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Email security: Never more important

Email security remains as important as ever, with the majority of cyber-attacks, including ransomware attacks, still being launched through email using a combination of social engineering, phishing, malicious links and weaponised email attachments.

Email remains the easiest and most effective channel of attack with the number of emails being sent on a daily basis expected to surpass 293 billion by the end of 2019. Despite this, email is the weakest link in most organisations’ security strategies, with many failing to address vulnerabilities in popular email platforms such as Office 365.

With the reliance on email and associated threats likely to continue to grow, businesses need to address this threat with a combination of security awareness training and automated tools to reduce the likelihood of infection and speed up the detection of and response to email borne threats. Underlining the importance of email security, it is a core component of the UK National Cyber Security Centre’s Active Cyber Defence (ACD) initiative.

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