail has to engage voters at home and in their communities. How mail influenced voter decisions and what this means for future elections. Whether you’re involved in political campaigns or just curious about the evolving role of mail, this webinar will provide actionable insights you can apply to your own strategies. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of how direct mail can engage, persuade, and drive real action.


  • Coronavirus, Computer Virus, Cyber Threats: A False Sense of Security

    With most office workers working from home due to Coronavirus pandemic, computer virus attacks on home computers are now a major issue facing the world. In this talk, we discuss the history of computer virus, cyber threat and why enterprises can be insecure due to having a false sense of cyber security. We also discuss how computer users can get infected by computer virus and what they can do about it.


  • Biopharmaceutical process development – Trends/ Challenges/Opportunities

    Presented by Kumar Gaurav, AGM (Regulatory Affairs) at Panacea Biotec Ltd Current trends and regulation affecting Biopharmaceutical Industry Journey from Lab scale to Commercial –Overcoming Scalability design hurdles QbD-Bringing Improvements in Biologics development and Manufacturing Space Followed by Quality by Design (QbD) Approach for a Virus Filtration Application Presented by Sudhakar Nagaraj, Principal Scientist, SLS – Global Regulatory and Validation Consulting group at Pall Biotech Removal of viruses in bioprocessing applications is a fundamental regulatory requirement, and the use of virus filtration is considered a robust and well accepted component of a virus clearance strategy. With the advent of the International Conference of Harmonization (ICH) Q8 Pharmaceutical Development and Q9 Quality Risk Management guidelines, there is much greater emphasis for filter users to define the filter design space, in addition to performing the mandatory virus filtration validation studies. A thorough understanding of the virus filtration design space not only alleviates the risk of viral contamination, but an in-depth understanding of the boundaries of the process parameters ensures the manufacturing process remains in control. In this webinar, we describe an approach to implement QbD principles into virus filtration to create a safe and robust biomanufacturing process.


  • Computer Weekly - 5 May 2020: The role of AI in the war against pandemics

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we look at how AI and data science are supporting the global push to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. We reveal, and talk to, the man behind the world's first computer virus pandemic, the Love Bug. And we examine how the IT services market will change as a result of the current crisis. Read the issue now.


  • Unified Communications: the key to prospering in the new working reality of Covid-19

    The coronavirus is changing everything about how people work, and will do so permanently. It added that even though the working world was experiencing unprecedented uncertainty, there were two things that should be borne in mind: the virus will pass, and at the other side of the pandemic, the world of work will look very different.


  • The CDC is looking into how microneedling facials can spread HIV.

    An MMWR from the CDC identified individuals who contracted HIV through cosmetic needles after microneedling facials at a New Mexico spa.


  • Computer Weekly – 2 August 2016: Giving fashion a digital makeover

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out how one of the UK's biggest mail order retailers is moving to digital. We examine the growing importance of network function virtualisation. And a year after Microsoft turned Lync into Skype for Business, we assess how the unified communications product is faring. Read the issue now.


  • Protect your network against malware, ransomware and zero day attacks

    Learn how Capture ATP helps protect your business from ransomware, malware, and viruses


  • UKtech50: The most influential people in UK IT 2014 revealed

    UKtech50 returned for its 5th year, showcasing the most influential people in UK IT and the rising stars in the industry. Read on to find out the top 50...


  • Webinar: How Mail Can Help Build Net Promoter Score

    Net Promoter Score has become an increasing focus for businesses, helping them react to customer sentiment, improve brand loyalty, and reduce churn. Tune in on Wednesday 23 June to hear from Royal Mail MarketReachand Waitrose & Partners to explore how mail can help you improve NPS.


  • 13 Arten von E-Mail-Bedrohungen, über die man aktuell Bescheid wissen sollte

    Schützen Sie Ihr Unternehmen vor allen wichtigen E-Mail-Bedrohungen – einschließlich der raffinierten Bedrohungen, die oft an sicheren Gateways vorbeikommen. Verpassen Sie nicht diese eingehende Betrachtung der breitgefächerten Palette aktueller E-Mail-Bedrohungen, einschließlich von deren Risiken für und Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen. Zudem wird erläutert, wie mit maschinellem Lernen und API-basiertem Schutz des Posteingangs die Lücken im E-Mail-Gateway geschlossen werden können und zu umfassendem E-Mail-Schutz vor Angriffen beigetragen werden kann. Verteidigen Sie sich gegen raffinierte E-Mail-Bedrohungen, die Abwehrmaßnahmen umgehen und über Backdoor-Verfahren wie Spoofing, Social Engineering und Betrug großen Schaden anrichten können. Schützen Sie Mitarbeiter auf Posteingangsebene – mit der richtigen Kombination aus technologischen Lösungen und Schulungen für das Sicherheitsbewusstsein. Reduzieren Sie mit einer mehrstufigen Schutzstrategie drastisch Ihre Anfälligkeit für E-Mail-Angriffe und verbessern Sie so den Schutz Ihres Unternehmens, Ihrer Daten und Ihrer Mitarbeiter. Wir zeigen Ihnen in diesem Webinar einen detaillierten Blick auf die 13 Bedrohungen sowie Analysen und Lösungen zur Stärkung Ihrer E-Mail-Sicherheit in einer immer sich weiterentwickelten Bedrohungslandschaft.


  • Email aziendali: da insicurezza a IN-sicurezza

    Proteggete le vostre e-mail aziendali con i certificati S/MIME in modo pratico ed automatizzato. I tentativi di attacco e di phishing alle e-mail si stanno facendo più evoluti. Fortunatamente, anche le soluzioni S/MIME ideate per fermarli sono in continuo sviluppo. Seguite questo webinar per scoprire come automatizzare il rilascio di certificati S/MIME su scala aziendale in modo da firmare e criptare le vostre e-mail ed i loro allegati. Argomenti Affrontati: • Come è possibile proteggere le e-mail aziendali dalle minacce di attacco? • Come restare in linea con le normative in vigore? • Come le procedure di automazione rimuovono gli errori e i rallentamenti dovuti dall’applicazione manuale della certificazione S/MIME? • Come criptare e verificare tramite firma digitale e-mail su larga scala in tempi brevi?


  • Sensible one-page thoughts on managing performance

    Ludo Houdenaert distils a lifetime of experience on managing performance in the IT department into this collection of short, digestible articles, written especially for Computer Weekly.


  • Die versteckten Kosten bösartiger E-Mails: Zeit

    Wir haben 500 IT-Leiter und Experten gefragt, wie ihre Organisationen mit E-Mail-Bedrohungen umgehen. Möchten Sie wissen, was sie geantwortet haben? Nehmen Sie an unserem Webinar teil und erfahren Sie von unserem Experten Stephan Kaiser mehr über die versteckten Kosten bösartiger E-Mails. Wir zeigen Ihnen auch, wie ein effektiveres E-Mail-Management Ihr SOC entlasten kann, sodass Ihre Teams mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche haben.


  • Legacy Virus’: How Not to Get Duped by Old Bugs

    As research has proved, old malware and viruses continue to be a prevalent pest for businesses.. Why do old bugs and legacy virus’ continue to be a problem for businesses years after they are supposed to have ended, or been sinkholed? And who is controlling them? This session will question the advancement of defence tactics in light of the persistent threats. Has security ever advanced if such malware continues to persist? Why do the likes of Zeus and Conficker continue to bother businesses, years after they were supposed to have been defeated? What threats can old bugs legitimately pose? 15.35-16.05


  • Ransomware virus: come proteggerci?

    Gli attacchi basati su ransomware virus sono sempre più frequenti. Esperienze, anche recenti, hanno mostrato come l’essere impreparati a subire un attacco di questo tipo non solo può avere per le aziende gravi impatti da un punto di vista economico, ma ne mina anche la reputazone e la continuità operativa. Unisciti a noi per scoprire le novità nell’offerta Hitachi Vantara che possono aiutarti a protggerti in modo semplice e in continuità con le tue scelte pregresse. • Ramsware virus: concetti ed esempi • Le soluzioni Hitachi per proteggere Dati e applicazioni dal ransomware virus


  • Safeguard Your Email: Phishing Prevention with Check Point Harmony

    Our experts discussed combating phishing attacks and securing your e-mail infrastructure. Learn about innovative techniques and how Check Point's Harmony Email & Collaboration (HEC) helps you stay ahead of cyber threats. Ensure a safer digital future by fortifying your defenses against e-mail fraud. Dig deeper:


  • Webinar: How to get your award-worthy mail campaigns recognised

    In a challenging year for consumers and marketers, it was those who created their direct mail campaigns with data, creativity, and technology that found the most success.


  • CW Benelux - May 2017: 3D printing on the rise

    Is blockchain the future of your IT department? Is the next Google on the rise? Access the May 2017 issue of CW Benelux to learn about the current state of 3D printing in relation to smart applications, cloud-based ID management for public cloud strategy, how to rally your staff for IT innovation, and more.


  • Interferometric Light Microscopy for Rapid Virus Titering and Characterization of Lipid Nanoparticle Preparations

    Significant advancements in upstream biomanufacturing methods for cell and gene therapies have been achieved in recent years. However, final yields continue to be impacted by losses in downstream steps. Interferometric Light Microscopy (ILM) represents a fast and cost-effective method for process development teams to obtain size and concentration data within seconds. This presentation will cover the technical basis of ILM as it compares to other methods for monitoring nanoparticles. Experimental studies developing ILM utilization in characterizing virus preparations, detecting virus breakage and aggregation, and monitoring lipid nanoparticle preparations will be discussed.


  • Micro Focus Secure Messaging Gateway

    Micro Focus Secure Messaging Gateway protects your email system from spam, viruses, botnet attacks, phishing, and ransomware. Secure Messaging Gateway protects Exchange, Office 365, Gmail, IBM Notes, and GroupWise email environments. For GroupWise, Micro Focus Secure Messaging Gateway is the only solution to provide total protection from the inside-out, by scanning and intercepting all messages that pass through through the GroupWise MTA, POA, and WebAccess, and GMS (GroupWise Mobile Server) in real time, and ensuring they are free of viruses, spam, malware, and illicit images. View this webinar recording to learn more!


  • Build a better webinar: SEO & content tags

    Effective webinars build relationships and close deals, but how can you continue to drive registrations without overwhelming your mailing list? Access this webinar to discover more.


  • Webinar: Innovations in Mail

    Join us for our exclusive webinar in collaboration with Marketreach and discover the cutting-edge strategies and technologies that can transform your approach to direct mail.


  • How to Defend Your Microsoft 365 Cloud Email Infrastructure

    Many organizations that adopt cloud collaboration platforms like Microsoft 365 rely on the native security capabilities provided within them. And the shift away from securing the SMTP email gateway to protecting the cloud email platform often proves that augmenting this built-in protection with solutions like API-enabled email security is a smart decision. But how to do so isn’t always clear. In this webinar, you'll learn everything you need to know about supplementing your cloud-based email security to stay ahead of today’s advanced email attacks. Join us and guest speaker, former Gartner Senior Director Analyst Mark Harris, as we discuss: - Why native security tools like Microsoft Security need additional protection - When your organization should consider implementing added security - How to take a proactive, layered approach to combat today’s advanced email threats


  • Warum Microsoft ATP allein nicht ausreicht

    Viele Menschen sind der Ansicht, dass Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) ausreichenden Schutz vor E-Mail-Angriffen bietet. Aber reicht dieser Schutz wirklich aus? Um dies herauszufinden, wurden über 500.000 an tatsächliche Endnutzer gesendete schädliche E-Mails analysiert. Die Ergebnisse könnten Ihre Sicht auf E-Mail-Sicherheit maßgeblich verändern! In unserem neuen Webinar untersucht der SonicWall-Experte Fabian Freundt Folgendes: - Wie wirksam Microsoft ATP in realitätsnahen Szenarien vor Phishing-Angriffen schützt - Warum Office 365 besonders anfällig für gezielte Phishing-Angriffe ist - Wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen besser vor modernen Phishing-Angriffen schützen können


  • GPS Live:

    This week on GPS Live, Jonathan and Tristan talk about the firmware backdoor affecting Gigabyte motherboards, an anti-virus killer that's less than meets the eye, the risk of Salesforce "ghost sites", and more.


  • Webinar: The Relevance of Direct Mail for Fundraisers in Today’s Climate

    Direct mail has long been at the heart of charity fundraising. But does the channel still hold importance in a post-COVID world? Find out alongside Epsilon and Marketreach.


  • Adventitious Agent Testing For MMV: How Much Do We Really Know?

    Maria Farcet, Head of Cell Culture, Virus Models & Serology in the Global Pathogen Safety / Global Quality team at Takeda Presenting: Adventitious Agent Testing For MMV: How Much Do We Really Know? Amina Cherif Louazani, PhD, Viral Safety Manager at PathoQuest Presenting: Advancing Viral Safety in Biologics: Comprehensive Virus Detection with iDTECT® Transcriptome NGS-Based Assay Dr. Denise Teber, Scientific Expert of the PCR department at Charles River Laboratories Presenting: Viral safety testing of human cell lines used for biopharmaceutical manufacturing.


  • Managing the surge in RSV, Flu and Covid today

    The surge of viruses in children's hospitals is creating unprecedented capacity issues and staffing shortages. How do we manage this crisis whilst also maintaining a high quality patient experience for infants, toddlers and children? What are the low hanging fruits to help pediatric hospitals manage the strain and curb the obstacles in our path as respiratory viruses continue to spread across the US? Join Dr. Anthony Chang and guests as they discuss the state of pediatric care during this health emergency, and pragmatically explore what we can all collectively do with the help of innovative and intelligent solutions at our disposal to increase access to care, support care navigation and improve patient experience during this crisis.


  • Contact Center Digitalization In the Pandemic Era (and Beyond)

    COVID-19 has changed everything. Consumers are still very wary of exposure to the virus and want to get more things done digitally. While this has always been the case with millennials and Gen Z, COVID-19 has forced older demographics, who are even more concerned about virus exposure, to go digital when it comes to interacting with businesses. The same old limited digital service capabilities do not cut it in this new environment. What are the new digital requirements for contact centers? How are leading companies leveraging digital to scale customer service cost-effectively? Join us for this webinar replay featuring Heather Pena, Director - Webchat & Operations, NRG, and Sam Hahn, Technology Evangelist, eGain Corporation, as NRG shares its success with digital customer service.


  • Le coût caché des e-mails malveillants : le temps

    Qu’est-ce que 500 responsables et leaders IT ont dit sur leur façon de gérer les menaces véhiculées par e-mail ? Rejoignez Xavier Mariault, expert SonicWall, pour connaître le coût caché des e-mails malveillants. Vous apprendrez également comment une gestion plus efficace de votre messagerie peut soulager le SOC et lui permettre de se concentrer davantage sur l’essentiel.


  • Webinar: Paper vs Pixels – Why Mail can be a Sustainable Choice

    Did you know that 87% of customers want brands to act now to encourage future sustainability? Join Marketreach to discover how you can ensure your next mail campaign minimises its environmental impact.


  • DMARC: E-Mail-Authentifizierung und wie man sie richtig einsetzt

    Ungefähr 80 % der Unternehmen verwenden beim Senden und Empfangen von E-Mails nicht das DMARC-Verfahren (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance). DMARC ist ein wichtiges Instrument, um Sie vor den schnell wachsenden Phishing-Angriffen zu schützen, die Domain-Spoofing nutzen, um der Erkennung zu entgehen. Wenn Sie keine DMARC-Richtlinien einrichten, kann Ihr Unternehmen einer Reihe von Risiken ausgesetzt sein. Da sich di E-Mail-Sicherheitsstandards weiterentwickeln, gab es nie einen besseren Zeitpunkt, um eine starke, moderne DMARC-Richtlinie zu konfigurieren und zu implementieren. Webinar Inhalt: Was DMARC-Authentifizierung ist. Warum DMARC-Authentifizierung wichtig ist. Die Vorteile, die eine starke DMARC-Lösung bieten kann, wie z.B: E-Mail-Authentifizierung zum Schutz vor nicht autorisierten Benutzern Überprüfung des Absenders durch Dritte Schutz der Reputation Echtzeitberichte und Transparenz Einhaltung von E-Mail-Provider-Vorgaben Wie Barracuda Domain Fraud Protection und unser Expertenteam die Einrichtung von DMARC-Kontrollen und deren Durchsetzung vereinfachen können.


  • CW Benelux - May-July 2019: A new vision for hackers

    With canal bridges, healthcare products, bicycles, ship components, buildings and even prosthetic body parts already in the scope of 3D printing, it's facinating to imagine how far the technology can go. Printing spaceships is no longer a fantasy. Read the issue now.


  • E-Mail Sicherheit für Cloud Umgebungen

    Nach mehr als 18 Monaten Pandemie führt im Jahr 2021 an Cloud-Computing kein Weg vorbei - selbst in Unternehmen, die vormals eine absolute On-Premise Strategie verfolgten. Noch immer beginnen mehr als 90 % aller Cyberangriffe mit einer E-Mail - doch Cyberkriminelle passen aktuell ihre Taktiken an und setzten auf eine Kombination aus E-Mail- und Cloud-Angriffen. Herkömmliche Perimeter-basierte Sicherheitsansatz greifen nicht mehr. Angreifer wissen, dass der einfachste Weg in Ihr Unternehmen über Ihre Mitarbeiter sowie deren E-Mails und Cloud-Konten führt. Nehmen Sie teil an unserem On-demand Web-Seminar mit Markus Grüneberg und erfahren Sie, wie Sie auch für M365 und andere Cloud-Umgebungen starken Schutz sicherstellen können.


  • The Importance of Viral Clearance and Characterization in Gene Therapy Products

    It is a regulatory requirement (ICH Q5A Revision 2) to demonstrate viral safety of biotechnology product derived from in vitro cell culture, including viral-vector derived products like recombinant Adeno-Associated virus used as a delivery medium for gene therapy products. Viral clearance in gene therapy product poses different challenges from the other non-viral biotechnology product in the viral removal strategies. In this webinar, we will present a case study with a clinically relevant AAV8 downstream process: 1 The rationale of the study design: the choices of virus panel, surrogate and the unit operation for demonstrating viral clearance. 2 Present the clearance achieved in a scaled down model of the process


  • The Importance of Viral Clearance and Characterization in Gene Therapy Products

    It is a regulatory requirement (ICH Q5A Revision 2) to demonstrate viral safety of biotechnology product derived from in vitro cell culture, including viral-vector derived products like recombinant Adeno-Associated virus used as a delivery medium for gene therapy products. Viral clearance in gene therapy product poses different challenges from the other non-viral biotechnology product in the viral removal strategies. In this webinar, we will present a case study with a clinically relevant AAV8 downstream process: 1 The rationale of the study design: the choices of virus panel, surrogate and the unit operation for demonstrating viral clearance. 2 Present the clearance achieved in a scaled down model of the process


  • February 2021 Monthly Economic & Market Webcast: Investment Analysis & Strategy

    With 2021 holding the promise of brighter days ahead, join us for a monthly webcast series hosted by Chief Investment Officer Leo Grohowski. Leo and our experts will discuss virus developments, what they may mean for the path of the recovery and the markets as well as our recommended positioning.


  • March 2021 Monthly Economic and Market Webcast: Investment Analysis and Strategy

    With 2021 holding the promise of brighter days ahead, join us for a monthly webcast series hosted by Chief Investment Officer Leo Grohowski. Leo and our experts will discuss virus developments, what they may mean for the path of the recovery and the markets as well as our recommended positioning.


  • April 2021 Monthly Economic and Market Webcast: Investment Analysis and Strategy

    With 2021 holding the promise of brighter days ahead, join us for a monthly webcast series hosted by Chief Investment Officer Leo Grohowski. Leo and our experts will discuss virus developments, what they may mean for the path of the recovery and the markets as well as our recommended positioning.


  • May 2021 Monthly Economic and Market Webcast: Investment Analysis and Strategy

    With 2021 holding the promise of brighter days ahead, join us for a monthly webcast series hosted by Chief Investment Officer Leo Grohowski. Leo and our experts will discuss virus developments, what they may mean for the path of the recovery and the markets as well as our recommended positioning.


  • Endpoint and antimalware protection for small to large businesses

    Picking a security platform can be difficult. Inside this e-guide, expert Ed Tittel explores strategies and criteria to ensure you are picking the most successful security platform for your company.


  • Recognizing the Red Flags: The Rise in Stolen Check Fraud

    Mail-related check fraud is surging, with check fraud-related SARs filed to FinCEN reaching over 680,000 in 2022. In response to a nationwide surge of stolen check fraud schemes targeting the U.S. mail system, FinCEN has released a new alert to financial institutions, including financial red flags to help identify and report these crimes. Join Verafin experts for an informative presentation on the latest red flags on stolen check schemes, how Verafin uses the power of consortium analytics to fight check fraud, and why seeing the full picture of fraud and understanding the risk associated with the deposit side of the transaction is essential.


  • Who will win the world's biggest cloud contract?

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we examine the $10bn Pentagon cloud contract – codenamed JEDI – and ask why it is taking so long to choose a supplier. We discuss with IT chiefs how AI will transform technology leadership. And we look at how to improve your email security. Read the issue now.


  • Improve Your Bottom Line with Simplified and Connected Invoice Management Processes

    In this eGuide, you will hear that by digitalizing and automating processes and using machine learning and AI capabilities, you can streamline AP management and support regulatory compliance while improving visibility and control.


  • Webinar: Discover the Latest Media Attention Metrics for Mail

    Human exposure to advertising can no longer be assumed. And with mass-fragmentation of consumer attention across multiple devices, getting people’s attention has never been more challenging. Join JICMAIL and other experts to discover why attention metrics matter and what it means for mail.


  • Sendoso Overview

    Still trying to get the word out with carrier pigeons? Sendoso combines the best of direct mail and gifting, email marketing, and marketing automation and ABM platforms, to create the world's sending platform. Ditch the birds and request a free demo today.
