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Seven Steps to Ease the Pain of Managing a SOC

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How SOAR is Transforming Threat Intelligence

Today’s security teams still rely on siloed threat intelligence platforms (TIPs) to provide visibility into external threats, but teams still struggle to take automated actions on relevant indicators across disjointed threat feeds.

How can SOCs use security, orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) with TIP to maximize threat intelligence management?

Access this white paper to learn how the Cortex XSOAR platform, with native Threat Intel Management, is designed to:

  • Eliminate manual tasks
  • Reveal critical threats
  • Take automated action
  • And more

These are also closely related to: "Seven Steps to Ease the Pain of Managing a SOC"

  • Making Threat Intelligence Actionable with SOAR

    Security teams around the world are still relying on siloed threat intelligence management programs to give them visibility into external threats.

    In theory, this makes sense.

    Faced with more and more automated threats, though, stand-alone threat intelligence has failed to deliver on its promise. Teams struggle to take timely actions on relevant indicators across disjointed threat feeds without an integrated, automated solution.

    Industry analysts have recognized this issue, offering guidance that security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) and threat intelligence management need to converge by aggregating intelligence sources with both the real-world context and the automation that security teams need to take quick, confident action.

    It’s time for a different approach. It’s time for an extended SOAR platform.

    Check out this white paper and see how you can get:

    • Complete control: Incorporate any business logic into collection, scoring and integration with security devices
    • Real-time response: React to new indicators of compromise as they appear
    • Out-of-the-box integrations: Defend your network with pre-built integrations instead of wasting time building them

    Your journey to a far more efficient SOC begins here.

  • 12 security orchestration use cases

    Security orchestration is a method of connecting disparate security tools, teams, and infrastructures for seamless and process-based security operations and incident response.

    Security orchestration acts as a powerful enabler for security automation since well-connected security systems are more receptive to automation and scale. This white paper outlines this and 11 other security orchestration use cases, including:

    • Phishing enrichment and response
    • Endpoint malware infection
    • SSL certificate management
    • Rapid IoC hunting
    • And more

    Read on to learn how security orchestration capabilities can help simplify, automate and improve efficiencies of incident response and security operations.

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