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Counter-strategy: How to conquer APT-style attacks

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles…” Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War. The quote rings true in not only military campaigns, but also IT security.

In this e-guide learn one of the most nefarious tactics cybercriminals are deploying in today’s threat landscape: the Advanced Persistent Threat-style attack. 

These are also closely related to: "Application Discovery Tool"

  • Defining "evil maid" attacks, how to stop them

    An evil maid attack is when an attacker has physical access to a device such as a laptop. With direct access, what can be done to prevent data leakage?

    In this e-guide learn why the traditionally accepted full disk encryption (FDE) isn’t enough to protect enterprise data in case an attacker steals your device. 

  • Myth vs. reality: Persistent threats hijacking your internet connection

    A key part of launching a persistent attack is keeping it from being detected, and keeping the command-and-control operation functioning even after it has been detected.

    In this e-guide learn the benefits of basic cyberhygiene in combating persistent attacks and become more effective in protecting your enterprise’s data.

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  • Secure hybrid cloud with Zero Trust Hybrid VPCs

    Hybrid cloud security is challenging, with the average cost of a cyberattack exceeding $1M. Zentera's Zero Trust Hybrid VPCs simplify hybrid cloud security by decoupling connectivity and security from infrastructure. Learn how to secure remote access and enable cloud migration with this product overview.


  • Research: Key factors necessitating security and network transformation

    Businesses today must adapt to shifts in network usage and security challenges. This report explores priorities like improving customer experience and workflow automation, as well as challenges around customer insights and cybersecurity. Read the full report to learn how network and security convergence can help enterprises meet these demands.


  • Planning a SASE project? Get expert guidance

    This white paper provides a detailed game plan for developing a realistic project roadmap toward SASE adoption, including steps to build the right team, define objectives, gather requirements, plan a gradual deployment, and build the business case. Read the full white paper to learn how to plan your SASE project.


  • Veeam data platform & Sophos managed detect and response

    With Veeam’s and Sophos’ integration, anomalies in your backup environment automatically generate an alert to the Sophos MDR team. Together, Sophos and Veeam can help you remain secure and radically resilient - even as threats continue to rise. Read this e-book for more integration details.


  • AI-Powered Search: Maximising Knowledge Mobilisation

    Are you ready to revolutionise your AI implementation and digital transformation strategies? Join Coveo in our latest podcast with CCW Europe where you'll get an in-depth look at how Sophos, a global cybersecurity provider trusted by leading enterprises worldwide, uses Coveo to transform their customer experience securely. Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn: • The specific challenges Sophos were facing before bringing Coveo into the picture • How the Sophos team secured executive buy-in for investment in generative AI technology • The work Sophos is doing with data and content in the backend • Roadmaps for AI implementation • How to sidestep concerns around AI hallucinations • The changing dynamics within the general search landscape Featuring Sophos’ Director of Product Documentation and Digital Adoption, Remi Preghenella, and Coveo’s Northern Europe Sales Lead, Geoff Branch, this podcast offers valuable insights for decision-makers driving digital transformation.


  • Top 14 ransomware targets in 2023 and beyond

    According to a 2022 global survey, two in three organizations suffered a ransomware incident in the previous 12 months, up 78% over the previous year. In this article, we take a look at the 14 top ransomware targets by sector, based on the Sophos survey and other data.


  • Recreating the IT walk-in experience through Virtual Tech bars, with Sophos

    Do you have many people working in remote places where the IT walk-in experience is unavailable? Do some of you end-users feel like they are missing out on certain IT services that others are receiving? Sophos had this exact challenge. Specific end-users in remote locations, in countries where IT HQ was unavailable, were desperate to receive the walk-in experience for IT Incidents and Requests. After discovering this was a problem, Sophos worked on how to replicate this experience to all of their end-users - creating a Virtual Tech bar. Find out in this episode the challenges their end-users faced, the solution they implemented and how Sophos increased and maintained end-user Happiness.


  • Recreating the IT walk-in experience through Virtual Tech bars, with Sophos

    Do you have many people working in remote places where the IT walk-in experience is unavailable? Do some of you end-users feel like they are missing out on certain IT services that others are receiving? Sophos had this exact challenge. Specific end-users in remote locations, in countries where IT HQ was unavailable, were desperate to receive the walk-in experience for IT Incidents and Requests. After discovering this was a problem, Sophos worked on how to replicate this experience to all of their end-users - creating a Virtual Tech bar. Find out in this episode the challenges their end-users faced, the solution they implemented and how Sophos increased and maintained end-user Happiness.


  • Best Proactive Ransomware Defense and Orchestrated Recovery

    Ransomware has become the biggest risk to businesses of all size, with an attack estimated to occur every 11 seconds in 2021. It’s time to fight back! You need to arm your organization with a multi-layer protection approach to strengthen your overall data resilience. Join the experts from Arcserve and Sophos for an exclusive webcast to learn about effective ways to minimize your organization’s vulnerability to ransomware: - Proactive ransomware defense for your backup data combined with orchestrated recovery and immutable storage - How to recover data in the event of cyberattacks - How Arcserve & Sophos can give you peace of mind in the event of a ransomware attack so that you can recover and say "no" to ransom demands Arcserve Solutions, secured by Sophos, brings you integrated cybersecurity and data protection with immutable storage for on-premises, cloud, and SaaS-based data.


  • Secure Email Market Quadrant 2024 - Competitive Analysis

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  • Top 10 enterprise firewall providers: 27-criterion evaluation

    The Forrester Wave evaluates enterprise firewall solutions, identifying leaders, strong performers, and more. Key requirements include unified policy management, microsegmentation support, and AI-powered threat defense. Download the full report to assess the top vendors and find the right firewall for your organization.


  • Q&A Panel: How to Stay Cybersafe in 2020

    Cyberthreats morph rapidly as they try to stay ahead of our defenses; wearing new disguises and breaking down virtual barriers in unique ways. As such, the answer to, "How do I remain secure?" changes as quickly as the cyberthreats we face. Join us for an interactive Q&A Panel with experts Chris Chaves of Sophos, and Michelle Drolet and Arun Subramoniam of Towerwall. Engage in a discussion on staying safe in the evolving threat landscape. They'll provide the multi-layered answer to, "How do I stay cybersafe in 2020?", including: • What you can do today to remain secure • The types of threats Sophos Labs is seeing recently • What we know about COVID-19 scams • How to correct your security posture


  • Q&A Panel: How to Stay Cybersafe in 2020

    Cyberthreats morph rapidly as they try to stay ahead of our defenses; wearing new disguises and breaking down virtual barriers in unique ways. As such, the answer to, "How do I remain secure?" changes as quickly as the cyberthreats we face. Join us for an interactive Q&A Panel with experts Chris Chaves of Sophos, and Michelle Drolet and Arun Subramoniam of Towerwall. Engage in a discussion on staying safe in the evolving threat landscape. They'll provide the multi-layered answer to, "How do I stay cybersafe in 2020?", including: • What you can do today to remain secure • The types of threats Sophos Labs is seeing recently • What we know about COVID-19 scams • How to correct your security posture


  • #Infosec18 Video Interview: James Lyne & Thom Langford

    Editor and Publisher of Infosecurity Magazine, Eleanor Dallaway, sat down with James Lyne, Sophos and Thom Langford, Publicis Groupe at Infosecurity Europe 2018 to discuss the state of information security


  • Proactive Ransomware Defense and Orchestrated Recovery

    Ransomware has become the biggest risk to businesses of all sizes, with an attack estimated to occur every 11 seconds in 2021*. It’s time to fight back! You need to arm your organization with a multi-layer protection approach to strengthen your overall data resilience. Arcserve Solutions, secured by Sophos, brings you integrated cybersecurity and data protection with immutable storage for on-premises, cloud, and SaaS-based data. Register for this live webinar to hear and learn about effective ways to minimize your organization’s vulnerability to ransomware: Proactive ransomware defense for your backup data combined with orchestrated recovery and immutable storage How to recover data in the event of cyberattacks How Arcserve & Sophos can give you peace of mind in the event of a ransomware attack so that you can recover and say "no" to ransom demands If you'd like to reach out or discuss anything further with our speakers, feel free to reach out to Philip and/or Karl below: Philip Dimitriu | APJ Director Systems Engineering M +61 409 258 090 | Karl Thomson | Senior Sales Engineer Mobile: +6421354865 Karl Thomson


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  • Protection proactive des données contre ransomware et restauration orchestrée

    Avec une attaque toutes les 11 secondes en 2021*, les ransomwares continuent d'être une menace pour toutes les entreprises, malgré le déploiement de solutions de sécurité. Il est temps de réagir! Vous devez renforcer la résilience de toutes vos données en équipant votre société d'une protection muticouche. Rejoignez les spécialistes d'Arcserve et de Sophos lors d'un webcast exclusif et découvrez les méthodes efficaces pour réduire les vulnérabilités de votre organisation aux attaques par ransomware : - Défense proactive contre les attaques par ransomware, restauration orchestrée et stockage immuable, une combinaison gagnante pour assurer la securité de vos données - Restauration des données en cas de cyberattaques - Grâce à Arcserve et à Sophos, vous avez l'esprit tranquille en cas d'attaque par ransomware : vous allez pouvoir récupérer vos données et refuser toute demande de rançon Les solutions Arcserve, sécurisées par Sophos, vous proposent des fonctionnalités intégrées de cybersécurité et de protection des données SaaS, sur site et dans le cloud, grâce à un stockage immuable. * Cybersecurity Ventures :


  • An Interview with Sophos: Navigating Cloud Security

    Curious about how a leader in cybersecurity moves to the cloud? Join us for an exclusive interview with Ganesh Krishnan, VP of Engineering, and Guy Davies, Principal Cloud Architect at Sophos. We’ll discuss how to approach your transition to the cloud, cybersecurity fundamentals and how they need to be re-orientated to deal with cloud threats, and what they’ve learned after all these years of working with security and DevOps teams around the world.


  • Boost your remote access performance

    The COVID-19 pandemic led to the largest global work-at-home experiment in history. Unfortunately, home users often wrestle with the slow performance, latency and unreliability that come with backhauling remote connections to a data center. In this white paper, learn how 3 organizations were able to overcome these challenges with the help of Cato.


  • Best Practices zum Schutz vor Ransomware-Angriffen

    Ransomware hat sich zum größten Risiko für Unternehmen jeder Größe entwickelt. Schätzungen zufolge erfolgt 2021 alle 11 Sekunden ein Angriff.* Es ist an der Zeit, sich dagegen zur Wehr zu setzen! Rüsten Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit einem mehrschichtigen Schutzsystem aus, um die allgemeine Ausfallsicherheit Ihrer Daten zu stärken. Nehmen Sie an einem exklusiven Webcast mit Experten von Arcserve und Sophos teil und erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Anfälligkeit Ihres Unternehmens gegenüber Ransomware effektiv auf ein Mindestmaß reduzieren können: - Proaktive Ransomware-Abwehr für Ihre Backup-Daten kombiniert mit orchestrierter Wiederherstellung und unveränderbarer Speicherung - So stellen Sie im Falle von Cyberattacken Ihre Daten wieder her - Wie Arcserve & Sophos Ihnen im Falle eines Ransomware-Angriffs Sicherheit geben können, damit Sie sich erholen und Lösegeldforderungen ablehnen können * Cybersecurity Ventures:


  • The CEO's Take: Bridging the Cybersecurity Divide To Address Cyber Risk

    “150 companies account for 90% of the technology products and services across the global attack surface. 41% of those companies had evidence of at least one compromised device in the past year.” With organizations as interconnected as they are, even organizations who “have” good cybersecurity are only as good as their weakest link. Join Aleksandr Yampolskiy (SecurityScorecard) and Joe Levy (Sophos) for their take on: -- Shifts in the cybersecurity landscape (past, present, and future) -- Nth party risk and the importance of bridging the cybersecurity divide -- Digital detritus and bolstering cyber resilience within the ecosystem Save your seat today!


  • Demonstrating the value of marketing in tough times.

    In the middle of volatile market dynamics and downward budget pressures, the need to demonstrate the value of marketing becomes more important than ever. In this webinar, our panelists will explore how we prove the impact of marketing on revenue in tough times. This panel will also discuss how best to navigate the tension between brand and demand for short-term sales, and what can be done to remain innovative despite dwindling budgets. Speakers include: -Megan Cabrera, Vice-President Marketing Ops, Sophos -Jenna Beck, Industry Growth Marketing Executive, TCS -Amanda Thompson, Director of Marketing Segmentation, Pax8


  • Bolster signature-based malware detection with machine learning

    Discover how to enhance malicious code and behavior detection by combining signature-based detection with machine learning. Hear from experts Michael Cobb and Karen Scarfone about how to improve malware threat detection and 10 questions to ask endpoint security vendors.


  • Jargon Buster Guide to Unified Communications

    In this e-guide we will explore and define some of the key elements of a UC deployment and offer some insight into some of the emerging trends that are changing the way we communicate in our working lives.


  • The Uncomfortable Truth about Microsoft 365

    Is your Microsoft 365 data backed-up? Are you sure about that..? If these questions spark doubt in your mind then you already know that the answer is realistically - “No”. If you are confidently thinking “Yes”, but you have not recently checked the Microsoft 365 Service Level Agreement (SLA) or do not have your data pointing to a dedicated back-up service/solution then we’re afraid the answer is again, very probably, “No”. Join us our webcast where we will discuss the impact of the current Microsoft 365 SLA pertaining specifically to the significant gaps in data protection, back-up and recovery. Using genuine customer cases and the pitfalls they found themselves in, we will outline the points to be aware of and look at how adopting an Arcserve solution secured by Sophos can help you fill the void and provide peace of mind for you as it has them.


  • How to Achieve Effective Cloud Security

    Cloud security is on everyone’s mind, from CEOs and CISOs to admins and endusers. As a result, cloud security spend has increased exponentially in recent years, yet companies still struggle to effectively and efficiently secure their cloud environments. To solve this problem, companies must radically rethink the concept of cloud security by pivoting from the traditional security paradigm to embracing the cloud. They must leverage and practice good architecture to build environments where security is part of the very fabric of the solution. Join Jorn Lutters, Sophos Sr. Security Architect Lead, Public Cloud, for a deep dive into cloud security architecture best practices and how automation and integration can help you optimize the effectiveness of your cloud security spend.


  • Five ways SASE and SD-WAN can help improve compliance

    Security and compliance are top priorities for networking and security teams. With Zero Trust and SASE architectures, the network can become a security solution—improving connectivity experiences and compliance at the same time. Read this paper to learn how.


  • 7 steps to a solid cybersecurity plan

    This guide shows you seven elements of cyber security readiness critical for every organization. Expert Peter Sullivan outlines the most important components that your organization needs for a high degree of situational awareness into your network operations and utilization.


  • Insights on Application Security Testing from Gartner Peer Insights

    Application security testing tools help analyze apps for vulnerabilities. This Gartner Peer Insights report provides real-user ratings and insights to aid your buying decision. Read the full report for a comprehensive view of the application security testing market.


  • Royal Holloway: Purple team playbook – threat modeling for security testing

    The reality of information security is that it is impossible to completely ensure that an attacker cannot get into the corporate network. Instead, companies should look at how they prepare and react to security attacks by gaining an understanding of how cyber criminals work by combining the talents of red teams and blue teams


  • Focus: Network security

    During the course of 2016 we saw the clamour around network security – which was already very loud – reach fever pitch. From allegations of nation state-level interference in crucial elections, to massive botnet attacks that brought down critical online services for millions, network security dominated mainstream news cycles for weeks on end.


  • CW APAC, April 2022: Trend Watch: Cyber security

    In this handbook, Computer Weekly looks at how to minimise edge security risks, India's rise in cyber security revenues and Trellix's decision to democratise XDR access


  • How to get started with SASE

    Implementing a SASE architecture can help increase operational efficiency, create a more consistent UX and improve security. But it does require planning. In this infographic, we look at seven simple steps that can help any organization begin to develop a roadmap to tackle SASE.


  • Best practices for container security in the data center

    Containers present unique security challenges and data centers must learn and adapt to those challenges. Although containers might present certain unfamiliar security risks, data center admins who work with them can learn several effective ways to keep their container environments safe.


  • Sophos Ask Me Anything: Bug Bounties - on demand session

    Join Sophos CISO, Ross McKerchar, and Bugcrowd CEO, Dave Gerry, as they answer your questions on the evolution and significance of bug bounty programs. From defining bug bounties and exploring their key benefits to understanding the intricacies of running a successful program, this session offers a comprehensive look into how to leverage crowdsourced security solutions effectively. We’ll dive in to: -Getting started and growing your program: Gain practical insights into launching, expanding, and measuring the impact of bug bounty programs over time. -Collaboration between hackers and organizations: Discover the relationship between the hacking community and organizations -Real-world examples and success stories: Hear about successful bug bounty programs and gain actionable tips for optimizing your own program. -The future of crowdsourced security: Explore emerging trends and predictions for the future of bug bounty programs, including their role in mitigating ransomware threats.


  • How mobile and IoT connectivity is shaping the network of the future

    In this e-guide, read about the concept of autonomous self-driving networks, how the IoT connectivity wars are playing out and why Asia is set to dominate industry conversations on 5G.


  • False cents of security: The price of being compromised

    Trying to guard against everything from frequently phished users to applications with flimsy security, information security professionals are fending off these threats from all angles. Learn more in this infographic about the anatomy of data breach costs and where enterprises are most vulnerable.


  • The Fantastic Four: Metrics You Can’t Ignore When Reducing Application-Layer Ris

    You’re starting to get the hang of application security as an organization. But you have these nagging thoughts: Are my applications more or less secure than my peers’ apps? How can I convince my software suppliers to move faster? How can I demonstrate that our appsec program is making a difference?


  • Computer Weekly – 31 October 2017: IT rules the waves in the Volvo Ocean Race

    In this week's Computer Weekly, we go behind the scenes at the Volvo Ocean Race to see the technology supporting the yachts around the world. A security vulnerability puts every Wi-Fi network at risk of attack – we examine the problem. And we find out how the Mercedes F1 team used data analytics to win this year's championship. Read the issue now.


  • Endpoint and antimalware protection for small to large businesses

    Picking a security platform can be difficult. Inside this e-guide, expert Ed Tittel explores strategies and criteria to ensure you are picking the most successful security platform for your company.


  • Optimizing cloud application security through relevant ISO standards

    The concept of cloud applications have gone a long way from the days of peer to peer file sharing to modern enterprise solutions hosted in massive data centers. Nevertheless, there are areas in cloud applications, especially security, that can benefit from internationally recognized standards such as the ISO set of IT security standards. In this presentation, industry thought leader Ralph Villanueva will leverage his knowledge and experience in working with ISO standards to share some insights which can strengthen the audience’s cloud application security posture. Key takeaway: - Learn about ISO standards relevant to cloud application security. - Discuss pointers for implementing the relevant aspects of these standards. - Highlight ways to secure buy in from key stakeholders for implementation of these standards.


  • Making the case for cloud-based security

    Cloud-based security tools can hasten threat detection and response, but adoption will depend on where an enterprise is on the cloud readiness scale. Read more in this guide.


  • Making the case for cloud-based security

    Cloud-based security tools can hasten threat detection and response, but adoption will depend on where an enterprise is on the cloud readiness scale. Read more in this guide.


  • Royal Holloway: Security evaluation of network traffic mirroring in public cloud

    This article in our Royal Holloway security series examines network traffic mirroring, demonstrating how the technique is being implemented in public cloud and the challenges it faces due to the inherent characteristics of the public cloud – security challenges that, if not addressed, can be detrimental to the security posture of an enterprise.


  • 5 common SD-WAN challenges

    SD-WAN is a feature-rich technology with the ability to consolidate networking, security, reporting and management into one platform. But potential users should be aware of inherent SD-WAN challenges and deployment risk factors. In this infographic, we point out five challenges IT teams are facing when evaluating SD-WAN technologies and vendors.


  • Network security in the post-pandemic era

    In this e-guide, read more about the convergence of network management and security, and how network security will be impacted in the hybrid workplace, among other trends.


  • VeraTalk: Improve AppSec Outcomes With Contextual Data

    It’s not hard to set application security goals. What is hard is defining an appropriate level of risk and measuring your AppSec program’s efficacy against your investments and industry peers. In 15 focused minutes, learn how to apply data and analytics to make security a competitive advantage by: - Leveraging peer benchmarking to quantify strengths/weaknesses, define goals, and communicate to leadership - Tracking KPIs and performance over time - Measurably improving AppSec outcomes and preventing future risk


  • VeraTalk: Improve AppSec Outcomes With Contextual Data

    It’s not hard to set application security goals. What is hard is defining an appropriate level of risk and measuring your AppSec program’s efficacy against your investments and industry peers. In 15 focused minutes, learn how to apply data and analytics to make security a competitive advantage by: - Leveraging peer benchmarking to quantify strengths/weaknesses, define goals, and communicate to leadership - Tracking KPIs and performance over time - Measurably improving AppSec outcomes and preventing future risk


  • A Computer Weekly buyer's guide to perimeterless network security

    Perimeterless network security is expanding the horizons of businesses looking to protect their data. In this buyer's guide, we look at how a secure perimeterless digital workplace is best achieved, explore the previous barriers perimeterless security can overcome and assess how traditional network security can be banished to the past.


  • SD-WAN vs. SASE: What's the difference?

    SASE and SD-WAN both connect geographically separate endpoints to each other and an organization's network resources, but the methods in which they do so differ in various ways. In this infographic, we highlight five key differences between the SASE and SD-WAN that could help businesses choose the right technology for their needs.


  • April ezine: SD-WAN more than just networking

    An issue covering SD-WAN, storage innovations and opportunities for channel growth
