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The Definitive Email Cybersecurity Strategy Guide - Protect Your People From Email Attacks and Threats

Business email compromise (BEC), ransomware and supply chain threats continue to compromise organizations, despite their existing security solutions.

Attackers have evolved and so should your email threat protection approach. They now mix and match different tactics across an integrated attack chain to exploit their human targets. And traditional solutions that fight these threats with siloed tools aren’t enough to fight back and protect.

The Definitive Email Security Strategy Guide explores how you can break the attack chain and initial compromise by stopping advanced email attacks.

Download your free copy now to learn who is being targeted by email attacks like BEC, ransomware, supplier fraud and more.

These are also closely related to: "Trend Micro Hosted Email Security"

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    • While 73% use cloud email services, 11% lack substantial extra security.

    • A mere 30% have advanced email protection, and 37% use DMARC against spoofing.

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  • The state of email security

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    Download the report now and use the information to find the provider that’s right for your organization.

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