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Manufacturer Migrates and Modernizes Networks and Collaboration During Divestiture

When this manufacturing firm faced a short timeline to migrate data and network management during a divestiture, it turned to a strategic partner for support. In this client story, read how the organization avoided a $200k late fee with an on-time and under-budget solution to its network and data challenges.

These are also closely related to: "Consolidation through Virtualization"

  • Analyst Brief: SASE’s Key Business and IT Benefits

    Reducing the risk of cyberattacks: This is a top IT benefit and business benefit that secure access service edge (SASE) has delivered for organizations in APAC and Europe.

    Based off of findings from a SASE research project conducted in late 2022 and early 2023, this S&P Global Market Intelligence brief delves into:

    • Other benefits of SASE
    • The future of SASE
    • And more

    Review the brief to access these insights.

  • AWS migration success story

    Machine tool manufacturer Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH (SW) completed a mammoth migration project to AWS, enabling them to utilize optimized serverless apps and a seamless infrastructure as a service.

    SW’s Product Owner of Industrial Data Services had this to say about AllCloud’s skill as a migration partner:

    "The performance of AllCloud was top despite the high pressure. During the critical phase, the collaboration with them was very intense through dailies, spontaneous meetings and workshops. The project managers and architects did a very good job and were always available for us, even late at night."

    Explore the details of the case study.

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