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5 Traits of an Intelligence-Driven Security Operation Center

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Security leader’s guide to the state of SOC

As organizations expand digitally and accrue astronomical quantities of data, the role of security operations centers (SOCs) becomes increasingly difficult.

The modern SOC needs to evolve to meet shifting demands.

In this 22-page guide to the state of SOC, a team of 5 experts from Google and Deloitte & Touche LLP come together to explore strategies for how organizations can take their SOC to the next level.

Read the e-book now to learn more.

These are also closely related to: "5 Traits of an Intelligence-Driven Security Operation Center"

  • Top SOC trends to keep in mind for 2024

    The SANS Institute recently surveyed over 600 security operations center (SOC) professionals to understand the challenges they have faced in the last year, from a lack of context of the systems that are being protected to hiring and retaining staff, and how the current landscape is shaping their strategies for 2024.

    In this research report, you’ll discover expert insights into trends including:

    • SOC architecture
    • SOC staffing
    • Metrics and KPIs for tracking performance
    • And more

    Read on to learn how modern SOCs are adapting to overcome the latest security challenges.

  • Infographic: 6 components of a reimagined SOC

    To keep up with expanding attack surfaces, many organizations have decided to reimagine their security operations centers (SOCs).

    But what does reimagining the SOC look like? This infographic breaks down 6 components of a modern SOC, including machine-driven security.

    To discover the rest – and to unlock insights from Founder and CTO at Palo Alto Networks, Nir Zuk – tap into the infographic.

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  • Improve security operations with AI-driven automation

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  • Modernizing SOC: Catalysts and Strategies

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  • How to improve your SOC efficiency

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  • An XDR Primer: The Promise of Simplifying Security Operations

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  • Scale Your SOC with Cortex Xpanse and Cortex XSOAR Government

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  • Enterprise Strategy Group report on Fortinet solutions

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  • Securing international travel with DFAT and Verizon's partnership

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  • Why Global Fintech Leaders Are Taking Advantage of Secure Hybrid Cloud Solutions

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  • 2022 Unit 42 Incident Response Report Webinar

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  • Modernizing security ops: skill gaps & new threats

    Comprehensive report on automating security to tackle complex threats. Highlights Fortinet's automated solutions and urges leaders to use AI, centralized platforms, and services to ease SOC team burdens. Advocates for adaptable automation to bridge capability gaps, enhance detection, quicken response, and prevent alert fatigue.


  • The Essential Guide to Security

    Download The Essential Guide to Security to discover new security use cases as well as how to implement Splunk’s security product suite for advanced security analytics, security automation and orchestration (SOAR), Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), MITRE ATT&CK, machine learning and more, all in one place to power your SOC.


  • 5 Ways to Experience XDR eBook

    Discover how an XDR approach brings data from multiple security tools, applies analytics to arrive at correlated detections, and enables remediation actions to mitigate threats effectively in any environment. Read the e-book to learn more.
