Addressing the Insider Threat with NetIQ Operational Change Control Solutions
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State of Passwordless: Latest insights from OpenText
Type: Video
Weak passwords are notoriously vulnerable to phishing, brute force attacks, and social engineering. Increasingly, enterprises are removing them altogether, to eliminate these attack vectors and make it significantly harder for unauthorized users to gain access. This webinar (March 12, 2024) explore a new survey from Dark Reading and OpenText on the use of traditional credentials among industry professionals and their urgency to move beyond them. We’ll also cover the benefits IT and Security teams can expect by adopting a passwordless paradigm. About OpenText IAM: NetIQ Identity and Access Management Platform provides comprehensive workforce and customer identity solutions to enterprise scale organizations – leveraging Identity to provide secure access, effective governance, scalable automation, actionable analysis and insight across their Cloud, Mobile, & Data platforms. NetIQ is part of OpenText Cybersecurity. OpenText has completed the purchase of Micro Focus, including CyberRes. Our combined expertise expands our security offerings to help customers protect, detect, and evolve their security posture. They can confidently be their best—and more secure—across their entire organization. LEARN MORE at the NetIQ homepage:
These are also closely related to: "Addressing the Insider Threat with NetIQ Operational Change Control Solutions"
Ochrona dostępu do aplikacji webowych: NetIQ Access Manager i Secure API Manager
Type: Talk
Zapraszamy 9 czerwca na webinar w jęz. polskim na temat ochrony dostępu do aplikacji webowych. Omówimy i zademonstrujemy na nim możliwości dwóch rozwiązań Micro Focus do zarządzania dostępem: NetIQ Access Manager i NetIQ Secure API Manager. NetIQ Access Manager zarządza dostępem użytkowników z wewnątrz firmy i spoza organizacji nawet do najbardziej złożonych środowisk IT obsługujących różnorodne usługi i aplikacje. Zabezpiecza dostęp do zasobów wewnętrznych i w chmurze, również w komunikacji B2B, B2C, czy B2G. Pozwala łatwo dodać uwierzytelniania wieloskładnikowe (MFA), gdy trzeba wzmocnić dostęp do bardziej wrażliwych danych lub aplikacji. Ponadto kontrola dostępu może być prowadzona na podstawie analizy ryzyka. Access Manager ma gotowe profile do obsługi setek aplikacji w chmurze, ma też kreator do integracji z innymi aplikacjami. Na spotkaniu przedstawimy także komponent NetIQ Secure API Manager, który rozszerza środowisko kontroli dostępu i uwierzytelniania o bezpieczny dostęp i korzystanie z interfejsów API. Ponieważ API są najczęściej interfejsami do głównych zestawów modułów i zasobów wykorzystywanego oprogramowania, wymagają większej ochrony oraz autoryzacji użycia. Trzeba im zapewnić taki sam poziom bezpieczeństwa, jaki oferuje platforma zarządzania dostępem. W programie spotkania: • Kontrola dostępu z oceną ryzyka, • Autoryzacja dostępu z uwzględnieniem przyznanych ról, • Dodanie MFA, • Zarządzanie ruchem i politykami mediacji w celu zapewnienia ochrony interfejsów API i danych, • Zabezpieczanie dostępu oraz korzystania z interfejsów API REST oraz zarządzanie tym.
Zaawansowane uwierzytelnianie jako podstawowy czynnik ochrony dostępu
Type: Talk
Zapraszamy 28 lutego w godz. 10:00-11:15 na webinar firm Micro Focus oraz Yubico. Tematem spotkania jest stosowanie w firmie zaawansowanego uwierzytelniania jako podstawowego czynnika ochrony dostępu. W programie spotkania: - Wieloskładnikowe uwierzytelnianie - podejście holistycznie, - Zabezpieczenie dostępu do lokalnych domen Microsoft Active Directory poprzez uwierzytelnianie wieloskładnikowe z przykładem wykorzystania standardu FIDO i kluczy YubiKey, - Uwierzytelnianie wieloskładnikowe dla obsługi pracowników zdalnych (VPN, stacje przesiadkowe), - Zabezpieczenie aplikacji webowych i tradycyjnych przez Micro Focus NetIQ Advanced Authentication, - Scenariusze obsługi zapomnianego klucza, - Rodzaje kluczy sprzętowych, - Co wyróżnia klucze YubiKey. Na webinarze zademonstrujemy możliwości oprogramowania Micro Focus NetIQ Advanced Authentication oraz wykorzystanie kluczy YubiKey do logowania się do zasobów i systemów w połączeniu z Advanced Authentication.
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Make authentication as advanced as your business
Type: Video
With the ongoing expansion of multi-factor technologies to secure digital access for employees and consumers, the strong authentication market is forecast to continue its double-digit growth for at least the next five years. Add in the increasingly mainstream expectation of passwordless capabilities, and this growth will likely keep going. In this webinar, Jim Gerken and Chris Barngrover review passwordless authentication best practices and how NetIQ enables organizations to deploy it across their environment.
Intelligens IDM, avagy központi jogosultságkezelés kialakítása gyorsan és hatékonyan
Type: Talk
A szigorodó előírások és az erősödő kiberfenyegetések mellett a vállalatoknak olyan eszközökre van szükségük, amelyekkel hatékonyan és egyszerűen biztosíthatják és kezelhetik a hozzáféréseket és jogosultságokat a szervezeten belül. Hatékony segítséget nyújt a követelmények teljesítéséhez és a biztonság megerősítéséhez egy fejlett, intelligens személyazonosság-kezelési eszköz, mint például a NetIQ Identity Governance. A megoldás kezeli és ellenőrzi a digitális személyazonosságokat, valamint érvényesíti a megfelelő hozzáféréseket a vállalaton belül. Az eszköz legfrissebb kiadása ráadásul minden eddiginél egyszerűbben és gyorsabban, minimális konzultációval bevezethető.
In 2017, the insider threat epidemic begins
By: TechTarget
Type: Essential Guide
Cyber security resiliency depends on detecting, deterring and mitigating insider threats. This report from the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology assesses the risks and potential solutions.
Scenariusze korzystania z systemów Privileged Access Management (PAM)
Type: Talk
Zapraszamy na webinar poświęcony w całości rozwiązaniom Privileged Access Management (PAM) do zarządzania tożsamościami uprzywilejowanymi - kontroli dostępu i nadzoru działań na kontach o najwyższych uprawnieniach w systemach Windows, Linux, aplikacjach bazodanowych czy do konfiguracji urządzeń sieciowych. Spotkanie będzie prowadzone w całości w jęz. polskim. Przedstawimy najczęstsze scenariusze korzystania z systemów PAM, których domagają się klienci wdrażający systemy kontroli dostępu do kont uprzywilejowanych (w tym monitorowanie i nagrywanie działań z możliwością ich przerwania, całościowy audyt, wnioskowanie o dostęp, kontrolowane udostępnianie kluczy i haseł, eskalacja uprawnień, zarządzanie dostępem do aplikacji w trybie rzeczywistym). Scenariusze będą wsparte pokazami na żywo rozwiązania NetIQ Privileged Account Manager.
Kontroluj koszty administrowania hasłami
Type: Talk
Od 20% do 50% wszystkich zgłoszeń do działu pomocy technicznej dotyczy resetowania haseł. Średni koszt resetu hasła to 70 USD. Zapraszamy na omówienie i pokaz rozwiązania NetIQ Self Service Password Reset (SSPR). Poznaj proste w obsłudze, łatwe do wdrożenia i zwiększające bezpieczeństwo narzędzie do samoobsługowego zarządzania hasłami. Pokażemy, jak skutecznie pomaga ono użytkownikom resetować lub przywracać ich indywidualne hasła dostępowe bez konieczności dociążania pracą działu pomocy technicznej. Przekonaj się, jak skutecznie zwiększa ono bezpieczeństwo stosowania haseł, pomaga wyeliminować często używane słowa kluczowe i wspólne hasła, a także uniknąć drastycznych spadków produktywności pracowników w sytuacji, gdy użytkownik zapomni hasła. Omówimy najważniejsze możliwości systemu SSPR i zademonstrujemy na żywo: • Bezpieczne resetowanie hasła lub odblokowanie konta poprzez udzielenie odpowiedzi na zestaw sekretnych pytań testowych; • Wbudowaną obsługę MFA oraz integrację z NetIQ Advanced Authentication, • Łatwe dostosowanie SSPR do procesów zarządzania polityką haseł w przedsiębiorstwie, • Korzystanie z interfejsów REST API w celu integracji SSPR z systemami obsługi zgłoszeń, takimi jak Micro Focus SMAX i ServiceNow, aby zautomatyzować i uprościć przepływy pracy związane ze zmianą hasła, • Możliwości personalizacji wyglądu i sposobu działania SSPR pod kątem marki organizacji (układ, kolory, czcionki, obrazy itp.), • W przypadku wycieków haseł, wykorzystanie SSPR do przejrzenia naruszonej bazy danych haseł i umożliwienia użytkownikom ustawienia tylko takiego hasła, które nie znajduje się w tej bazie. Spotkanie w całości będzie prowadzone w jęz. polskim.
12 top enterprise risk management trends in 2023
By: TechTarget
Type: eGuide
Enterprise risk management has taken center stage as organizations grapple with the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the threat of a recession and the rapid pace of change. Here are 12 security and risk management trends that are reshaping the risk landscape and influencing business continuity planning.
A Discussion on Mitigating Risk from Insider Threats
Type: Talk
At present, Insider threat issues are a significant risk to organizations. In this talk, I will cover the methods of educating employees on mitigating risks from insider threats. Key Take-Away: • Insider Threat and Types? • Indicators of Insider Threats • Mitigation Techniques to prevent Insider Threats
A Discussion on Mitigating Risk from Insider Threats
Type: Replay
At present, Insider threat issues are a significant risk to organizations. In this talk, I will cover the methods of educating employees on mitigating risks from insider threats. Key Take-Away: • Insider Threat and Types? • Indicators of Insider Threats • Mitigation Techniques to prevent Insider Threats
How you can uncover nivisible threats with user behavioral analytics
By: Lumen
Type: White Paper
Insider threats, whether malicious or accidental, exploit authorized access to steal data or cause disruption. User Entity and Behavioral Analytics (UEBA) uses machine learning to detect anomalies and identify potential security threats before they escalate. Learn how UEBA can neutralize the "Dark Passenger" - read the full white paper.
Insider Threats: The Dangers Within
Type: Replay
Whether accidentally or deliberately, employees can put organisations at significant risk of a cyber attack. The task of defending against such threats is difficult because insider threats are often difficult to detect. The pandemic and the shift to remote working have contributed to the growing rate of insider threats in recent years and will continue to be an ongoing challenge for organisations. Our upcoming webcast ‘Insider Threats: The Dangers Within’ explores the types of insider threats that can impact your organisation and how to protect against risky employee behaviors from the careless to the malicious. This 45-minute webinar will discuss: • Internal threats versus external threats • Types of insider threats and their motivating factors • The risks that insiders pose • How to protect your organisation by detecting, deterring, and disrupting insider threats
Cyber attackers hidden in plain sight
Type: Talk
In recent times, dealing with insider threats has become one of the critical aspects of protecting IT assets of any organization. Traditional security measures tend to focus on external threats and are not necessarily capable of identifying an internal threat. As a result, when it comes to data breaches, around 50% of them have been, directly or indirectly, caused by insiders! In fact, it would not be an overstatement to claim that insider threats are bigger danger to organizational security than any external threats. Insiders have legitimate access to the company’s network and sensitive data, so it is difficult to identify intent behind accessing that sensitive information. This makes it easy, for an Insider to leak the data, either with malicious intent or just by carelessness. In this session, we will cover: - What is Insider Threat? - Types of Insider Threats. - Insider Threat examples. - How to protect against an Insider Attack Presenters: Sandeep Pimpale, Technical Architect, Quick Heal Technologies Ltd. Himanshu Dubey, Sr. Director, Engineering, Quick Heal Technologies Ltd.
Insights from Pfizer for Insider Threat Awareness Month
Type: Video
Remote work, data growth, and employee turnover are creating risks of data loss and insider threats. In fact, according to the 2022 Ponemon Cost of Insider Threat Report, insider-led incidents have increased 44% over the past two years, making it imperative for organizations to be aware of the potential for insider threats. Pfizer, one of the largest global pharmaceutical and biotech companies, has been at the forefront of COVID vaccine development. Like any organization, Pfizer is not immune to insider threats and must protect its intellectual property from careless, malicious, or compromised users. This Insider Threat Awareness Month, join us for a 30-minute webinar for insights and practical advice from Joe Sebastiani, Senior Manager, Insider Threat Program at Pfizer. Joe will share his perspective on: - Approaches to insider threat management and its role in the broader security team - The most important capabilities in an insider threat management solution - Balancing user productivity and security - Lessons learned and advice for organizations starting their ITM journey
How to Navigate Insider Risk: Top Tips from Gartner's Market Guide
Type: Talk
Insider threats may initially appear to be just like any other threat, but the big difference is that insiders are in a position of trust. So how do you deal with these malicious or accidental threats that come from people within the organisation? Watch Proofpoint’s experts Brian Reed, Cybersecurity Evangelist and Rob Bolton, Sr Director Intl, as they discuss the top tips from Gartner’s new report on Market Guide for Insider Risk Management Solutions. You will learn: - The “Rule of Three” for insider threats (including threat types, threat activities, and mitigation goals) - How to employ an insider threat mitigation program comprising people, processes, and technology - Considerations when purchasing insider risk management technology Discover what you need to know about insider threats, how to protect your organisation and navigate these risks.
Manage Insider Threats with a People-Centric Approach
Type: Talk
Insider threats continue to be a significant cybersecurity threat within organizations, although often overlooked. In fact, in the past two years, insider threat incidents increased by 44%, and the annual cost of those threats increased from $11.45 million to $15.38 million. Insider threat risks are clearly an area that organizations need to address. Join our webinar to learn about the benefits of a modern, people-centric approach to insider threats and data loss. Hear insights from the Ponemon 2022 Cost of Insider Threats Report and understand what the data means for your organization. You will learn: • How to recognize the three insider threat profiles and why they are trending up • The importance of context to understand people risk • Real-world examples of insider threat scenarios and their implications • How to build an ITM program tailored to business outcomes
Manage Insider Threats with a People-Centric Approach
Type: Talk
Insider threats continue to be a significant cybersecurity threat within organizations, although often overlooked. In fact, in the past two years, insider threat incidents increased by 44%, and the annual cost of those threats increased from $11.45 million to $15.38 million. Insider threat risks are clearly an area that organizations need to address. Join our webinar to learn about the benefits of a modern, people-centric approach to insider threats and data loss. Hear insights from the Ponemon 2022 Cost of Insider Threats Report and understand what the data means for your organization. You will learn: • How to recognize the three insider threat profiles and why they are trending up • The importance of context to understand people risk • Real-world examples of insider threat scenarios and their implications • How to build an ITM program tailored to business outcomes
2023 Insider Threat Report: Presenting the Survey Results
Type: Talk
The 2023 Insider Threat Report, produced by Cybersecurity Insiders, surveyed hundreds of cybersecurity professionals to reveal the latest trends and challenges facing organizations in today's everchanging threat landscape. The report explores how IT and cybersecurity professionals adapt to better deal with risky insiders and how organizations are preparing to better protect their critical data and IT infrastructure. Key findings include: • 99% of organizations are vulnerable to insider threats • 74% of organizations say insider attacks have become more frequent • More than half of organizations have experienced an insider threat in the last year, and 8% have experienced more than 20 • 53% say detecting insider attacks is harder in the cloud Join us as we present the 2023 Insider Threat Report survey results. Viewers will gain a better understanding of the current state of cybersecurity and how organizations can better respond to the evolving insider risks in the cloud.
Cyberthreat Game Changer: A New Look at Insider Threats
Type: Talk
With the massive shift to remote working in 2020, organisations are racing to rethink their security programs to both guard against external attacks and manage insider risk. Many organisations treat these two issues as equal, when the people-centric nature of insider threats requires an entirely different approach. Modern approaches to insider threat management must account for accidental, compromised and malicious insiders. These trusted insiders can be employees, partners or third-party contractors. A critical challenge is building practical, technology enabled insider threat management programs that account for these different insider threat types, while protecting against potential data and intellectual property loss. Join Proofpoint and (ISC)2 on February 23, 2021 at 13.00 GMT for a live discussion about insider threat management and how best to mitigate insider risk. Rob Bolton, Sr Director at Proofpoint Information Protection and Brandon Dunlap will be discussing: · The unique risks of insider threats and how to protect against data loss · Practical tips inspired by real-world breaches · How to take a people-centric approach to strengthen resilience and reduce insider risk
Cyberthreat Game Changer: A New Look at Insider Threats
Type: Talk
With the massive shift to remote working in 2020, organisations are racing to rethink their security programs to both guard against external attacks and manage insider risk. Many organisations treat these two issues as equal, when the people-centric nature of insider threats requires an entirely different approach. Modern approaches to insider threat management must account for accidental, compromised and malicious insiders. These trusted insiders can be employees, partners or third-party contractors. A critical challenge is building practical, technology enabled insider threat management programs that account for these different insider threat types, while protecting against potential data and intellectual property loss. Join Proofpoint and (ISC)2 on February 23, 2021 at 13.00 GMT for a live discussion about insider threat management and how best to mitigate insider risk. Rob Bolton, Sr Director at Proofpoint Information Protection and Brandon Dunlap will be discussing: · The unique risks of insider threats and how to protect against data loss · Practical tips inspired by real-world breaches · How to take a people-centric approach to strengthen resilience and reduce insider risk
Insider Threats Are On the Rise: Insights from The Ponemon Report 2022
Type: Replay
Insider threats continue to be a significant — yet frequently overlooked — cybersecurity threat within organisations. In fact, in the past two years, insider threat incidents increased by 44%, and the annual cost of those threats increased from $11.45 million to $15.38 million.1 Insider threat risks are clearly an area that organisations cannot afford to ignore. So how can you enhance your cybersecurity measures to protect both users and the organisation as a whole. Join our Proofpoint cybersecurity experts in this live webinar as they review the results of the new 2022 Cost of Insider Threats Global Report and get insights into what the data means for your organisation. You will learn: • How to recognise the three insider threat profiles, and why they’re trending up • The impact of the increase in the number of days required to contain an insider threat incident • Which industries are being targeted the most (and why) • How organisations can potentially save millions by implementing a dedicated, people-centric Insider Threat Management program
Insider Threats Are On the Rise: Insights from The Ponemon Report 2022
Type: Replay
Insider threats continue to be a significant — yet frequently overlooked — cybersecurity threat within organisations. In fact, in the past two years, insider threat incidents increased by 44%, and the annual cost of those threats increased from $11.45 million to $15.38 million.1 Insider threat risks are clearly an area that organisations cannot afford to ignore. So how can you enhance your cybersecurity measures to protect both users and the organisation as a whole. Join our Proofpoint cybersecurity experts in this live webinar as they review the results of the new 2022 Cost of Insider Threats Global Report and get insights into what the data means for your organisation. You will learn: • How to recognise the three insider threat profiles, and why they’re trending up • The impact of the increase in the number of days required to contain an insider threat incident • Which industries are being targeted the most (and why) • How organisations can potentially save millions by implementing a dedicated, people-centric Insider Threat Management program
Insider Threats Are On the Rise: Insights from The Ponemon Report 2022
Type: Replay
Insider threats continue to be a significant — yet frequently overlooked — cybersecurity threat within organisations. In fact, in the past two years, insider threat incidents increased by 44%, and the annual cost of those threats increased from $11.45 million to $15.38 million.1 Insider threat risks are clearly an area that organisations cannot afford to ignore. So how can you enhance your cybersecurity measures to protect both users and the organisation as a whole. Join our Proofpoint cybersecurity experts in this live webinar as they review the results of the new 2022 Cost of Insider Threats Global Report and get insights into what the data means for your organisation. You will learn: • How to recognise the three insider threat profiles, and why they’re trending up • The impact of the increase in the number of days required to contain an insider threat incident • Which industries are being targeted the most (and why) • How organisations can potentially save millions by implementing a dedicated, people-centric Insider Threat Management program
The 10 Biggest & Boldest Insider Threat Incidents of 2021
Type: Talk
Over the last two years alone, insider security incidents have jumped 47%, with the average cost per incident up 31%. That risk is only increasing in an era of remote working and distributed teams. Today, anyone with insider access—outside contractors, consultants and vendors—can pose an insider threat. Many organisations are learning that the hard way. Join us for this 30-minute webinar to explore some of the biggest insider attacks of 2021 – and what you can do to avoid similar threats. You’ll learn: - The unexpected ways insiders can steal money, disrupt business and tarnish your brand - How third-party vendors can pose as big of an insider threat as your employees - Tricks that outside attackers use to gain insider access - Tips for managing insider threats and risks in your organisation
Live Demo Protect Your Data. Reduce Insider Threat Risk.
Type: Talk
Insider threats are quickly becoming one of the biggest cybersecurity threats that organizations face today. According to the 2020 DBIR Report, 30% of all data breaches breaches originated with insiders in the past year. Insider threats are so common because anyone with legitimate, trusted access to an organization’s systems and data – whether it’s careless users, disgruntled employees or compromised accounts – can become an insider threat. Join Damian Skeeles and Shlomi Shaki from Proofpoint Insider Threat Management to discover how easy it can be to protect your data and reduce the risk of insider threats. In this webinar you will learn: • How to better understand and respond to insider-caused data breaches • What it takes to effectively prevent data loss in the modern enterprise • Methodologies to reduce investigation times by 60-90%
Improving Contextual Analysis for Protecting Organizations from Insider Threats
Type: Replay
As insider threats have started to escalate in recent years, it is even more important to build and implement a successful insider threat program. However, to do this effectively requires a multi-disciplinary approach with a higher level of contextual analysis that is difficult to achieve today based on current solutions. Credential-based external attacks are also making it even more difficult for security teams to distinguish malicious insiders from external threat actors. Fundamentally, we must change how we look at insider risk and associated threats and implement new strategies to work cross-functionally to protect the organization from both insider and external threats. In this session we will show you what is required to implement a new or improve an existing insider threat program. In addition, we will help you understand what sort of information and context you will need to better identify risks and accelerate the detection of insider threats before damage is done to your organization.
The Rising Risk of Insider Threats: Strategies for Cyber Defense
Type: Video
Insider threats continue to rise, with the increased adoption of cloud services and remote work making it easier for insiders to access sensitive data. Traditional security controls are proving to be insufficient to stop this escalating threat. Watch this on-demand webinar with cybersecurity experts to learn more about: *How have insider threats evolved? *What makes the detection of insider threats challenging? *Countermeasures for defending against this stealthy threat
April 2020 Summit #1: Why Insider Threats Should be on your Radar Now
Type: Video
A Fishtech Group subsidiary, Haystax, in cooperation with Cybersecurity Insiders recently released the “2019 Insider Threat Report” claiming “70% of the organizations surveyed think insider attacks have become more frequent in the past 12 months.” Ostensibly, the threat of insider attacks is growing, and it’s critical that we understand where we are and where we’re going in terms of insider threats. In this presentation, we’ll examine the current insider threat landscape and how top companies are using different security tools and strategies to weed through the complexity and mitigate risk to their organizations.
10 Biggest and Boldest Insider Threat Incidents of 2021 (So Far!)
Type: Replay
Over the last two years alone, insider security incidents have jumped 47%, with the average cost per incident up 31%. That risk is only increasing in an era of remote working and distributed teams. Today, anyone with insider access—outside contractors, consultants and vendors—can pose an insider threat. Many organisations are learning that the hard way. Join us for this lively discussion with Proofpoint Cybersecurity Experts, who will explore some of the biggest insider attacks of 2021 – and what you can do to avoid similar threats. You’ll learn: • The unexpected ways insiders can steal money, disrupt business and tarnish your brand • How third-party vendors can pose as big of an insider threat as your employees • Tricks that outside attackers use to gain insider access • Tips for managing insider threats and risks in your organisation
Reducing the $11.45 M Cost of Insider Threats: It’s Payback Time
Type: Video
Most organizations understand the challenge of external cyber attacks. But many of today’s biggest threats come from within. Whether it’s careless users, disgruntled employees or compromised accounts, the cost of insider threats has increased 31% over the last two years, to an average annual rate of $11.45M and it's on the rise. Could organisations reduce these costs, while achieving positive ROI? According to new research from Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), with a purpose-insider solution that protects your organisation from insider risk, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” In the case of insider threats, security doesn’t need to be a cost centre. In fact, insider threat management (ITM) technology can pay for itself in only 5 months. Join our industry experts in this webinar and we will show you how you can break down the cost of insider threats, reduce operational expenditure by 56% – and better protect your organisation from insider risk. You will learn how to: Increase productivity and improved regulatory compliance Improve security effectiveness and reduce insider risk Reduce insider threat costs by up to 56%
Insider Risk in Financial Services: The $14.5 Million Problem
Type: Talk
Financial services companies face some of the worst outcomes from Insider Threats. A recent benchmark study found that the Financial services sector experienced the highest average yearly cost. Containing insider threats costs the industry $14.5 million annually. That is a 20.3% increase from 2018. Insider incidents at financial services companies can lead to: fraud, financial losses, data leaks, regulatory fines and more. The root cause may be a sloppy user or third-party contractor, an angry employee or a stolen login. No matter the cause, companies need visibility into insider threats. People-centric security helps financial companies better manage risk. Join our Insider threat experts and your industry peers in this Live Talk where we’ll explore the unique risks of insider threats and how to combat them. In this session, we’ll specifically dive in to: - The three main insider threat profiles and how to address each. - Why insider threats are unique and require more context than other threats. - How to reduce response time and costs by speeding up investigations. Register today to learn more about how insider-led breaches affect financial services and how to mitigate the risk.
Insider Risk in Financial Services: The $14.5 Million Problem
Type: Replay
Financial services companies face some of the worst outcomes from Insider Threats. A recent benchmark study found that the Financial services sector experienced the highest average yearly cost. Containing insider threats costs the industry $14.5 million annually. That is a 20.3% increase from 2018. Insider incidents at financial services companies can lead to: fraud, financial losses, data leaks, regulatory fines and more. The root cause may be a sloppy user or third-party contractor, an angry employee or a stolen login. No matter the cause, companies need visibility into insider threats. People-centric security helps financial companies better manage risk. Join our Insider threat experts and your industry peers in this Live Talk where we’ll explore the unique risks of insider threats and how to combat them. In this session, we’ll specifically dive in to: - The three main insider threat profiles and how to address each. - Why insider threats are unique and require more context than other threats. - How to reduce response time and costs by speeding up investigations. Register today to learn more about how insider-led breaches affect financial services and how to mitigate the risk.
5 Steps to Building A People-Centric Insider Threat Program - APAC
Type: Talk
Most organizations understand the challenge of external cyber-attacks. But many of today’s biggest threats come from within. According to a recent study from Ponemon Institute, insider threats of all types have risen 45% in just two years, racking up a 31% increase in average costs over the same time period. Whether it’s careless users, disgruntled employees or compromised accounts - the cost of insider threats is on the rise. Addressing this type of threat requires a completely different approach to cybersecurity. After all, traditional security solutions are not designed to stop legitimate users accessing systems within the enterprise – or manage the significant risks. To address this challenge head-on, organizations need to develop an insider threat program, which can provide visibility into insider-led data breaches and streamline response and investigation, while balancing the protection of corporate assets with employee privacy. Join this webinar to learn the top five steps for building and maintaining a people-centric insider threat program, with best practices and real-life examples that you can use, including: - What kinds of Insider Threats cost organizations the most? - How to determine if your organization is doing enough to address insider threats - Five elements to building an effective insider threat program - Designing an insider threat management strategy as a combination of people, processes and technology – in that order!
5 Steps to Building A People-Centric Insider Threat Program
Type: Talk
Most organizations understand the challenge of external cyber-attacks. But many of today’s biggest threats come from within. According to a recent study from Ponemon Institute, insider threats of all types have risen 45% in just two years, racking up a 31% increase in average costs over the same time period. Whether it’s careless users, disgruntled employees or compromised accounts - the cost of insider threats is on the rise. Addressing this type of threat requires a completely different approach to cybersecurity. After all, traditional security solutions are not designed to stop legitimate users accessing systems within the enterprise – or manage the significant risks. To address this challenge head-on, organizations need to develop an insider threat program, which can provide visibility into insider-led data breaches and streamline response and investigation, while balancing the protection of corporate assets with employee privacy. Join this webinar to learn the top five steps for building and maintaining a people-centric insider threat program, with best practices and real-life examples that you can use, including: •What kinds of Insider Threats cost organizations the most? •How to determine if your organization is doing enough to address insider threats •Five elements to building an effective insider threat program •Designing an insider threat management strategy as a combination of people, processes and technology – in that order!
Biggest and Boldest Insider Threat Incidents of 2021
Type: Video
Over the last two years, insider security incidents and the average cost per incident have jumped up significantly. That risk will continue to increase in an era of remote working and distributed teams. Today, anyone with insider access—outside contractors, consultants and vendors—can pose as a threat. So how can you stop these incidents and better protect your company? Join us for this 30-minute webinar to explore some of the biggest insider attacks of 2021 – and what you can do to avoid similar threats. You’ll learn: - The unexpected ways insiders can steal money, disrupt business and tarnish your brand - How third-party vendors can pose as big of an insider threat as your employees - Tricks that outside attackers use to gain insider access - Tips for managing insider threats and risks in your organization
Lessons Learned from Operational Insider Threat Programs
Type: Talk
Join Gurucul’s customer for a discussion on lessons learned operationalizing Insider Threat Programs. With proven strategies and tactics, organizations can get to the point where they are able to remediate insider threats in real-time or at least before data is exfiltrated. Insider threats are a serious concern, and they are on the rise. What's new are the threat vectors that have presented themselves in recent months. Work from home employees, staff reduction, reduced hours, or furloughed insiders; the unfortunate reality is that insider risk is certainly on the rise. The expansion of work from home policies means more employees accessing corporate networks and data over public networks using personal devices. Every organization needs to update its Insider Threat Program or at minimum, implement basic monitoring controls.
Insider Risk and Supply Chain Threats for Financial Services
Type: Talk
The risks associated with insider threats grow with the more blatant recruitment of insiders via threat actor groups like Lapsus$, nation state recruitment efforts, the “Great Resignation” changing employee behaviors and the software supply chain extended to partners, third-party contractors, and consultants. Credential-based external attacks are also making it even more difficult for security teams to distinguish malicious insiders from external threat actors. Fundamentally, we must change how we look at insider risk and associated threats and implement new strategies to work cross-functionally to protect the organization from both insider and external threats.
Reducing the $11.45M Cost of Insider Threats - It’s Payback Time
Type: Video
The cost of insider threats has increased 31% over the last two years, to a whopping average annual rate of $11.45 million. Could organizations reduce these costs, while achieving positive ROI? According to new research from Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), the answer is a resounding “Yes!” In the case of insider threats, security doesn’t need to be a cost center. In fact, insider threat management (ITM) technology can pay for itself in only 5 months. Join our industry experts as they show you how to break down the cost of insider threats, reduce operational expenditure by 56% (or $400,000 per month*), and better protect your organization from insider risk. You will learn how to: - Reduce insider threat costs by up to 56% - Increase productivity and improved regulatory compliance - Improve security effectiveness and reduce insider risk
5 steps to Insider Threat Management
Type: Video
Most organizations understand the challenge of external cyber-attacks. But many of today’s biggest threats come from within. According to a recent study from Ponemon Institute, insider threats of all types have risen 45% in just two years, racking up a 31% increase in average costs over the same time period. Whether it’s careless users, disgruntled employees or compromised accounts - the cost of insider threats is on the rise. Addressing this type of threat requires a completely different approach to cybersecurity. After all, traditional security solutions are not designed to stop legitimate users accessing systems within the enterprise – or manage the significant risks. To address this challenge head-on, organizations need to develop an insider threat program, which can provide visibility into insider-led data breaches and streamline response and investigation, while balancing the protection of corporate assets with employee privacy. Join this webinar to learn the top five steps for building and maintaining a people-centric insider threat program, with best practices and real-life examples that you can use, including: What kinds of Insider Threats cost organizations the most?How to determine if your organization is doing enough to address insider threatsFive elements to building an effective insider threat programDesigning an insider threat management strategy as a combination of people, processes and technology – in that order!
10 Biggest and Boldest Threats of 2020 – 2021 (so far!)
Type: Talk
Over the last two years alone, insider security incidents have jumped 47%, with the average cost per incident up 31%. That risk is only increasing in an era of remote working and distributed teams. Today, anyone with insider access—outside contractors, consultants and vendors—can pose an insider threat. Many organisations are learning that the hard way. Join us for this webinar to explore some of the biggest insider attacks of 2021 – and what you can do to avoid similar threats. You’ll learn: •The unexpected ways insiders can steal money, disrupt business and tarnish your brand •How third-party vendors can pose as big of an insider threat as your employees •Tricks that outside attackers use to gain insider access •Tips for managing insider threats and risks in your organisation Presenter: Steve Moros, Senior Director of Threat Detection, APJ, Proofpoint Presenter: Yvette Lejins, Resident CISO, APAC, Proofpoint Moderator: Anthony Lim, CSSLP, Advocate, (ISC)² Singapore Chapter
Mitigate Risk from Insider Threats: Insights & Advice
Type: Video
Featuring Forrester Research Insider threats are a top concern for CISOs. Remote work, cloud adoption, and employee turnover have created a perfect storm for organizations trying to protect their most strategic and sensitive data. Understanding the best response to careless, malicious, and compromised users is imperative to managing insider threats and helping your organization minimize brand and financial damage. During National Insider Threat Awareness Month, join our special one-hour webinar with guest speaker, Forrester Research’s Joseph Blankenship, VP and Research Director for Security & Risk, to learn: - How the current macroeconomic environment is impacting insider threats and what it means going forward - How employee turnover – often dubbed the Great Resignation or Great Reshuffle – increases the risk of insider threats - Practical advice and lessons learned from real-world examples of insider threats - How to take a proactive, context-driven approach to managing insider threats
Approaches to Managing Insider Risk in a Work-from-Anywhere World
Type: Talk
With the massive shift to remote working in 2020, organizations are racing to rethink their security programs to both guard from external attacks as well as manage risk from insiders. Modern approaches to insider threat management must incorporate investments in People, Process, and Technology. This means formalized insider threat management programs; it means investment in insider threat management technologies; and it means building resilience into the fabric of your organization with training. Join Proofpoint and (ISC)2 on February 23, 2021 at 1:00pm Eastern as we kick off the new year with a discussion about security awareness, education and insider threat management and how best to defend your organization and arm your users to mitigate an insider incident.
Approaches to Managing Insider Risk in a Work-from-Anywhere World
Type: Talk
With the massive shift to remote working in 2020, organizations are racing to rethink their security programs to both guard from external attacks as well as manage risk from insiders. Modern approaches to insider threat management must incorporate investments in People, Process, and Technology. This means formalized insider threat management programs; it means investment in insider threat management technologies; and it means building resilience into the fabric of your organization with training. Join Proofpoint and (ISC)2 on February 23, 2021 at 1:00pm Eastern as we kick off the new year with a discussion about security awareness, education and insider threat management and how best to defend your organization and arm your users to mitigate an insider incident.
The Risk of Insider Threats is Real - here's what you need to know
Type: Replay
Insider threats have been recognised as a growing risk over the years. The massive shift to remote working, combined with the accelerated digital transformation efforts, that lean on cloud-based applications, presents a very real challenge in effectively managing insider threats. Join us in a lively 60-minute session featuring Forrester Research where we will discuss real-world examples of insider threats – caused by negligent, malicious or compromised users – and explore how these threats have evolved in both causation and impact. In this session, you will learn: - What are the best practices to identify and address insider threats - Why contextual intelligence is important to establish intent - How key response strategies can reduce time and costs to mitigate risk - Why legacy security tools are unable to address insider threats Attendees will receive a copy of Forrester’s Best Practices Report on Mitigating Insider Threats.
Identifying and Avoiding Insider Threats in Today’s Remote Workforce Age
Type: Video
Today, Insider Threat poses an even greater risk to businesses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Forrester Research, Inc. reported that in 2020, a quarter of all security breaches were caused by an insider and estimates that in 2021, Insider Threats will account for 33% of security breaches. Watch this session with a panel of experts, including Bugcrowd’s Katie Paxton-Fear, who discuss: - Factors that contribute to this increase in Insider breaches - How remote work has impacted the malicious & non-malicious Insider Threats facing businesses - The implications on enterprises today.
Tackling Insider Threats in Financial Services
Type: Talk
Insider threats are the top concern of CISOs globally and across many industries. For Financial Services organizations, insider threats are particularly challenging due to large volumes of highly sensitive and regulated data, acceleration of shadow IT, and a hybrid workforce. These dynamics have increased the risks of data loss and financial and brand damage from careless, malicious, and compromised users. As a result, Financial Services has the highest annualized cost of insider threats at $21.3 million, more than any other industry.1 Join us for a discussion with John Checco, Proofpoint’s Resident CISO for Financial Services, and Stephanie Torto, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Proofpoint, to understand what makes Financial Services organizations prone to insider threats and what strategies organizations can take to mitigate risk. During the webinar, you will learn: • The three types of insider threats and why they are trending up in Financial Services • The importance of context to understand people risk • Real-world examples of insider threat use cases and their implications • How to take a proactive, context-driven approach to managing insider threats
Tackling Insider Threats in Financial Services
Type: Talk
Insider threats are the top concern of CISOs globally and across many industries. For Financial Services organizations, insider threats are particularly challenging due to large volumes of highly sensitive and regulated data, acceleration of shadow IT, and a hybrid workforce. These dynamics have increased the risks of data loss and financial and brand damage from careless, malicious, and compromised users. As a result, Financial Services has the highest annualized cost of insider threats at $21.3 million, more than any other industry.1 Join us for a discussion with John Checco, Proofpoint’s Resident CISO for Financial Services, and Stephanie Torto, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Proofpoint, to understand what makes Financial Services organizations prone to insider threats and what strategies organizations can take to mitigate risk. During the webinar, you will learn: • The three types of insider threats and why they are trending up in Financial Services • The importance of context to understand people risk • Real-world examples of insider threat use cases and their implications • How to take a proactive, context-driven approach to managing insider threats
Inside Job: Unmasking and Mitigating Insider Threats
Type: Video
Insider threats pose a growing risk to organizations, often bypassing traditional security measures. In this webinar, Inside Job: Unmasking and Mitigating Insider Threats, we explore the critical role of threat intelligence in identifying and neutralizing these internal risks. Learn how to spot early warning signs, implement effective monitoring strategies, and safeguard your sensitive data from insider attacks. Whether it’s malicious intent or accidental breaches, our experts will guide you through the best practices for mitigating insider threats and strengthening your overall security posture. Join us on October 17 at 11 AM ET to fortify your defenses.
Inside Job: Unmasking and Mitigating Insider Threats
Type: Replay
Insider threats pose a growing risk to organizations, often bypassing traditional security measures. In this webinar, Inside Job: Unmasking and Mitigating Insider Threats, we explore the critical role of threat intelligence in identifying and neutralizing these internal risks. Learn how to spot early warning signs, implement effective monitoring strategies, and safeguard your sensitive data from insider attacks. Whether it’s malicious intent or accidental breaches, our experts will guide you through the best practices for mitigating insider threats and strengthening your overall security posture. Join us on January 23 at 11 AM ET to fortify your defenses.